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Anyone picking this up today?


Cant decide between the PC and the PS4 version myself. Figure I'll go PS4 as the PC will no doubt hit a Steam sale at some point in the coming 18 months. I've tried to keep myself out of the hype bubble for this game, but I loved Bastion and will probably end up picking it up today or tomorrow (providing the reviews are solid).

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Has anyone tried going through this with all limiters on? Holy fuck, man... I think I had like 5 active ones when I finished my first playthrough, but the NG+ difficulty along with those last few limiters make this game positively brutal... I thought I was going to go through it like a badass, but I'll be lucky if I can even hit the requirement for the achievement (whose exact conditions I don't recall atm) before giving up on that endeavor.

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I've seen a few builds online that people referred to as being "easy mode", might wanna look into one of those. Honestly, even a single OP ability can make a world of difference. Then, a little ways into NG+, you can start unlocking function duplicates so you can use stuff like void() as a passive and also as an upgrade. Some of them are really useful to have twice.

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I was trying to avoid resorting to help for the builds, but I might have to. I've gotten 2 or 3 encounters completed with all 10 limiters on, but the one I'm on has had me stuck for a while... We'll see. 


The duplicate thing is awesome, and I didn't expect it to happen at all. It's making the choices stressful though, as I suspect that I won't be able to get doubles of all of them. It's cool that a total new type of combination is available though. So far I think I've only used it with Jaunt, but I'm sure I'll find others useful as well.

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Yeah, neither did I. When I started seeing people sharing builds with the same functions twice in it, I spent a good 20mins trying to figure out how the fuck they did it only to give up in frustration. Then a few levels later I unlocked my first duplicate and just went "oh..." lol.


Jaunt() is a good pick, yeah. Void() as well, once as passive and once as upgrade for maximum damage. Think I got Ping() as well. Most OP combo I've used so far was Tap()+Void()+Ping(). Lifedrain, decent damage and you can queue up like 5 of them. Works wonders in a pinch, I barely ever overload since I started using it.

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I totally negelcted Ping throughout the game, along with a few others. I'm not proud to say it, but I didn't switch up the repertoire and experiment nearly as much as I should have or expected to. I mainly tweaked where necessary, and used functions passively (I unlocked those slots first) much of the time rather than combining them. I haven't discovered a single 3-piece combo yet haha. Unless one of the tests had me do something like that, which is totally possible. They share some nice combos with you via those things... I don't know why I insisted on playing like such a square. I'll try to live it to the fullest on the NG+.


I definitely have to try that one you suggested. I had a feeling that there was probably some awesome draining combo or two to be put together. That could be a game-changer.

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