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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D


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So Coulson's actions near the end seemed a bit un-Coulsoney.


Also unless I missed it there was no sign given that a human body was a "catalyst" for the gravity thing/Event Horizon/3D Stargate so he pretty much just murdered him in cold blood and hoped for the best.


Ah well, at least they seem to have made a supervillain.


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Also unless I missed it there was no sign given that a human body was a "catalyst" for the gravity thing/Event Horizon/3D Stargate so he pretty much just murdered him in cold blood and hoped for the best.


Yeah, that was my reaction too...

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  • 2 months later...

I have come to an unfortunate conclusion. This show is bad television.
Marvel, if you want us, as viewers to become engaged in your program, you have to give us something, you can't save all the characters and plotlines for the movies. There's not reason the J August Richards character couldn't have been Luke Cage and there's no reason other minor Marvel characters couldn't popup in this show before appearing in the films.
Skye would be annoying as a side character... she's downright awful as the series lead. Ward, May, and to a lesser extent Fitz and Simmons are all unlikeable characters as well. They're clearly trying to recreate the Firefly vibe with the cast but there's a major difference between those characters and the SHIELD agents.
There's no reason you can't have the budget to have Chris Helmsworth, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlet Johansson, or Jeremy Renner appear as their Avengers characters, lots of TV shows have famous actors make appearances, but if you couple that with the reliance of the show's plane as the set 95% of the time, it's clearly Marvel and Disney are not willing to commit a decent budget to this show, so why are they wanting us to commit as viewers?

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Gotta say when I saw Stan Lee tweet about the new series airing the other day I was like "wait, this got renewed, and this fast? Man Disney really want to push this on everyone don't they?"


I like the Marvel films, they're fun, good summer flick films. Agent's of SHIELD is one of the few shows I've just stopped watching midway through. I actually forgot about it for two weeks*, yet I'm diligently waiting on TPB for the latest Korras and such. It was just dull, there was no pull, the actors sucked. Coulson was a cool character in the films, but I think that all got pissed a way within a couple of episodes of AoS to the point his "death" in Avengers will mean less to the film.


*I think we all did given the thread never had anyone post since that episode.

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Yeah, I actually downloaded some newer episodes and then when it came to watching one, I always thought to myself, "This is forty minutes I could spend doing something else..."


As much as I like Coulson in the films, he's a supporting character. Clark Gregg seems like a cool guy, but he's too wooden, or the character's just too dull; I like Skye, but they're doing a whole 'ongoing mystery' thing I don't care for. Amd I can see shades of them trying to make it like Firefly, but it just doesn't have the free rein it needs, nor the interesting world, characters or dialogue. Firefly episodes tended to be about something; whether it was juxtaposing the border planet life against the Alliance bureaucracy, or showing how Mal cares more about his crew than a father about his children. Too much of AoS was 'monster of the week' or 'ongoing conspiracy'.

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I just get the feeling that it's being written in a way that the show's producers assume the audience already cares about these characters, but I don't think we do. I don't care about Skye's backstory because she hasn't done anything to make me care about her yet, or if she has, she's pissed it away by being an annoying child. I think Coulson is a good character and played well by Clark Gregg, I could see him being basically the Giles of the show, but all these characters are just so boring.

This week's episode was promising a big reveal on what happen to Coulson. The reveal was fucking nothing. 


He was dead for a few days. They used machines to bring him back but it caused him lots of agony during all the operations, so they made him forget about the agony. Fucking nothing.



It doesn't even have to be Thor or Captain America appearing in the show. How about Lady Sif? The actress who plays her sure as hell isn't doing anything. She could come to earth looking for Thor and team up with the SHIELD agents to take down a bad guy. I mean it's still monster of the week but at least it's better than the SHIELD agents doing a bunch of bullshit no one cares about on their own. Hulk would work too, you could just have CGI Hulk and then pay Ruffalo to appear at the end. At least then it'd feel like a Marvel TV show, which is suppose to be the entire point.

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I actually forgot about it for two weeks*, yet I'm diligently waiting on TPB for the latest Korras and such.

Wait, are you actually insinuating the recent season of Korra was better than this show? I don't even know what to say to that, and I'm one of the people who liked this Korra better than most...

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Throwing this out there, but I've never liked this show. The first episode had the signs of a formulaic action series that never fulfilled its true potential. I gave it a few episodes, but I would be bored half-way into the episode. I'll immensely agree to Coulson being better suited as a supporting character because having all that attention and constant "I'm slick" attitude became overbearing to watch.

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The show has me hooked without pulling in a bunch of special guest appearances of Wolverine or Cap. Seeing that they are trying to stand alone is pretty good. And I find Coulson to be an interesting character for him being the main character. I'm usually bored with characters this far into a drama show, but he brings life to it.

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I'll admit that last night's episode was much better than the previous week. It's almost as if they listened to me, Skye is so much better as a side character! Plus the episode led to the creation of an actual Marvel villian, which was nice to see, minor or not. 

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Looking it up, it seems they didn't order the full season until October 10, like two weeks after the first episode aired, so I'm guessing the second half of the season is going to be tweaked to account for some of the criticisms of the first half.


Also, it normally takes shows at least half a season to hit their stride, and often one or two full seasons.

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It doesn't even have to be Thor or Captain America appearing in the show. How about Lady Sif? The actress who plays her sure as hell isn't doing anything. She could come to earth looking for Thor and team up with the SHIELD agents to take down a bad guy. I mean it's still monster of the week but at least it's better than the SHIELD agents doing a bunch of bullshit no one cares about on their own. Hulk would work too, you could just have CGI Hulk and then pay Ruffalo to appear at the end. At least then it'd feel like a Marvel TV show, which is suppose to be the entire point.


Well it looks like Marvel is lurking PXOD, because Lady Sif is coming to SHIELD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok Marvel, I tip my hat to you. Last night's episode was really good, this show is definitely getting better. The characters are pissing me off much less, the story wasn't completely set it in the plane, and the whole Deathlok thing is just great. Keep it up and focus on doing a terrific Captain America 2 tie in episode... you sort of have to since that movie appears to be very SHIELD centric.

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  • 2 months later...

Or was The Winter Soldier spoiler-y for Agents of SHIELD?!?! Nah.


Pretty cool though that last week we watched an episode of a TV show lead in to a feature film, watch the feature film that weekend, and then watch an episode take place concurrently with the film, and next week watch an episode that acts as an immediate follow up to the film. I can't think of anything else that's really ever done that. It's definitely pretty cool and Marvel is doing a really good job making up for SHIELD's early season blunders.



But I swear to GOD if Ward ends up being a double double agent, I'll fucking lose my shit. Keep him evil! There won't be a Marvel film this fall to tie into so if you have Coulson and team battling against HYDRA members including Ward, that could sustain you for half a season next year long enough to start building up for Age of Ultron. Plus he's a boring character when he's "good", this is the first time he's ever been interesting.


Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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