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Crappy Movies

Mister Jack

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You know ... I don't think I've seen any truly terrible movies. Unless they have completely awful writing/acting/camerawork/etc., I find every movie has something worthwhile about it.


I demand everyone watch The Room. It is the greatest crappy movie you will ever see.


Trust me, if you haven't seen a truly terrible movie, you're not looking in the wrong places. Some movies out there will literally make you an unhappier person and get you generally depressed. Be glad you haven't run into that yet.

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Indiana Jones: The Crystal Skull. This was the first movie I actually slept through in the theater. And when I woke up I didn't even have to wonder what was going on the plot was so effing predictable and stupid. I just woke up to some chick getting her head exploded by an alien.

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You know ... I don't think I've seen any truly terrible movies. Unless they have completely awful writing/acting/camerawork/etc., I find every movie has something worthwhile about it.


I demand everyone watch The Room. It is the greatest crappy movie you will ever see.


Trust me, if you haven't seen a truly terrible movie, you're not looking in the wrong places. Some movies out there will literally make you an unhappier person and get you generally depressed. Be glad you haven't run into that yet.


Oh I know, it's just I always hear people complaining about almost every movie they see and saying it's the worst ever. Yeah, some aren't amazing but I still like parts of them and find the overall experience to be somewhat worthwhile.


Don't worry, I won't become one of those masochists who try to watch every single awful movie, I know I would hate that :bun-lightning:

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Well it's fun to complain about bad movies. There are some that just go beyond bad and practically cross the realm into evil. But this thread isn't really meant to invite discussion about THOSE films so I'll just change the subject.


I was not all that impressed with Donnie Darko.

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I really disliked Cube.


Oh, and I went and saw The Last Airbender despite knowing it was supposed to be one of the worst movies ever. It was.


And Alien 3 is a shitfest compared to the first film.


Salo or 120 Days of Sodom was a big waste of time.


As was Bloodsucking Freaks.


I watch a lot of shitty movies apparently...


Oh nuu! I loved Cube. But then again, I saw it in high school. Screw that ending though.


I also didn't hate Alien 3 that much, but I saw it probably five years after my last Alien movie viewing.

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I think I was a victim of timing as I didn't see Cube until a few months ago. It did spark a journey to watch a whole bunch of awesome low-budget sci-fi/fantasy movies. I think by the time I watched it, I just couldn't deal with another see-how-people-go-crazy-when-they-have-no-idea-what-the-fuck-is-happening movie.


Alien 3 made me outright angry. Again, just watched a few months ago, though.

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Probably the worst movie that I've seen that I think was actually taking itself seriously was "The Core". I think it's on Netflix so if you're into watching stinkburgers go for it. The ship they use is made of "unobtanium" which gave me a giggle because I thought, "well how then can you obtain it?" and when they said they were after unobtanium in Avatar I about spewed my coke. I guess that fake mineral has been around longer than these movies but I still think it sounds ridiculous.

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Yeah Unobtanium is along the line of Adamantium as go to Sci-Fi mineral.


Means it can have made up properties n such. For example The Core they could say 'titanium alloy' but then where does the energy absorption come in?

In Avatar Uranium would make a worthwhile energy deposit to go after. Except you wouldn't get a huge tree growing on a deposit that big.

I thought The Core was a good romp for turning your brain off and vegging out.


Dragonball Evolution was extremely crappy and I'm disappointed that James Marsters was part of it.

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I think the people of Mystery Science Theater are the only people who have seen more bad movies than I have. Paul Chaplin (one of MST3K's writers) said in an interview once that when movies are particularly bad he has a sort of defense mechanism that just blocks them from his brain.


Looking at my old DVD Blog that I haven't updated in almost two years, I have seen quite a few movies I forgot that I watched (reading my own thoughts brings the horror back, though.)


They Came From Beyond Space

Gambling with Souls

Child Brides (this was the film MST3K said was too disturbing and worse than Manos so I had to seek it out)

The Astounding She-Monster

Omoo Omoo The Shark God

Protégé de la Rose Noire


Here, just look for yourself.


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Some people like movies like that. Those people have no standards.




You have to go in with the right expectations. Crank was great. Crank 2 was fuck all crazy good. and I thoroughly enjoyed the first two Transporter movies.


Audi. yum.


I watched the first 10 mins of Crank 2 and thought it was hilariously bad. I definitely need to watch the whole thing sometime.

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Dragonball Evolution was extremely crappy and I'm disappointed that James Marsters was part of it.


Hahahaha. Dragonball Evolution was absolutely horrrrible.


I was watching it with a friend getting completely smashed and cracking jokes and we still hated it.


I feel like I recently saw a movie I hated so much it made me angry, and I dubbed it 'Worse Than Dragonball Evolution,' but for the life of me I can't seem to remember what it was.



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