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Their new website just launched today with quite a bit of information on the game. First off, it has been in development for two years and yes, it is influenced by TONS of stuff of which the most notable are Minecraft, Monster Hunter and in my personal opinion 3D Dot Game Heroes and ClaDun 2.


In this game it is pretty much like Minecraft in that the world is "infinite" or in realistic terms: Really fucking large. So you'll be an explorer/adventurer FOREVER. Like Adol the Red (20+ years and still no closure in Ys...). Combat has a Monster Hunter tinge to it. If you at least watched Monster Hunter in action, you'll see it. The rest... I'll let the website talk:




Overall, I think the game is very ambitious (a good or bad thing) but since the dude has been working on this for two years already, I think it is safe to say the dev couple are committed to the game (Say unlike Notch to Minecraft. He jumped once he had the chance). In its raw state right now, it looks repetitive but hat is fine. What "infinite" world game can't be like that?


Anyways, the game will be released for PC (with Mac and console some other time...). The structure will be like Minecraft. So alpha, beta and all that good stuff since those words don't mean jack anymore. Still, I'm looking forward to it, even if it is for the sheer novelty of it all (and if it crashes in a year or two after release).

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  • 4 weeks later...

The alpha version of the game went up on sale for a short time before server crashed and such. In the meantime... enjoy the tech demo to see if you can run the game and to see how well it runs.




Yogcast snag a copy so if you want to see it in action, go to them but again, remember it is alpha.

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Well, I've been playing it a lot which caused me to neglect Rogue Legacy and FF XII... so that says something.


I'll say its Monster Hunter x Minecraft x Skyrim. While barebone right now, it is rather polished for what it is. At the moment its all about exploration and hunting quests. Not much else. Though a lot of stuff can be refined and expanded on (yay alpha!). As for how it runs on MacBooks... from what I heard, the game at the moment is putting most laptops to the test. There is also a weird AMD GPU problem where it may cause the card to run at max thus overheating (Limiting the framerate should fix it). I personally don't see it though.


Since it is just Wolly and his wife... a year at best for the Mac version but I think it is safe to say that it will not come because it is just Wolly and his wife. There is too much shit to do for two people. So far demand for the game seems high so hopefully it'll come out okay...

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Think of the overall game right now as more as Minecraft Adventure mode. If anything reminds me of Monster Hunter (Disclaimer: I never played a MH game but I watched it plenty of times) it has to be the crafting. That fucking bar. Then there is the part of killing boss monster for stuff to power up your gear.


You can watch for yourself to get a feel for the game.


I personally need some folks to play with. Hint hint...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need to remember people's requests... Vecha, sorry about forgetting about this. If you see me off mobile on Steam then yeah, chances are I can play.


Now about the Mac Daddies... http://www.reddit.com/r/CubeWorld/comments/1ix1uz/cube_world_is_working_for_mac_through_crossover/

There seems to be a way to get it working on a Mac. You folks can wait and see if it pans out. So far it seems like it does.

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I was about to make a post about how Picroma seems to have abandoned the project, and then I saw this. I'm pretty glad that they didn't run away from Cube World, because this game was one of the reasons I decided to build a gaming computer. Although, it doesn't look like the game will be even close to completion any time soon. I guess I shouldn't have put so much trust into a small indie game, especially not one with 2 people working on it who call it a "small hobby project".

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Dude, we're 2015 now but yes, this game is a hobby project of wollay's. If it ever comes out, it'll be version 1.0. I personally think it will come out since this alpha or whatever you want to call it is polished as fuck. It is not just something thrown together in a short amount of time. 


Honestly, I would be as radio silent as wollay if I made a game. The loud assholes will ALWAYS get to people. 

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