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Currently listening to Bonobo's album Days To Come (2006)








*boomp boomp boomp*


I love the beat, and she's cute as hell.

I love her voice, but hate pretty much all her actual songs :D



This, on the other hand...


I feel, in general, a lot of good female singers are wasted on really bad generic pop when they could be paired with actually good musicians e.g. above video.


Also, is there any way to make youtube links not automatically convert into embedded videos?

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I like how she seems to be pretending she's from a council estate in the first video.


Wikipedia says she's from Peckham, South London.


Do people from there have street cred? The picture looks pretty ghetto.






I also had to look up "council estate" by the way.


*edit edit*


"Peckham is a high-crime area with high levels of gang violence, for which it has a notorious reputation, despite a £290 million regeneration programme in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Camberwell and Peckham, the constituency that contains Peckham, is one of the most deprived in the country."


I guess that answers that question! :lol:

Edited by Showmeyomoves!
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While Peckham's not exactly a great area, I think she went to some sort of expensive performance school (as do most British pop acts, nowadays, it seems) so definitely not as 'street' as one might think.



"you can take the rat out of the hood but can't take the hood out of the rat."




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I was actually listening to this on the way to work. Yep, I'm a different sort.



Hell yeah! My Dad and I listened to this on a drive up to the Highlands at Christmas. Listened to a whole LP's worth of it. Great.


Also, you might have missed me saying so, but you also deserve some Ink Spots respect.


These guys' my personal favourite:






Me and a friend have a pact. If hellogoodbye ever, EVER play live and we're in the vicinity, we shall both go, and be at the front row, despite all the kiddies.


It'll be awesome. Shut up naysayers.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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They are going to get all the ladies. Really, how do you expect to woo a girl without playing the guitar? (Forever lonely. ;-;)

But seriously, Japan... the hell!?

Also, inb4 Bashcraft post about this for whatever odd reason. Which would be funny since he banned my MaliciousH account... I hope you are wrong Dean about them reading this place. Edited by MaliciousH
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[video was here]


Yes, it is that long.


Reminds me SO MUCH of the soundtrack for The Path.


[another video]


totes dig this song.


OH WOW THANK YOU. I forgot I liked The Get Up Kids back when I was 14-15ish; didn't know they were still around. Gonna have to get out the old albums and give them another go. Mass Pike was a damn good song. And Ann Arbour. And Ten Minutes. I dig them.


Oh, and here's what I've been listening to the most lately, since I'm so baller...

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