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Games You've Beat in 2013


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VC was actually fairly easy. I think I finished it within 2 weeks. Basically I had 2 weeks off and no internet and I was taking a break from work or something like that. I remember finishing it without any struggle though I hated the DLC missions. I was just disappointed that there were no trophies because I managed to keep everyone alive and it was a nice maxed out ending with high ranks.

I had a similar issue with Disgaea 3 where I didn't really feel rewarded for the time I put in.

Honestly this was a lot easier than some of the GBA and SNES fire emblems, in terms of keeping people alive. I loved the game at the time. These days it feels like a lifetime ago.


I didn't care much for the PSP title though.

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Far Cry 3


Maybe could have done a few more trophies, but I got some of the major ones and went past the "point of no return" to experience, well, what I thought was an obvious twist and ended up with a room full of dead guys after a knife fight. The helicopter bit was cool, except for when pirates would shoot off RPGs before I could even aim at them.


I type this as I'm letting the credits roll. I fear if I skip them, I might also miss something afterwards. Anyway, had some glitches, some missions were difficult only in a technical way, but I felt satisfied with how I always used a lot of the items at my disposal. Actually, mines sucked and I always had so much money because I mostly used free awesome weapons.


But the bow was really good thanks to the special arrows. Forget an RPG, just use explosive arrows. I tried to go for "Kill 50 enemies with flamethrower" but I must have come up a little short. I got to the point where I had enough experience, so I rushed the last five outposts... but I didn't want any reinforcements because you might get a helicopter and be out of projectile explosives. <_<

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Jetpack Joyride.


Well as much as you can "beat" the game; i.e completing all the missions the first time around. Playing it alongside Temple Run 2 really shows a vast difference in the two methods of making goals in the game. Jetpack is all like "high five 15 scientists in one run" and Temple Run 2 all "collect "1 million coins".

p.s: If you ain't got Jetpack grab it. it's pretty neat n well made. F2P but more a case of "unlock things faster" sense.

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I finished Professor Layton and the Last Spectre. I really enjoyed it and got slightly emotional at the ending which is a bit dorktastic, but whatever. I got all the picarats (thanks to excessive use of save/reload) but this was the first of the games I ended with some of my coins used. 5 of them used about 10 hours in but I didn't want to restart and they just stared at me for the rest of the game which slightly spoiled things :/


The extras were enjoyable, more so than the tea making one that stands out but overall not much has changed at all with the series, though that doesn't bother me.


I can't decide if I should play a different type of game now or go straight on to Miracle Mask. I'm having a go at London Life while I decide but I certainly won't be putting in the 100hrs+ you can apparently get out of it.

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First episode of Walking Dead


I chose to Save Duck, mainly because I had a feeling Shawn was gonna die anyways, because he died in the comics.  I was honest to Hershel...  I mainly sided with Kenny when confronted by the new group.  The hardest choice I came with was when Lee and Glenn went to rescue the girl in the apartments only to find that she was already bitten and trying to lock herself out.  She begged to end it so she wouldn't turn.  I went ahead and gave her the gun, explaining it was mercy.  Glenn didn't like that decision, but still seemed pretty cool with Lee before he left for Atlanta.  I also chose to save Carly, my main thinking being that that girl can handle herself with a gun and has proven already she can handle difficult situations dealing with the dead.


I tend to enjoy games that have the 'choose your own adventure' feel to it.  That way I can go back and replay if I want to and do something a little differently.  The voice actors are pretty damned good, and they really put a lot of thought into each character's personality and responses.  Out of all the characters I was mostly struck by Clementine. I usually feel annoyed to have another character I have to escort around and save all the time, but Clementine was not one of those hapless characters.  I'm hoping to get the other episodes working for my PC so I can keep going.


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LEGO Lord of the Rings.


Got hooked to this one and I think it might be my new favourite of the LEGO games. Partly because I had forgotten how much I love the films but also because it fixes a lot of the problems with the older games. It makes good use of the story by actually switching who's in your party (or parties after the split) relative to where you are. As in, you lose Gandalf after Mordor, Legolas and Gimli are without Aragorn after the warg attack (but rejoins almost immediately once you toodle over to Helm's Deep), etc.


There are some really fun elements too, in the way it presents 'boss' characters, or getting to ride an Ent and smash everything to bits without a care. And there's some funny writing in the new fetch quests, though I can tell that 100%ing the game is going to be more annoying. Firstly, because certain levels contain on-rails sections that are triggered at the relevant plot point (running for Buckleberry Ferry, charging out of Helm's Deep) where I'm sure there are also collectibles; which means replaying a level multiple times if you miss just one thing. Secondly, because certain bits feature the worst 'platforming' ever with a really horrible pseudo-lock-on mechanic that sometimes keeps you rooted to the spot or 'unlocks' you and sends you too far over the next platform.


Hmm, I get the feeling I should just be reviewing these games to get all my thoughts out. :P

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Persona 4 Golden


Easily one of my favorite games of all times. Heck one of my top 3 RPG's for fucking sure. CanNOT wait for Persona 5 whenever that decides to come out. Even renting Persona 4 Arena to spend more time on this world. For those who played the original but haven't played this one the extra character ends up being huge in the true ending and big in the epilogue as well.



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@Dean I had the Grand Waltz stuck in my head for so long after playing that. Loved it.


Finished Dead Space 3, played all the way through with a buddy on Co-Op. Going to go through again with reversed roles on Impossible (or whatever it is).



Found it quite amusing that Isaac travelled halfway across the galaxy and fought hordes of monsters, practically dying in the process just to help his girlfriend fix a "broken" machine by turning it off and turning it on again.


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Alpha Protocol.


I've barely had any time to play games the past few weeks so I've only been able to sneak a couple hours here and there, mostly on the week-ends (although considering how the mission structure works, it actually suits itself pretty well to short play sessions).


This... is a tough one. On the one hand, it's kind of an unpolished piece of crap. It really feels like it needed a few more months of development time and while it doesn't feel like content is missing, it does feel kind of unfinished. 


That being said, if you can overlook the wonky controls, the weird animations and the stupid AI, there's some genuine fun to be had with it. The story is enjoyable, the conversation system is pretty great and the choices you have to make aren't black & white. So overall, if you have an RPG itch to scratch, you could do much worse.

Edited by FLD
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Saint's Row The Third



Man the flying machines in that game are good. It's much improved over SR2 in the vehicle side of things actually. All in all rather good, though the story missions can lead to changes that make side missions much harder (trying to fight off a bunch of luchador and zombies is a bit of a pain). The sonic weapon was much fun, I killed way too many people with it (as in I should really have used more conventional weaponry many times). One hell of a way to empty a car though.


Also as this is my fourth game beaten this yeart I can now get a new game :D

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4:1 ratio of beaten games to new games. I think I mentioned it in the New Years Resolutions thread. So for every four games in my collection I remove from from the backlog, I can purchase one new game to add to it. Eventually whittling down my backlog from the current 88 unfinished games I currently have. Of course it's not likely to be entirely possible given some of those are HIB games I don't much care for.

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I remove a game from my backlog whenever I decide I'm done with it.  For most games that means beating it, but for some it means when I decide I don't like it.  If you use that system you could clear out those HiB games that way.

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Beat the Dragonborn and Hearthfire DLC packs this weekend. By "beat" I mean got all the trophies. I'm happy to report that Skyrim runs surprisingly well on the PS3 now. After another 20 hours of playing I had only one freeze, and only one weird glitch where Lydia won't follow me (no big loss there). The load times do seem much longer than before, but I'll take it. Looking forward to Dawnguard tomorrow and hopefully a few more DLC packs in the future. 

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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