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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D


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Still waiting on a good explanation for (Avengers Spoiler)

Coulson's non-death.



Also wondering what kind of show we're going to get. Much crossover with the other big Avengers heroes, or just c-list heroes/villains and lower? I was remembering the "New Adventures of Superman" show from 90s other day, and couldn't much remember their being many powered enemies. It was mostly gangster n bank thieves, maybe with odd bit of hi-tech gadgets now n then. Given what the Marvel Cinematic Universe has dished out to us so far it'd suck if there's just similar in this.

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I just re-watch the Avengers this last week. 


When Colson "dies" you see him go into cardiac arrest, medics come and Fury walks away. Then Fury tells the remaining Avengers that Colson is dead, and shows the Captain America trading cards covered in his blood. After they leave, one of Fury's agents says "Those cards were in Colson's Locker." To which Fury says "They just needed the push." The scripting leads you to believe that Colson is dead, but it could easily be retconned to say he never died.


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They've confirmed it as a continuation. 


It'll likely be C-list heroes/villains, which might not be a bad thing if you consider Thor/Captain America "B-list" heroes (at least, before their films.. in fact, Iron Man wasn't exactly A-list before Robert Downey Jr). It'd be interesting to see if they can find a way to bring Thor/Cap/Ant Man/etc in before their films open, could be good publicity. 
Also, is it just me or was J August Richards looking a little Luke Cage (albiet, not as bulky) in that trailer? WHERE'S IRON FIST?! It's too bad Jeremy Renner is probably too note-worthy now to be a regular, as Hawkeye would be a great addition. Maybe they should recast him with someone who can actually act and make him a little more like Clint Barton from Matt Fraction's Hawkeye book? 

Characters I'd like to see in this show:
Captain Marvel
Carol Danvers
Maria Hill (after HIMYM ends)

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My problem with the show boils down to its format and its issues. I haven't heard much on the team doing the CG but we can't expect much. And that'll be a problem if all we can expect is agents fighting human-looking baddies with karate and guns.


As to what Cowboy said, I agree. Consider the Avengers are B-list heroes. Marvel's big comics, prior to RDJ, were: Spiderman, X-Men, and the Fantastic Four. Maybe something else I'm not thinking of at this moment.


C-list heroes like a possible Luke Cage wouldn't be that big of a deal and if it works we could possibly see cameos in the films. But speaking of Cage what are his powers even? I always got the impression his only power was more-than-average strength.

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Neat little viral marketing.


I hope the show focuses more on this kind of stuff. An X-files vibe but with super heroes. I would love to see some Bond-like spy action thrown in there too.

Reminds me a bit of 



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All this jazz about half the cast of the Avengers being B-list material. :rolleyes:


If anything, I wish Disney would get the rights to Fantastic Four and have this series (with some cameos) redeem the complete ass of the Fantastic Four movies. However, all in all, we're going to be seeing C-list heroes, i.e. Batman Brave and the Bold. Maybe from time to time we get a neat cameo, or perhaps before a big budget film we get to see some of the new cast.


Otherwise, I can't honestly tell how I'll like this until I actually see it.

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Definitely agree with the Fantastic Four. I don't feel like the X-men would fit too well into this world, but the Fantastic Four would work great in the MCU. And then they could have Kree/Skrulls in Guardians of the Galaxy. Apparently they were trying to acquire the FF rights, in exchange for Daredevil, so they could put together a Defenders film with Silver Surfer, but Fox wouldn't budge.

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I like the idea of SHIELD operating in the gray areas, doing something for the bigger picture which makes some of the smaller operations they do appear to be questionable. I like the idea that SHIELD are not the good guys, but rather the guys who will do anything to protect the security of the planet/UN.

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