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Not to piss on the anti-mobile gaming parade, but you guys know that with both a slow n steady growth and a series of acquisitions (THQ being the biggest one) Sega are now one of the largest PC games publishers right?



Total War n Football Manager are not small fry(FM being the most played non-Valve game on Steam atm), and those they had before they picked up THQ assets including the 40K licenses, as well as releasing a fair chunk of their back catalogue on PC too.

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I don't know why I always forget about Sega publishing the Total war series. Though...I've only bought the game when they were on sale(They are really, really, really buggy at release it seems).

I was more worried at first because I thought it affected Atlus...but that is Sega Sammy something or other lol So, if you wanna go PC only/Mobile then..cool?

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As part of a "season of coding shows" BBC are to be releasing a drama based on the making of Grand Theft Auto:




Grand Theft Auto (BBC Two)

This special 90-minute drama will tell the story of arguably the greatest British coding success story since Bletchley Park - the triumph of the computer game Grand Theft Auto.

Unlike many coding success stories, Grant Theft Auto was not created in Silicon Valley - it was the brainchild of a bunch of British gaming geniuses who had known each other since their school days. In autumn 2013 its latest iteration - GTA:V - earned $1bn in its first three days, becoming the fastest selling entertainment product in history.

GTA offered gamers the chance to step into a fantasy world where they could behave like criminals, gun down rival gangsters and cops, hijack cars and venture deeper into an imaginary American gangland underworld.

But the violent gameplay coupled with its outstanding success led to fierce opposition: from parents worried about children immersing themselves in such a violent world; from politicians, alarmed at the values it encourages; and above all from moral-campaigners, who have fought passionately to stop it.
Grand Theft Auto tells the story of how the game was conceived and created and the subsequent fallout as various groups objected to its violent gameplay.

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I dunno, the Doctor Who docudrama was quite well done and nice. A documentary is something someone can do through Kickstarter or whatever I guess. I'm not sure general public wholly cares on how the games were built, also nearly 20 years ago I imagine most folks working on it back in them days aren't around as much.

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Ubisoft has officially ditched support for PS360 (except for Just Dance, which basically doesn't count).


As someone in the comments on that article observed, Xbox 360 and PS3 managed to last longer into this gen than Wii U did.

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Do you guys enjoy watching other people play videogames? Ive always hated it since the NES days. I hated passing the controller back and forth when I had to play with someone else. Just sitting there watching and waiting for my turn.

I just dont understand why streaming/broadcasting videogames is so popular. What's so fun or informative about it?

I try as hard as I can to avoid watching videos. Id rather read about something videogame related than watching. 

Ill watch a trailer, but I cant watch a guy play a game and talk at the same time. Its torture.

Apparently some people say its about the personality of the person more than the game, that that's what makes it entertaining....but....that just doesnt make any sense. Internet personalitites are still in their infancy. They still carry all the awkwardness of 1980s nerds. Why would you want to waste your time watching that?



And I wont even get into kids watching Minecraft videos more than actually playing Minecraft. Im pretty sure theyre going to grow up retarded from that.

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I guess it depends on what you mean. I don't really watch Twitch streams just for fun, but I do think they can be useful when you're trying to decide whether or not you want to buy a new game. Streams can give you a much better impression of a game than a text review does, and they damn sure help more than a trailer. You really can't trust trailers anymore in this day and age. I'm not saying all trailers are dishonest, but enough of them are to make me suspicious of the rest.


As far as watching Let's Plays, it really does depend on the personalities. That's just how it is. I mean, people love Mystery Science Theater, but when you boil it down to its most basic element it's essentially three guys talking over movies. I think in some cases the same applies to Let's Plays. I don't really care too much for people like Pewdiepie who just play by themselves and make comments, but I can enjoy Let's Plays where two or more people are joking around with each other like Game Grumps or Two Best Friends. I'm not saying they're as good as the Mystery Science crew, mind you, but I can still enjoy it on that level if the players are funny.

Edited by Mister Jack
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A bunch of my friends watch Hearthstone streams but that is because they are either a) picking up new combos/strategies or b) looking at boobies. Sometimes, a little of A and B. Mostly the Bs


I guess I can kinda see the appeal for some people (a few of my friends are web designers so just have things on while working) but it is kinda weird. I mean, I'd watch people for critical analysis or some insight but that's not what you typically see. Just some people playing a game, saying things they like or dislike with no actual thought given, laughing at things, COUGHING LOUDLY etc. It's boring more than anything.


I guess it's like everyone thinking they can be a film critic but now with a much younger medium. :s

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I agree with what appears to be the general consensus: I don't see the appeal. The only time watching a let's play makes sense to me is if you're trying to decide whether to get the game or not, and want to see some actual gameplay. The other thing is like dean said, when I'm trying to figure out how to do something specific, but even then 9 times out of 10 I'd prefer a text walkthrough/explanation.

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I'm with you guys on not caring for Let's Plays in general but with one exception: I tend to really enjoy LPs of roguelikes. There's essentially nothing to spoil as far as story goes and I don't consider content like items and bosses to be spoilers, so that's not a concern. But there's also how watching someone better than me play those games helps me learn how to play them a little bit before jumping in myself.


I probably wouldn't have bought Spelunky and Rogue Legacy if it hadn't been for Northernlion, and I'm pretty sure going into Spelunky with some basic knowledge about the game played a major part in how much I enjoyed it versus getting frustrated early on by the difficulty and quitting.

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I grew up watching friends and family playing games so I continue it with watching people that I like stream... which consist of only one channel. The channel got multiple people who stream and I do watch them all but I do prefer some people over others. One person in particular tends to play older and obscure games. While most others play games that I either don't have time for, I don't care to play but I want to take a look at or I don't have access to. Some people may even try challenges like say go beat Metal Slug X without dying or continuing.

One way to imagine it is to imagine our little PXOD community centered around playing games and chatting while they go about it. It's a hangout. If you feel like streaming, then go for it. This particular channel I've been watching as long as I've been part of PXOD. So there is like a ton of inside jokes and events.


With that said, I don't branch out to other streams or Let's Players. I see no reason to. The guys at the channel I go to covers my needs. Lastly, there's the concept that I can jump around the web if I get bored of the particular stream.


Edit: And yeah, rougelikes are fun to watch.

Edited by MaliciousH
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