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The Angry Dome

Mister Jack

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That is why I'm going to save up for a really nice printer since indeed, my printer at home behaves in the same way. These days it kind of decided to not scan to my computer unless I do some convoluted menu diving. Nigga, you can fucking print so you can fucking scan you POS. And yeah, the wireless refuses to work now.


And it was pose to be decent too... especially at about $100 (Its $180 right now). Now can you see why I said "a really nice printer"? It isn't even a $20 printer! So as the Chinese government said for the 2008 Olympics. 钱不是问题. Money is not an issue. I'll throw my money at the best printer I can buy if all I get is the occasional jam.

Fuck the King. Fuck the Queen. Fuck all-in-ones.

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I think everyone has at some point experienced the "What network?" wireless printer. My last printer was exactly that way. One day it just up and decides my wireless router is invisible. However, I'm glad this was back in the time when USB printer cables were included with printers. I've been seeing a lot of printers forgoing the simple inclusion. Maybe they want to push wireless, or they assume everyone's grandmother has wireless now, but there will come a time a printer will just up and say, "Hey, where your wireless gone?"

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I've only owned three printers of my own and the first two came with a USB printer cable. I haven't had a printer with... was it SCSI, a.k.a "scuzzy," that was used for printers before? Anyway, my latest one didn't come with a USB printer cable, but I kept the one from my last printer. It's not like they're expensive, and maybe most people don't use them, but sometimes I feel bad for the ones that have to find themselves a cable across the store. Just the old ones though; anyone else can figure it out fine (hopefully).

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The fuck?




Damn it, Alabama!  What is taking you so long to pull your head out of your ass!?!

Assholes making all of us Alabamians look bad.


The first college to have blacks on their football team, but still doing other shit that makes them look like dumbasses. 


My in-laws are coming to my place for Thanksgiving. I'll be back here to vent about Northerners thinking they are better and that race isn't an issue where they are from. 


Fucking hate Northerners(and Southerners) who think they are better. 


This whole country is full of fuckers. Hate 'em all!

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First college to have blacks on their football team



FYI: The rest of the country doesn't call people of african-american descent "blacks." Hell, not even my white grandma does this anymore.


Seeing as I was born in New York, lived in several parts of the country, you can go fuck yourself.


On a more serious note...not all Blacks are from Africa by the way.

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Unless you're counting Australian aborigines then all black people are descended from people who are from Africa (recently, obviously if you go far enough back all people everywhere are descended from people from Africa), even if it's by way of another country (I know Africa is a continent not a country).


And yes, calling them "blacks" is a little offensive.

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It's just a plural form of black people. I doubt people would get up in arms from the term whites. Also many pacific islanders are nonafrican blacks.

Also since when did the continent your ancestors came from make you from it? Once you're born into America you're not an African anymore you're an American. 

Edited by Mercurial
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I have met a hell of a lot more "Blacks" preferred to be called "Black" than African-America.



It seems only whities are offended by that term.

And the whole, "hur dur we are all African" is beside the point.

We, here in America, love our Hyphens. We have pride of the country we came from several generations ago.

Call the wrong guy "African-American" and he/she may get pissed.

But whatever.

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"Black" is not offensive as an adjective, it's offensive as a noun.  "That guy is black" is fine, "that guy is a black" is not.  I'm not saying you need to call them African-American instead of black, just that you should not refer to them as "blacks".  I also know black people who prefer the term "black" over African-American.  Also, "black people" is the plural form of black people.  "Black person" is the singular.


I know the "we are all from Africa" is beside the point, that's why it was in a parenthetical, where I was saying it is beside the point.


And this is the first I've heard anyone say pacific islanders are black.

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"Black" is not offensive as an adjective, it's offensive as a noun.  "That guy is black" is fine, "that guy is a black" is not.  I'm not saying you need to call them African-American instead of black, just that you should not refer to them as "blacks".  I also know black people who prefer the term "black" over African-American.  Also, "black people" is the plural form of black people.  "Black person" is the singular.


I know the "we are all from Africa" is beside the point, that's why it was in a parenthetical, where I was saying it is beside the point.


And this is the first I've heard anyone say pacific islanders are black.

Offensive to whom? You? Other whites?


Again, never been accosted by anyone over the use of "blacks"...except for a few white guys. 


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