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Has a demo convinced you to buy a game?

Mister Jack


15 members have voted

  1. 1. How often does a demo convince you to buy a game?

    • Many of my game purchases are because of demos.
    • Every now and then a demo sways me.
    • It's rare, but it's happened.
    • I never buy a game based on the demo.

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This is something I've been wondering for the last day or two. Most people who are really into gaming follows news and announcements and tend to know well in advance which games they already intend to buy or not buy. But I played the Ni No Kuni demo recently, a game I thought was interesting but hadn't given much thought beyond that, and now I'm planning to pick it up. I realized that this is a pretty rare occurrence for me. Demos have almost always been just "previews" for me of games I was probably going to buy anyway, but for once a demo was actually something that changed my mind. How often does this happen to you?

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I usually stay informed so I know ahead of time whether I'm interested in a game enough to buy it day 1. The only times a demo changed my mind were usually when they revealed the game to be a huge piece of crap. Examples would include Resident Evil 6 and, uh, I forget the name, japanese Gears of War set in a tower that reconfigures itself...

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I know it's happened to me, but I also know it's a lot less common than convincing me NOT to buy a game. Normally when it happens it's because the media available makes the game look like some generic entry in the genre, but then the demo shows me that it's actually quite good.

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I used to be subscribed as a kid to the Official Playstation Magazine, which came with demo discs every month. If it hadn't been for these demos I would not have picked up Oddworld: Abe's Exodus, Crash Bandicoot, 2Xtreme, Twisted Metal 2, and Spyro. All PS1 era games.


PS2 era I stopped using demos as I was told by my parents that I would need to pay for my magazine subscriptions. I had a few, and got Sly Cooper because of a demo disc, but nothing else really.


PS3/360 games I have bought a few games because of the demos. Castle Crushers, Shank, Uncharted, Infamous, Burnout Paradise, and a few other games.


I'm pretty big on try before you buy, so I am constantly downloading demo's and checking out the games. I don't think they are necessary to sell games, but if your game hasn't grabbed my attention or seems to have some bad press surrounding it (Army of Two, really enjoyed the demo people seem to hate it though) I probably wont buy it without trying it first.

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I'm the type to get more interested because of a demo. I generally know about games so it's a matter of seeing what they're really like. Most of the times demos are hollow shells of the real game where they stick you in some shitty tutorial level and don't let you change difficulty so I don't think I've ever been downright swayed by a demo.

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Demos for me are typically, "Yes, I get to play part of the game now!" I seldom use demos as an actual basis on whether to be interested or not.


A demo that turned me away from a game: Resident Evil 6


A demo that turned me towards a game: Metal Gear Rising: Revengance. (Seriously, it might lack a proper tutorial, but it's pure Platinum Games quality!)

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I think the last game I bought because of a demo was Flower. I haven't ever played the copy of Flower I ended up buying. There's plenty of games I've bought after "demoing" though. Not sure if they'd count.


There's als White Knight Chronicles, had WKC2 on rental, bought WKC on sale. Might end up with FFXIII-2 some point too from similar circumstances.

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More common for me is that I play a demo, decide it's highly meh and that I'm not getting the game, then later end up picking it up after hearing how great it is. Shadow Complex comes to mind. I don't know if it's because the demo tends to be the beginning of the game and start out slow, or what.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yup, never played a demo and been convinced to buy a game. Vanquish demo was good, but eventually just picked it up via PS+ for free. The only time a demo might sell me on a game is when a new console launches. At that point I have time to play more things due to a lack of full titles, and little idea of how a game will actually play due to changes in handling saves, online, etc.

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