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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


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I'm surprised we don't already have this thread.


I'm making it because apparently Obsidian has developed what they think is a badass pitch for a new Star Wars RPG, set between Episodes III and IV.  From the sound of the article it wouldn't involve any of the main movie characters, but just be set in that time period.  They were pitching it to LucasArts, who seemed interested, but after Disney bought them they've still been waiting for the smoke to clear.


I so hope this comes true.

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Here is the thing that really might be the kicker: Lucas didn't like KoTOR 2. He did not care for the dark story line. He is still involved at some level, but would not have the say so in this matter. So, this would be a uniquely Disney thing.


Would Disney go dark in theme? With Disney having their own game studio, consulting on this matter might be in line. Of course, gamers can be a fickle bunch, but most would probably cheer such an event, I assume.

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  • 5 months later...



KotOR 2 is, to me, easily the high point of the IP, much more so than Star Wars or Empire.


When I finally got Bao-Dur to put on the sick facepaint... One of the most memorable moments in gaming, for me.


The KotOR 2 cast has to be my favorite from any game, ever.


But God damn those last two hours. God damn them to hell!

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I would suggest reading in the wiki what you need to know about KOTOR 1 to play KOTOR 2. If you have played Dragon Age Origins and liked it, I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend KOTOR 2 on PC alongside some patches that add content and make it better over-all [like custom lightsabers]. The good thing is that the references from KOTOR 1 on 2 aren't many, besides a few characters leaving recorded messages or the droid being the same as the first game.



KOTOR 1 is great, but KOTOR 2 is fantastic and like Ethan said you'd be doing yourself a disservice


If you really don't want to from what I hear there are books dealing with Revan and the Jedi Outcast, but I think those take place pre-KOTOR 1 and post-KOTOR 2. Then there's a non-canon game called The Old Republic that fucks up Revan.


I understand your feelings though. Before I played Witcher 2 I saw a let's play of the entire Witcher 1 game, but not before I read the novels and short stories dealing with Geralt of Rivia. Once I started the games it was so much more satisfying to know characters and get references.

Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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DO NOT READ THE WIKI!  No need to spoil everything before it happens.  Play KoTOR 1 first.  The game isn't too long.


When you go to play KoTOR 2, though, do use the mods outlined in that article.  The Sith Lords Restoration Project has been around a while and was all based on the original game code that is just not used in the game.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

If you liked KoTOR 2 as much as I did, this is some great reading, though a little lengthy.  All of this SW talk from every website in the world has got my juices flowing again.




Basically, a lot of the cut content is outlined and explained, as well as character analysis and implications of events.  Pretty cool.

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