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The Angry Dome

Mister Jack

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You know what I hate? I mean REALLY hate? The way Hollywood is so eager to split up the last film into two parts when they are adapting a book series. It's a completely unnecessary cash grab, okay? I enjoy the Hunger Games, but now I hear the last book is going to be two films. That book is less than 400 pages. It doesn't need two films, assholes, especially when they'll probably clock in at around two and a half hours each. What are they gonna do? Well I'll tell you what they're gonna do. They're gonna put a bunch of bullshit filler in part one just like they did with Harry Potter, which drags down the pacing and accomplishes nothing in the story because the payoff isn't coming until part two, all so they can sell you an extra ticket. Well I say fuck that.


And don't get me started on The Hobbit.

Edited by Mister Jack
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I'm late to the discussion of terminology for black folks!


I'm actually half-Jamaican, but for all intents and purposes, I might as well be black.  Doesn't particularly bother me if someone says 'blacks' or 'African-Americans' (aside from being a blanket statement).  I find it kind of silly, but it is what it is.


I'm immensely bothered by my best friend's resistance toward the internet.  He is one of those guys who can't seem to stand to talk on the phone for longer than twenty minutes.  Or talk via messaging program or even be bothered to maintain a Facebook page.  Everything HAS to be face to face.  Video games, conversations, D&D.  But here's the thing, our circle of friends have scattered to the winds (one lives about thirty minutes away from him, the rest of us live two and a half to sixteen hours away from him).  Meeting up in person isn't really via for most of us now, yet it is still damn near impossible to get him to interact in any capacity short of physical.


All the more annoying when he complains about how we don't play D&D or video games anymore.  Much as I'd love to drive two and a half hours to St. Paul to hang out with him for a couple days, it's not terribly viable when I work through all of the week.

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I hate talking on the phone, but have no problem with text-based communication.  I also don't mind voice chat in games.  On the phone I feel like there's an obligation to keep a continuous conversation, but with text or game voice it's not a problem if you go silent for a few minutes.

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Watched this documentary "American Addict" on Netflix.

I'm so flustered by it....

They basically make light of ANYONE dealing with Chronic pain or Depression. I hate black and white, biased, sweeping generalizing documentaries :( 

There ARE problems with Big Pharma and the FDA....but don't attack the people that truly need care.

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would skype or google hangouts work? That's as face to face as you're going to get without being in the same room?


I've tried both of these and he still refuses on the grounds of 'it's not the same'.  Short of moving back within acceptable driving distance, it's never gonna be the same and he's just gotta accept alternatives.

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Yeah...I don't get the hate with G+...I mean, I'm not a rabid fan...I just don't care either way. I feel Facebook is a bit cluttered though to be honest. Feel like it'll be the next Myspace in due time...not sure what the next "facebook" would be. Not betting it'll be G+...but it's not horrible from my use.

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What is this bullshit? From what I understand, the CCYY format works by "CC" means century and the "YY" is the year so think '99 from 1999 which in CCYY format would be 2099 since the 1900's is the 20th century and the 2000's up till 2100 is the 21st. BUT. But... it also means that it can fall back 1999 for some odd reason that I can't quite understand at the moment. Which brings me to my current situation...


I am asked if I became a Californian resident before Jan 1st, 2008. I became a resident of California on July, 2007, so... yes. I did. In MM, YYYY format it will be 07, 2007. MM, CCYY format will be 07, 2107. So CSUMentor and FASFA, please tell me why the fuck neither is work? There is only so many ways I can type July 2007 in a two digit month and four digit year format.


Am I getting flustered by something new so that I am unable to understand it or is the site fucking broken by this fucking silly thing?

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have you tried using . ,  and / as separators? or not leaving a gap at all?


They should just have drop down boxes so it's easy for everyone then. Either that or show you the format exactly as they want it.


That does remind me of an annoyance I have where something is asking what format you want your date displayed as and gives the examples as,


01/07/12 or



That doesn't help me decide as I don't know which the month and day is! Why not use a day over 12 so it is obvious it's not a month. So dumb. and it's happened several times recently.

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Sorry I'm just catching up on this. CCYY is exactly the same as YYYY. You're correct in thinking that CC is century, and the current century is 2000. Which will likely be why you're having issue because you're inputting a time that hasn't happened yet and any web developer worth their salt will have made sure that future dates an invalid entries.

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