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A Statement From Duke

Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

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So, I wasn't really planning on saying anything, but people have been asking, and I want to set the record straight.



Yes, I left Press X or Die. I left because of creative differences.
No, the reasons don't boil down to "Six and Dean yelled at each other on Twitter." I've felt like this was a necessary step to take for a while, and while that particular conversation was a factor, it was far from the reason.
No, the discussion isn't as clear-cut as "this person was wrong and this person was right." There was a lot more to it, but all I'll say is that it was a stupid debate that should have never happened, and that everyone in it was at fault in a way. That includes myself.
Six and I ARE starting our own site. No, it is not an attempt to poach X-Talk users or even Press X or Die readers. We just decided we wanted our own thing. We want our own name, our own rules, our own format... we want to try out some exciting things that Press X or Die couldn't let us do.
I'll stick around here for a bit to field questions, but after that I'm gone. It's been nice spending time with you all, and I'm sure I'll see most of you on Steam, PSN or some other place.
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As I said before, I hope you understand the effort required in starting up something new. Sure, you can start up a .wordpress.com site, grab a cheap theme and suddenly you have a blog that's going to get read. It's a lot of work, almost a second job, and if you want to do it right, that's a lot of work up front, and a large amount of cash out of your pocket each year. 


I'm not saying you can't do it; and I absolutely wish you luck, but as someone who's done a very similar thing recently, I hope you know what you're getting in to. 

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As a guy who has seen first hand on plenty of occasions the classiness of Six I gotta say you aren't trading for the better or for the worst. Either ways we chat every now and then on Steam so I'll see you then.



And yes I sometimes forget there's a site to this forum. In fact I don't think I've ever read an article. No offense.


No wait. Yes offense. I demand my own article section. Call it "Wally World"

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For those asking for screens: https://twitter.com/SixTwoSixFour/status/295982040594132993



This is the chatlog Six gave me after they had their fight. I decided to keep it just in case anyone was curious why he left. 
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Well I've already given you a good luck with future endeavours in our little discussion some weeks ago. You had at the time said you were leaving PXOD, but yeah after you stopped posting it became obvious you meant this place too. I don't really understand yours and six's decision to do that mind. I'd disagree there was "creative differences" as I've never stopped an article going through except for Cyber Rats parody article over a year back. But I guess I'll have to wait like everyone else on what in particular this project is to see what I didn't allow for.


As far as twitter goes, a link to a single chain between just two folks doesn't really do the entire conversation we had justice. There was a bit more to us than just that (as Ethan had already mentioned on the status). And here's the bit of the steam conversation Six never did give a reason and still hasn't, yet had managed to remove from his log (I only have access to the latter half so I don't know if anything else was removed but looks mostly in order). But yeah, Six comes in with that opening salvo and leaves with that parting shot. All rather fun and awesome.


edit: Eleven you except something substantially more heated than someone getting a bit upset I didn't take games too seriously and had the cheek to run a games site with those opinions? Admittedly on the PM side of things while I'm normally quite chill the early (and continued) implications of sexism on my part didn't exactly put my in a fantastic mood as I think most of you would understand. I couldn't really give a toss if someone takes issue at my opinion of games being games for fun and entertainment, though surprised that after many years some people still weren't aware on my views in that arena.

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To be completely honest I find this whole deal of leaving the forum due to one person, even if it's the administrator, a bit childish. Not to say I'm perfect. I left the forum I used to take a huge part on before joining this one. I was in that forum for like 5+ years, had a social group of people I considered friends/friendly  and was over-all really happy there. But I left due to boredom of the same conversations over and over again, cynicism by people I considered as close to friends as I would ever get online (the second I left they basically started talking shit about me since I couldn't defend myself), the person I cared about the most in there apparently not liking me nearly as much as I liked her (BAAAAAAAW amirite?) and general douchebaggery to certain choices I made (changed name from something really politically incorrect that could be easily searched through google and my real name would pop up first thing in the search results).



But that was me leaving to a whole bunch of reasons and honestly I don't regret leaving. I guess that what my point was from that totally unrelated excerpt is that leaving a forum due to one disagreement when the general feeling of the forum is that they still like you seems a bit silly. I'm sure that like Duke told me he has other reasons to leaving. But this is just from what I'm observing it seems that the MAIN reason is creative differences all which could be worked out. I still like Duke and like Six when he doesn't let his insults be the blunt of his arguments.

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I've had rather large fallings out with mods here and never once felt compelled to leave. I also regularly disagree with Dean, especially on emotive topics like piracy and benefits. We look at these issues from very different sides of the coin so disagreements are inevitable. Back when this was TAY there were certain individuals that I totally despised and would butt heads with and not always in a civil manner, that's life, sometimes people are dicks and piss me off. Sometimes I'm a dick and piss people off.


I've found that both of Dean's forums I've participated in have a culture of tolerance and civility. I've not seen anyone on here ostracised or bullied for their beliefs, gender, sexuality or anything. Disagreements are not uncommon but they rarely descend into personal attacks and when they do, sanctions are distributed in a firm but even handed manner.


Creative differences explain leaving PXoD as a writer, but I don't see why that necessitates leaving the forum. However, it's your choice to make. Best of luck and all that.

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A few final things before I take off...


Thursday, while you're right that leaving the site doesn't have to equal leaving the forum, I don't really have the same time I used to spend here. I have a site, a full course load, a club, and a group of friends nearby that I'm morally obligated to check in with every week or so. I could have just stayed silent and avoided turning this into a big deal, but then I would be tempted to return here. And keeping up with forum topics is so much more time-invasive than direct communication through a place like Steam.


Waldorf, you're right, there ARE a few other reasons, but I don't feel comfortable talking about them at this time because I don't like to talk shit about people. I might talk about it privately if you ask nicely, but I'm not interested in defecating on the carpet before I go outside.


Dean: We have the desire to start our own thing because it gives us the most control over what we can do. I know that may sound confusing because you were more open than a lot of site owners, but we have our reasons.


Everyone: I'm sorry if this came across as melodramatic, but I really have to move on and this seemed like the most sensible way to do it. If you want to stay in contact look for me on Steam (thecheese33 is my Steam ID). You can also find me on Twitter (@jbu3). Thanks for the well-wishes, and for making this forum a pretty awesome place to hang out.


And that's everything. Bye.


(image embed isn't working so here's the URL https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqs20pfng00ce3f/2013-02-20%2007-28-13.769.jpg)

Edited by Thorgi Duke of Frisbee
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I'll echo the sentiment that leaving the forum entirely seems overly melodramatic. Especially over a single incident. But, having now read that chatlog... I can kinda see why Six got frustrated. Having argued once or twice with Dean in the past, no offense man, but you can be a really unpleasant person to have an argument with. :/


Also, I obviously can't speak for Six. But the answer to that last question seems kind of... obvious. That part was clearly a more personal discussion and twitter, with its 140 characters limit, really isn't ideal for that.

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