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Torment: Tides of Numenera


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I think the idea is really to target groups to donate via Paypal. I know Tides of Numenera, Wasteland 2, and Project Eternity all received a lot of single donations that were the result of groups of gamers/RPG enthusiasts who banded together. RPG Codex does this for example, as do other folks on other forums. I do not think it will get the $140k+ needed to hit $4.5 million. I'm surprised it hit $4.25 million, and am very hopeful for the final game, even without a stronghold (a feature more in line with Project Eternity than Torment, I feel).

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

inXile just made the beat free for all backers. I've played it for an hour or so and I really think they have nailed the "Torment" feel, including huge chunks of text. I have really enjoyed the writing so far, and the bizarre world and people who inhabit it. The first few areas really pummel you with the idea that the Ninth World is full of weird, inexplicable shit, very much like Planescape: Torment did, except this is a little more sci-fi/fantasy than straight-up fantasy. I'm really digging it. 


I have had only one optional combat encoutner so far, but I think the turn-based system is intuitive. It reminds me of the Shadowrun style of turn-based comabt. The underlying character system is still bizarre to me, and I haven't found much in-game to make sense of it. There are a lot of optional characters builds, however, and the high-level descriptor of your character helps encapsulate what s/he's good at (and what s/he's not-so-good at). There are three parts to this; every PC is an [adjective] [class noun] who {actions]. You can be a talkative wizard who wields deadly powers, or a mystical warrior who can see information. The last part, the focus, is determined after the game's start, I imagine; I was only able to generate the first two ; I'm doing my first beta run as a mystical nano. The character creation is interactive; you play through a short intro area and how you respond to different challenges and options will determine your descriptor and class (out of glaive [warrior], jack [rogue], and nano [wizard]), which further determines your abilities and skills. You get the option to change all of this before you proceed to the main part of the game, however.


It also feels like a Torment game in how bizarre the world details are even though the characters themselves have knowable, human motivations. There is not the same focus on belief shaping reality as in Planescape. Instead, the game really focuses on the unknowable past and its artifacts shaping the current civilization. I mean, the motivation for action in the game is to understand the being that previously used your character's body and its trips through deep history in order to avoid or defeat a different powerful entity that seeks to devour your mind.



As in Planescape, your PC has lost his/her memory, kind of; you play the cast-off body of a being that routinely creates new bodies, so you're actually searching for a different person's memories, not your own. Also, as in Planescape, your body cannot easily die and when you do 'die', you're brought to a weird death cult. No Morte, though. :(



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  • 9 months later...

Considering this thread is only on its second page after all this time, I guess it's not really worth creating a new one for this but



About time Beamdog got around to doing that one. I'm still a little confused as to why they bothered doing Icewind Dale first, tbh. Didn't have much interest in the Baldur's Gate ones personally but I'll probably grab this one. Played a fair bit of the GOG version a few years back and it was great but I never finished it, so this is the perfect excuse to give it another shot. Not having to fuck around with mods to get it to display properly at a non-primitive resolution is also going to be nice. Plus, they even have Chris Avellone overseeing some elements of it.

Edited by FLD
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I think that's the first time I've seen a countdown for a game release. Not an announcement or anything. Just bam timer's over here's your game. Seems like the sprites suffer from the resolution (that drop shadow or whatever all around them), but like you said, it'll be nice to not have to fuck with mods and shit to get it running.

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Do you mean the black outline around the characters? If so, that's apparently an option they introduced in one of their Baldur's Gate releases. Something about making the sprites pop out more against the higher resolution backgrounds. Sounds like you can turn it off if you don't like it.

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