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-a. All clothes/accessories change daily whether you buy anything or not (i.e. they don't just fill in the sold gaps) I have yet to see shoes/socks for sale Maybe they appear after an upgrade to the shop?


b. People who visit your town can see your design, and can leave their own designs.


-Equipment (inc. fishing rod) appears randomly in the Nook Shop, if your shop doesn't have it at the moment you can visit a friend's town that does or just hope it is there tomorrow.


-In the previous games there was no major benefit - just a model of the museum on completing the entire museum. I can't find any info on what happens in New Leaf as I guess no one has completed it yet? edit: I believe you get upgrades as you add more to the collection. A second floor (for your own displays) and a gift shop (which may sell upgraded tools). Also, it's not long before you start to get duplicate fossils so you can still sell one or two fossils a day once you've got a few in the museum. Also, if it's because you want to make money the island is a goldmine which should be open in a couple of days for you.


-You can make you rooms bigger and add more rooms/floors. It works the same way as building your house did. Once you pay off one loan, Nook will offer an upgrade which will be completed next day and you then have to pay of the new loan.

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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Ok a couple of more questions, lol sorry if I'm being annoying.


- I just accepted the gigantic loan to expand my house. Is there any interest to this? Like he said it was about 98,000, does the amount increase the longer I take to pay it?


-How do I increase plant life? My citizen happiness mentioned that they want more plants but I have no idea how or where to get more. I've tried getting local fruit and trying to plant it but don't see the option. Don't even see a watering can like some of my citizens have. Do I have to wait? I read I can plant fruit from island once I can go there, but right now it seems like I can't do much to increase my approval rating


-Speaking of approval rating do I just keep selling, donating stuff and removing weeds until I reach a 100%? Or is there a faster way?

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NIGGA I NEED BIGGA HOUSES for MTV Cribs. Also I've already saved up 20,000 and the house isn't even expanded yet.


Also I figured out how to plant trees, I apparently had to go through the advices with Isabelle. At least now I also have a watering can. Now I need to plant enough trees and plant life until my citizens aren't asking for that anymore.

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LOL at 98,000 being a gigantic loan. You ain't seen nothing yet. Luckily there is no interest and no advantage paying it off piecemeal. Keep your money until you have enough to pay it off in full in case you want to buy other expensive things in the meantime.


If you water 30 flowers you will trigger the garden centre to open which sells flower seeds and saplings (better to plant fruit though as saplings don't bear fruit), but I don't know how I got to 100% approval rating. I was at 28% didn't do anything extra but next time I asked it was 100%. It will take you a while to work on citizen satisfaction as that needs things like all the shops being open and donating to your museum.


edit: speaking of:


Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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I can see why you're laughing at the 98,000 being small now Gerbil. I just paid it off and expanded once more. 198,000 or so. Good thing the island opens up for me tomorrow [on a weekend what what]. Gonna go apeshit and absolutely pay off. I believe the next upgrade after this one is the second floor. I still don't have enough furniture. Right now I'm going with the robot look since I have both the floor and wall and a random astronaut.

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RAGE QUIT. I have enough money to pay of my 198,000 loan went to the post office and couldn't make a loan payment, Nooks Homes closes at 8! That means I can't pay it off until tomorrow and the next upgrade be built until Sunday. Grrr. At least I'll have my new bridge tomorrow.


In a bit of good news though, I made the 198,000 in one trip to the island. That could be a life saver/game ruiner I can't decide yet.

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I paid off the 198,000 house loan today and went ahead and ordered the second room right now. I still have almost none of the furniture I'm gonna want before I'm finished but once the second floor is done tomorrow I'm moving the bed up there.


How did you make that much during the island btw? From what I can see the best way to make money is fishing sharks.

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On the island (not the tours) chop down the normal trees and dig up the hibiscus and flowers, so all that's left is the palm trees. Then keep walking around the edge of the island fishing for fish with fins sticking out of the water and the beetles that are on the palm trees. Chase all the small bugs and hermit crabs into the sea when you see them to maximise the number of beetles you get. For the same reason you can also chase off the small fish by yanking the pole out of the water when they first bite.


When your pockets are full empty them in to the box to the right of the reception desk and when that is full travel back to your village. A few trips to the llamas et voilà: beaucoup de l'argent.

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So what you're saying is beetles are the best option?


apparently I wasn't being selective enough. I fished the majority of shit though. I don't think there's a fish that isn't super rare that I haven't gotten yet. Might as well follow your plan since I already got the fruit from those trees planted elsewhere so I can get more beetles.

Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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here's a video of reggie fils aime's house, showing some of the cool stuff you can get and I assume that it is full sized.



I think I'm going to put all my nintendo artefacts in the museum. Definitely want them displayed though.

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fuck me that took me a while especially since i've learned the hard way that some beetles you can't just sneak you gotta walk super fucking slowly.


Either ways made circa 280,000 this trip, and that's not counting the 5 beetles i turned in to the museum. Already have all the money to pay Nook tomorrow the second I wake up, afterwards i'll see if I can do anything mayorly after I order the left or right side room. I'm thinking I might only expand the top floor. I don't need a completely full sized house,apparently as long as you have the smallest top, left and right room you can order the exterior redecoration.

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