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The Angry Dome

Mister Jack

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  • 4 weeks later...

We live in the year 2014.  We have been to the moon and we have invented technology that lets you communicate with anyone anywhere in the world at anytime.  In just a few short decades we have progressed more than our parents or grandparents could have ever imagined, and you're gonna tell me that there are people getting up in arms over a fucking COKE COMMERCIAL?!  And what was so offensive about this ad, exactly?  A bunch of people were singing America the Beautiful and after every second or third line the Coca-Cola company had the audacity to have someone else start singing the song in a different language that wasn't MURICAN English.


Are you fucking kidding me here?  There are still that many people out there who are this backwards, xenophobic, and openly racist?  Some of the shit these people are saying on facebook is appalling.  And it's not like they think no one will read it either.  No, these opinions are out there for the entire world to see.  They're PROUD of what they're saying.  It makes me ill to think about how these people actually have a right to vote.  I am ashamed to be associated with them through a shared nationality. 


Oh, that wasn't the only offensive commercial either.  Cheerios lit a few fires too with their ad.  How?  By showing a mixed race family at the breakfast table.  How...I mean...I just...




I fucking hate that this is still an issue in this day and age.  Hate hate hate hate hate hate it.

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Just a theory, but I suspect the people who are outraged have a fear that in 20 years they'll have to be fluent in multiple languages, lest they fall to the wayside at their favorite fast food establishment because the employee now only speaks Spanish.


I remember as a child "America" was always considered a melting pot of different cultures and people. I guess somewhere along the way someone realized that said melting pot meant co-habitation and not conformity to a defined American standard where everyone speaks American-English.


Personally, I'm jealous of anyone who speaks two languages. I would have loved to learn a second language as a kid, not as a teen for hours.

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  • 2 months later...

Fucking fuck I am NEVER buying coffee from McDonald's again.  I'm in the drive-thru and as the girl is handing me the coffee cup it crumples in my hand and the top pops up and scalding hot motherfucking coffee spills on my foot, which hurts so much that I jam down the accelerator and nearly crash into a parked car in front of me (I didn't, thank god).  When I stop and get out to start trying to clean up the coffee stains in my car and wipe the coffee off of my foot, the girl comes out with a bunch of napkins and another coffee.  At that point I didn't even want coffee anymore but I took it from her just to avoid more drama and as soon as the god damn cup gets passed to me the top pops off and coffee splashes out the top and BURNS MY FUCKING HAND TOO!


I didn't yell at the poor girl because she seemed really upset and I knew it wasn't her fault, but god damn it I was pissed.  I still AM pissed.  I've bought coffee from plenty of places and nobody else has ever used cups that are so fragile that you have to handle them like nitro-glycerin.  Just McDonald's.  This isn't the first time it's happened, either.  About a year or so ago I had another coffee cup from McDonald's pop open on me.  I didn't burn myself but it spilled all over my jacket and ruined it.  I was pretty angry when that happened but I wrote it off as a fluke, figuring that the person who poured it didn't put the lid on right or something.  No, it's the fucking cups.  I'm sure of it now.


Let this serve as a warning to the rest of you.  If you buy McDonald's coffee, you better hold those cups as if you're holding a baby with brittle bone disease.  Or better yet, get your coffee from someplace else.

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My family actually knows the guy or one of the guys that rolled out the McCafe and other numerous items. I have no idea if he even has any power over it now (How many years ago did McCafe rolled out?) but last I checked, he takes these complaints super seriously since it is his baby. Sucks either way.

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  • 2 months later...

As people may be aware I have a lot of issues. I suffer with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue and more. I have constant chronic pain and severe lack of mobility (I can't walk more than a few yards now, two years ago I could walk fine, five years ago I was doing TA training and regular martial arts). My condition is serious and untreatable. My muscles degrade over time, this includes my heart which will fail within 10 years, before that I will become confined to a wheelchair, lose all fine motor control, and even go blind depending on which muscles degrade first. It's a lot to take in.


I make no effort to hide that online socialising helps me relax, keeps my mind active etc. it's why I purposely seek out debates. I'm frequently angry though, often feel overwhelmed by depression and frustration. I'm certain I'm not alone, so that's what this thread is for.


If the admin and moderators see no issue with it, this is somewhere to let loose; unload and otherwise be unreasonable. Swear, call people out, be a dick, and have it understood it's nothing personal. Likewise if people want to reach out, listen etc. offer a friendly ear... great. I'm sure it'll do me some good, and I hope others feel the same.

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Hey TC! I should probably tell you before FDS gets mad again that we do have a topic specifically for this!


However, it's in a hidden area in the forums! So you probably tried to search but didn't see it, and we understand!


This hidden area is cool though, we posts lots of stuff. You should be able to get in there easily. Just send me $10 and you'll have lifetime access!


or contact Dean and tell him you'd like to post in the private forums. this method is free!

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Aaah, I was, for obvious reasons, unaware of such areas. Still, if people wish to vent or console those venting... perhaps this thread can still serve a purpose. At the very least, it helped writing that first post. For some reason, telling people makes me feel better; not sure why.

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Is it illegal somehow to NOT redact the name of the CSR? Or was he probably just avoiding being called out on it (unfairly, if it's not illegal) by the internet.


That CSR sounded really distraught he was leaving Comcast. Short of being brainwashed by The Man, I think there's something else going on there, not just him trying to follow company policy.

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Yeah, I'm sure there's some kind of penalty for losing a customer, and that's why he sounded so desperate.


When I cancelled my Cox TV the conversation went like this:


Me - "I'd like to cancel my TV, but keep the internet service."


CSR - "I'm sorry to hear that, can I ask why?"


Me - "We just don't watch it enough to justify the cost."


CSR - "Would it help if I offered you a discount to $X per month for 12 months?"


Me - "No, we really don't watch it much at all, and just want to cancel."


CSR - "Well I'm sorry to hear that.  I've cancelled your service.  Is there anything else I can help you with?"


Me - "Nope."


CSR - "Please have a nice day and thank you for calling Cox."


It was way more painless than I'd imagined it would be.

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I hate the idea of, "their family you have to keep trying to connect" or some similar bullshit.


If someone doesn't like you and treats you like shit...over and over and over...


Write em off.


Life is too short. Place yourself around positive(at least for the part) people that don't bring you down EVERY time you see them.

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Ive always felt the same way. If someone is a piece of shit, it doesnt matter that theyre related by blood to you. Theyre still pieces of shit.

Im also of the opinion that parents or elders don't "deserve" respect simply for the fact that they're your parents or that they're old. You have to earn that shit.

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