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Darkstalkers Resurrection Tournament?

Cyber Rat

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Darkstalkers Resurrection is being released on March 12. It's a franchise I've enjoyed, but not one I got much of a chance to play. If we can get enough people, I'd like to organize a tournament on the PS3.


The idea would be to play Darkstalkers' Revenge until the end of March so people can get used to it. After that, we'd start the tourney in April. Double elimination bracket right away.


For some extra incentive, I'm willing to offer some prizes:

-First place gets a game (or multiple games) on Steam worth 50 Euro total;

-Second place gets a game (or multiple games) on Steam worth 25 Euro total;

-Third place gets a game (or multiple games) on Steam worth 15 Euro total;

-On random "loser" will get a game (or multiple games) on Steam worth 10 Euro total.


The prices are the ones Steam has set for my region, so expect that some things are more expensive or cheaper (or unavailable) for me. In the event that I win any of the prizes, it goes to the next person in line. (So, if I win first place, the prize I contributed goes to 2nd place. If I win 3rd place, 4th place gets the prize I contributed, and so on)


Does this sound good to people? If we can get enough interested people by the end of March, I'll greenlight this event.


People interested so far:

Cyber Rat



Saturnine Tenshi

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  • 2 weeks later...

The game should now be available in all PSN stores. I'll play it on and off during the following week and give everyone on final verdict on the game we'll be playing (it might turn out that the latter one is more suitable than the former one). If we can get enough people to play, we'll go with this event in April.

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