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The Angry Dome

Mister Jack

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fucking small thumbnails. When I have 50+ thumbnails, I would love to enlarge them so that I can actually see what I'm choosing. If I lose track of the thumbnails I need, I will have to go hunting for it. So far, that shit is taking up most of my time while I work on this take-home exam.

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Fucking small thumbnails. When I have 50+ thumbnails, I would love to enlarge them so that I can actually see what I'm choosing. If I lose track of the thumbnails I need, I will have to go hunting for it. So far, that shit is taking up most of my time while I work on this take-home exam.


What on earth are you talking about? What are you using where you can't control the size? Some proprietary application?

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  • 10 months later...

Great, my car broke down.  My guy can't even look at it until Tuesday.  I have a backup car, but the stickers expired.  I get a ride to the DMV to try to renew them and they tell me I have to have a safety certificate, which I can only get from a garage inspection.  Fine, I ask them if I can have a temporary sticker to cover me while I get the inspection done, but they say no because it had a temporary sticker once before in the past.  So now I have to get an inspection done with fucking expired stickers and hope like hell that I don't run into any fucking cops.


This is the fourth fucking time I've tried to get this car's god damn papers up to date and something has always, ALWAYS come up to complicate things.



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  • 1 month later...

Pretty annoying if you add sale stuff to your basket on a website, and during the check out the prices go up. It ticked over midnight as I was checking out not even that they were in the basket and I'd left them there. You'd think it would give you a few minutes grace to put your details in. The even more annoying thing is the website is still showing the massive 20% off banner and all the prices show up with the reduction at 00:30.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw a driver in front of me run over a baby goose deliberately recently because it was in the way when the light turned green and that shit made me furious. I know that not everyone values animal life the same way I do but what, you couldn't wait thirty seconds for it to move out of the way? What the fuck was so important that you had to kill a baby animal to get there thirty seconds sooner? I am in favor of giving forty lashes to people who do shit like that.


My friend who was in the car with me actually took a picture of the other car and put it on Facebook. I don't use Facebook so I don't know what, if anything, will result from that, but I can't say I care either. Fuck em.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

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  • 2 years later...

Just bought a ticket to Farmageddon and "all prices shown include administration fees and facility fee" so I naively assumed the face value would be the final cost. They  charge a £1 something delivery cost for the e-ticket you print out yourself. Cheeky monkeys.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: GameStop Customer Service


So over a month ago I ordered the Hori Split Pad Pro controller because on their site it said it was "In Stock." Turns out that was a lie and there was no stock for the item. I patiently waited for a month. Called to find out when they would be expecting to have more.


I had to put in my phone number for a callback because the queue was too long. About 90 minutes later I get the call only to be put on hold for an hour. When I get a live person, he tells me they have no clue when they're getting more.


A few days later I looked on Amazon and they had it back in stock. I couldn't cancel my order on GameStop because the other items in the order had already shipped. (Has to be over $50 for free shipping and $49.99 doesn't count...)


Long queue again, so callback. That took over an hour and I was put on hold for almost 20 minutes. So shorter time, but the last couple minutes I was holding, the phone was ringing. Like the agent wasn't picking up! The person struggles to understand my order, though to be fair it sounded like they were new. Still, I was at work and didn't have a lot of time to waste on repeating order numbers and stressing that GameStop has failed in their delivery of an "In Stock" item.


Left very salty customer feedback when I got the email for their survey. I've worked in a call center so I know a few things here and there. There might be training going on for the upcoming holidays. Still, I'm getting the impression that their phone agents must be tucked away in a utility closet in some random Texan warehouse with the queue times they have (and lack of etiquette).

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Been a while since I've posted in here and it's kind of a weird coincidence I do it on the same day someone else revives this thread, but screw it.


My mother is legally blind and can't handle her own bills or finances, so a few times a month I'll check her bank account and credit cards online to handle that stuff for her. She trusts me to handle that kind of sensitive info. Anyway, the last time I checked her credit card  she had 5.,000 dollars of charges on it. This was unusually high for her so I started looking over the transactions. Lo and behold, I find charges in the hundreds of dollars to clothing and shoe stores. One of them was almost 600 dollars. My mother likes to buy clothes and shoes every now and then but she never spends that much. Even if she did, these were stores that heavily cater to African-Americans, which she is most decidedly not.


I call her up to get to the bottom of things. Recently she's been paying this local handyman named Steve to work on her yard and her house. Windows, gutters, things like that. As it turns out, she has given this guy her credit card on a few occasions (what the fuck, mom?) because he has to go to hardware stores to buy the things she wants for her yard. Plants, mulch, decorative stones. Things of that nature, and apparently this MOTHER FUCKER has been going on little shopping sprees on the side while he had her card. I tallied up everything that she didn't recognize and it came up to almost THREE THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS.


Something about my mother that you need to understand is that she is way, way too trusting and forgiving and people take advantage of her over this a LOT because she is also well off. I wouldn't call her rich, but she lives comfortably. Against my wishes she has paid for rent, medication, car repairs, and court fees for people whose lives are a fucking mess and who are always coming to her begging for handouts. She has spent thousands upon thousands of dollars getting people out of messes they made for themselves and no matter how many times I tell her it's a bad idea she keeps doing it. In fact, she also paid over a thousand dollars a while back to help fix Steve's truck so he could keep working. Regardless of how foolhardy this may seem to you, that's just the kind of person she is. I don't think it's smart, but it's still incredibly generous and you would think that if you were ever bailed out by this woman you would feel a debt of gratitude to her.




After I tallied up everything he fraudulently spent with her card she agreed to confront him about it. If he doesn't pay back what he stole then it'll be time to sue. I don't care what it takes. This guy is gonna get nailed to the fucking cross. 

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Wow, that's screwed up! Sounds like the kind of guy who will try to bullshit his way around the issue. Was it clothing and such? If so, I don't know what kind of defense he could come up with... Like, even if he tries to say the items were "thank you" gifts, that's got to be easily refutable.

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I get where your Mum is coming from, but he could just as easily be doing the same thing to people who can't afford to take a $3,000 hit (not that that excuses him in any way) and causing all sorts of trouble for them like unpaid rent/bills etc. so instead of just helping him she could be helping several more deserving people by getting him investigated.

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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  • 3 months later...

Wow. Well, he's dead but don't go all in channeling this sort of energy:


Well, maybe your mom can/will. Just keep an extra eye on her if/when something like it happens again. Best of luck.

As an aside, Shen probably learned how unhealthy the above mindset is. He even parodied it. He's a pretty cool dude.

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There's a balance to be struck between caring enough to keep society from breaking down, and not stressing about it so much that it ruins your life.


As an aside, my line of work encourages this really cynical attitude where I'm relieved when certain people die because it clears cases from my load. "Oh, he died, now I don't have to do that preliminary hearing next week, that's a relief, now I'll actually have time to prep for that jury trial in three weeks..." I always feel guilty about feeling that way, but it doesn't stop it from happening.

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I would do my best to remain neutral about his death. He sounded like a scumbag, but it's a slippery slope when you mix gratification with death. But like I said, neutral because I wouldn't have any pity or sadness for him aside from any affected family. It wasn't just money he took, but also trust and respect.

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