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Games You've Beat in 2013


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Glad you liked it. I think this game is what got me into Fire Emblem. If you liked this one and can somehow obtain a 3DS I can't recommend Fire Emblem Awakening enough. I seriously cannot. If Persona 4 and this game were in my top 5 jRPG's of all time, I could say that FEA could easily be my number 1 or at least number 2.

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Just beat Fire Emblem Awakening. It was a fantastic game so many fucking feels at the end but man I don't plan on playing it anytime soon again. It's emotionally and mentally exhausting to try and get the best relationships and using a specific team to up their social rank and all that stuff.



Game of the Year? Honestly yes it could easily be, the major competition being Bioshock Infinite and we'll see how that plays out.

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Talk about a double whammie, also beat Tomb Raider. As others have mentioned before playing it on hard is not impossible due to the relatively low amount of gunfights compared to other shooters and the fact checkpoints are decently enough spread out throughout the game.



My thoughts? Best Tomb Raider game in ages and it did certain things better than Uncharted. Characters outside of Roth and the filipino (?) guy were kind of one dimensional but Lara stole the show. She is realistically badass for a woman over a butch all might uterus like something you would see in Gears of War. I'd give it an honest 8.5/10. If a sequel gets made I'd recommend more optional dungeons or at least longer ones.

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StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. 


Holy shit, that was epic. Even though it was both easier and shorter, I think I actually enjoyed it more than I did WoL. I really hope they don't take as long to release the next one. 



Little Inferno.


Eh, it was alright. I'm glad to have played it, if only to satisfy my curiosity, but I'm also glad I waited for a sale. It's not really worth 10 bucks.

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Tomb Raider. I thought it was fantastic. A lot more like the last two Batman games than the Uncharted series. Id say its 70% Batman and 30% Uncharted. I also feel like all the characters are one dimensional aside from Lara. None of them need to be brought back for the sequel.

I did dislike that there are no unlockables. Not only just like costumes, but near the end 

you use 2 handguns to kill Mathias in classic Tomb Raider style. That should have been unlocked from there on out.


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I kind of want the sequel to star a slightly older more experienced Laura. I mean I'd be fine with a sequel that takes place not too long from where it left off, but imagine an older Laura that DOESN'T dress like a slut and is more realistically good looking and badass? That'd be great.

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I can't remember back to the PS1 era and I never played the modern games prior to this one but I've always heard her being called Lara instead of the occasional reviewer and person outside of the game calling her Laura. Until this game where everybody calls her "Lohr-ah"

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