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The Angry Dome

Mister Jack

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  • 2 months later...



God damn it my neighbor is such a fucking cunt.  There's this old dead tree out in front of the house that was starting to become a hazard so we hired some landscapers to come and cut it down, and in the process of doing so one of the branches fell and snapped a branch from a tree that's in her yard.  Mind you, this branch was hanging over into my yard anyway so legally I still have the right to trim it if I want to, but I didn't.  Anyway, she sees that the branch is broken and comes out and starts a lot of shit about it so we're like "It's not a big deal, we'll just have the guys cut off the rest of the branch while they're here" but she refuses to let them touch it because she thinks they aren't licensed because they don't have a truck with their name on it (WHAT?!).  I'm not gonna get into a rant about how god damn retarded that line of logic is because it gets even better.




Yes, she called the cops on us over a broken tree branch from a landscaping job.  The cops show up and talk to everyone, and she starts ranting about how she is demanding to call HER people (who are much more expensive for the same fucking work) to finish cutting down the branch and then send the bill to us.  Both I and the police tell her that we're not paying for shit because the branch was already hanging over into our property but she refuses to accept it and just storms back into the house.


I will not be surprised if she sends us a bill and/or tries to sue us later.  I will not be surprised even one little bit.  Well I'm not paying a god damn dime to anyone, especially when we already offered to have our guys cut the branch down in the first place.  Fuck her tree, fuck her landscapers, and fuck that bitch right in her dried up cobweb-filled cunt.



Edited by Mister Jack
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  • 3 weeks later...




God DAMN IT, Honda.  How am I supposed to change my center brake light when the god damn torsion bars are blocking the bulb access?!  I don't know how to remove the bars either and I'm afraid of breaking my trunk, which means I'm going to have to ask for help changing a light bulb like a fucking idiot.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't be posting this if I hadn't nearly been sideswiped by a dually (dual-wheeled) pickup truck. Some coffee hut business opened up for business today. No big deal if you ask me, except they had a sales promotion for their opening day.


One free cup of coffee.


People are going crazy over getting a single cup of coffee. It was 1:30 PM when I left work and there was a traffic jam. I've been driving that part of town for years and I've never seen a traffic jam occur. There are three lanes though so I got over to the right to pass everyone wanting to go left. Well Mr. Pissy Pickup Truck ain't happy about this traffic either it seems and he wants to make the road a demolition derby. Going in and out of different lanes and the bastard nearly hits me before getting in the left lane passed all the traffic.


My car is fine so things could be worse, but I'm surprised how much a cup of coffee can bring out such vehicular madness.

Edited by Atomsk88
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Yep, whenever a good deal pops up, madness ensues. Watching videos of people punching each other in walmart on black friday is always amusing. I don't know why they're so desperate in these situations. I know it's great to save some cash on a good purchase, but if I people are ready to behave like a pack of rabid dogs over some stupid shit (like that cup of coffee you've mentioned), then I'm must be missing something here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. The T100 wifi problem is just way too shit. The driver or whatever will only want to work at my house for only a little bit then crash and stall. It is more or less fine at school where it doesn't fucking crash. I can only get it back up working if I reboot but it doesn't help if it decides to crash 5 minutes in. I would love to disable and re-enable the wifi but that is out of the picture since for some odd fucking reason the control panel and connection settings get all frozen a well! Like what the flying fuck is this shit on a portable device? 


Other than that, I love the T100 but fuck man, this is almost a deal breaker. It's a really thin fucking line. I think it is time to enact my plan on two desktops. One at school and one at home. Recall my status update about grad school problems? Shitty computers at school struggle to run ArcMap and such (One of the many problems). Still though... this problematic T100 will still be problematic. I think I should save for a Surface Pro 1/2/3. I'll be TAing an in-person lab next semester and having a computer to show case stuff will be helpful. It will about be helpful if there isn't any wifi problems. 

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Agreed, as a general rule, if the thing I bought that is supposed to work for hours at a time and crashes after five minutes, I take it the hell back.


In other news, I don't recall this cyberdyne systems model... ;)


I love the T100 but fuck man. 

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Hey man, melon patches are a tough place to drive in when combustible lemon trees start popping up all over the place. 


Anyways, I should mention that for some odd reason, it would fix itself if it stay put long enough and that I had this thing for over a year now. The infuriating part is that I cannot figure out the triggers and all that. Its like a split between my router and the T100 itself. I dunno, maybe upgrading to Windows 10 might fix it?

Edited by MaliciousH
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Nothing too bad, however it had the potential to be a real pain in my ass.


Driving down my home street, about to park in the garage, when a truck drives by and all their trash blows off their bed and flies just behind my car. If I had been a bit slower (didn't help having a few Sunday drivers), giant cardboard boxes and all sorts of bags would be smack-dab on my hood and windshield.


Word to the wise, if you're going to be hauling your garbage, tie it down and do so especially when the wind is noticeably fast and harsh. Oh, and when you're about to turn onto the freeway where there's more cars that can create an accident.

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Don't fucking cheat on any assignment, let alone one as simple as this. Make up numbers and do a quick and crappy "proof" photo that you did the lab activity if you like but god damn I will academically murder you if I catch you. The first sheet you ever see has the instructions and caveats on working with another person. We even emphasis on the rules of collaboration in the info slides prior to the lab. Claiming ignorance will not save you. 

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Don't fucking cheat on any assignment, let alone one as simple as this. Make up numbers and do a quick and crappy "proof" photo that you did the lab activity if you like but god damn I will academically murder you if I catch you. The first sheet you ever see has the instructions and caveats on working with another person. We even emphasis on the rules of collaboration in the info slides prior to the lab. Claiming ignorance will not save you. 


Was a post deleted from this thread? This is lacking any context. Who is this "you" you're talking to?

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So why post here? It's not particularly angry. Care to stop the projection and just get to the point?


Why post an angry rant in the angry dome? It was fairly angry, including the words "fuck" and "academically murder" (presumably involving beating someone to death with a textbook).


The whole point of this thread is to vent into the void, not to encourage considered debate on a topic.



I guess this thread has established a much higher standard of anger than I'm used to if your post doesn't phase me.

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  • 2 months later...

"Hey guys, handmand noodle when made correctly is far superior to dried or frozen noodles. Even in restaurants were everything else is bad, I could even praise the noodle. I might give it a shot one of these weekends."


Cue negative comments on how it is hard it is akin to "Like dude, have you even tried?" (No you fuck, read) and how that they having worked in a kitchen know that the Kitchen gods are fickles and love failures (I know, my childhood revolved around a few and some of my earliest jobs were in them).


I swear when it comes to preparation Asian food or really any food, people are such cunts. Of course I won't be as quick or precise like the working in this video making the noodles or anything, even until I'm on my deathbed. I just adore cooking and trying to make things I (and other people) like to eat. It is one of my passions. It (and gardening) also have the trait of safeguards me from ever truly losing access to these dishes from my childhood and culture due to location and even old age. Story time.


Imagine being my Chinese grandma living in a predominately white neighborhood with no access of her own to a car or public transportation to go 3+ hours to the closest Asian community. When she was unable to bring my older brother and I to McDonald (we walked a half to full mile) for breakfast, busted out the potatoes and made some hash browns. Sure it was burnt around the edges and in a big messy pile but childhood me picked off the burnt portion and had the great insides. Okay, maybe with my current palate it would've been bad (she didn't make it again and to be honest, she didn't have time) but you get the picture. In addition to the hash browns she made cookies and soy milk (Now that I think about it, I suspect she also made tofu as well). She also grounded her own meats (ground pork mostly?) and grew her own veggies. I swear, if she had access to shrimps and a steamer to make rice noodle rolls with shrimp, she would.


Now here am I now with my grandma long pass on (closing in on 20 year). I'm doing what she doing above but at my age. So come at me you fucking cunts as I make X dish for the nth time on my road to get it right. I laugh in the fucking face of the revelry of failure by the Kitchen gods. Nobody becomes even remotely good at cooking if they give up. Especially so when dealing with any sort of dough or batter.


God damn, did they set me off. Also folks, this isn't aimed at any of you here.

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