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Fire Emblem: Awakening


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  • 3 weeks later...

So, should GOH get a 3DS just to play Fire Emblem?  I think... no.  See, Fire Emblem is one of those games that's greater than the sum of it's parts.  The strategy is good, but it's made better by managing the friendships between your soldiers for maximum synergy.  The plot is passable, but it's elevated by the fact that the player is attached to all the characters involved because of the heavy emphasis on character bonding.  The date sim stuff is kinda just a giant pile of anime cliches, but because the player is free to engage with it as much or as little as he chooses.  That's the real sneaky bit - dumb anime melodrama that's forced on you?  That's the worst.  Dumb anime melodrama that you discover and create through your own strategy?  That's a lot more compelling.


So the strategy feeds into the characters which feed into the plot which feeds leads you on to the next mission.  It's a pretty compulsive cycle.  But if you don't buy into part of it, then the whole thing falls apart.  None of the elements on their own are worth buying a 3DS for.  And I don't see GOH buying into the anime melodrama side.  He was always too cool for that stuff.  And without that it's just a sequence of strategy game missions.  GOOD strategy game missions.... but you can get those anywhere.  He could just play Skulls of the Shogun.

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I agree with that perspective. Pretty spot-on. Though I don't even know if the "date sim" bit is enough to even be called that. You basically just choose a mate and that's that. xD But yeah, greater than the sum of its parts. I just don't think it'll be GOH's thing. Or maybe I don't know enough about his tastes.

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I love strategy games with persistent squad building and management; I'll put up with a lot of nonsense narrative if it plays into how the squad develops on the battlefield. I've played a few of the older fire emblems and really liked the idea. I loved Ogre Battle, tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics.  I'm more amenable to JRPG anime cliche subplots than you guys probably think (though I don't see myself playing any Japanese visual novels any time soon), especially if they're not the center of the game. I mean, I've played all the big Bioware WRPGs and melodramatic nonsense doesn't begin to describe the romance subplots in those games.


On the other hand, upon reflection, it probably isn't worth ~$200, especially since I'm not very excited by any other 3DS game I've seen.

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  • 4 months later...

Let's revisit! I just got the game.


First of all, let me say, I accidentally killed Tharja (I 1 shot him with, well, me), instead of having Chrom talk to her. So she's gone. Apparently she's cool. Eh, maybe next time.


Anyway, who are you pairing with who? I'm playing on Normal and on Chapter 12 grinding, so I'm pretty sure I can just have my main walk all over anything here. Right now, they aren't even hitting me. Anyway, I'm grinding to get supports up.


Chrom kinda automatically married Sumia. I think that's what I was planning on anyway, but I didn't know about it so it caught me by surprise. I would have liked to try and pair her with Cordelia, given she's also pining for his Lordliness.


So I'm marrying Olivia, I like the support dialogue with her the most. I think only Miriel and Sumia are left (but Sumia is taken! Damn you Chrom!)


Then Frederick seems like a good match for Cordelia, given how they both are. Though that dialogue for support S I think hurt Frederick's feelings a bit until he surprised her with his thing in a box.


Then, maybe Miriel and Stahl. I only have them at support level C, but it's looking good.


That's all for now though. Still grinding...

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Eh, didn't miss much.  I don't entirely understand the internet's affection for Tharja unless it really is just that she's running around in a thong.  Personality wise she and I never clicked.  I liked her combat utility a ton though.  Dark mages have always been the most fun.  Especially the Necromancer class back in Fire Emblem 8.

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  • 1 year later...

Fire Emblem Fates is pretty good.  The story is not good.  It only functions because the protagonist is pants on head stupid at all times.  But the strategy mechanics and map design have gotten appreciable upgrades.  There are more classes and they are more varied and a larger percentage of them are viable than in the past few iterations.


Definitely recommend skipping up to hard mode though.  The default Easy isn't just easy... it's kind of ludicrous.  I have had strategic breakdowns where the bad guys break though and get to my back line healer and it turns out they can deal 0 damage to her.

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Is it even possible to make Mozu into a godless killing machine in Conquest without her dying? I could do it in Birthright with the grinding and the seemingly more generous amounts of stat boost items but it seems like a waste of a unit space that would be better used by someone else. Unless you've bought the map DLC.


But Cam Clarke voice acting tho  :bun-amore: 

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