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Lost Gems of a Generation

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With the new generation on the horizon, I figured now was a good time to put together a collection of all the current-gen games we felt were overlooked/underappreciated/misunderstood/whatever. Seeing as now they're probably quite cheap, it's a good time for some general recommendations for games you think are worth playing and why.


Hopefully, it'll give some PXOD writers (myself included) a little kick to write a bit more. And I was thinking there's bound to be something we miss as well, so it's worth including forum members'/readers' picks as well.


Definitely not looking to be too stringent with the criteria, though metacritic may give you a general view of a game's initial reception. The more, the better, I figure. If it becomes fairly large, we can split it into parts; perhaps by genre, writer, platform or something?


Anyway, it can be anything - from XBLA games and indies through to licensed games. Personally, I'm thinking stuff like Assault Heroes 1 and 2, Crash Commando, Revenge of the Wounded Dragons, Rag Doll Kung Fu, Lost Odyssey, Stranglehold, Nier, Alpha Protocol, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, Vanquish. Obviously, I'm not planning on writing about all of them, and other folks may feel more strongly about them anyway, but those are some general examples.


So, let's hear it!

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Ditto on Viva Pinata and Alpha Protocol.


I also want to say 'Splosion Man on xbox live arcade.


In the jrpg/krpg side definitely Magna Carta 2 for the xbox 360, brilliant game with an above average story and a very fun combat system.


regular rpgs everything that I liked I feel did well, but that's from the top of my head.


on point and click adventure titles I still heavily urge people to try out the Deponia series in Steam. It's basically a new Monkey Island with very good humor as well. First two titles are out right now, third one should hopefully come out by either late this year or 2014.


I can't think of anything else I genuinely loved and recommended as again, most of the games I play and love tend to be popular. Kickstarter titles haven't started rolling yet either.

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Oh man, Critter Crunch is such a pretty looking and swish game. Way overly short though.


Lost Odyssey was my one to add. Many folks talk of FFXIII as the big JRPG of the gen, but LO came out a fair bit before, just gimped by being 360 exclusive (luckily Last Remnant jumped ship to PC). It plays very much like I'd have figured a next-gen JRPG would. Way more so than FFXIII did. One of my few 360 games I own (despite lack of a 360).

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Everyone's going to say Nier - it's the cult classic of the generation. Many people would say Folklore, Folksoul. I'm sure we'll even here some for Prince of Persia 2008, White Knight Chronicles, No More Heroes, Deadly Premonition, Wet and the like.


I'm going to see if there are games people have actually forgotten about and aren't cult classics.


Resonance of fate

Majin and the forgotten kingdom

The Saboteur.

King's Bounty: Armoured Princess/The Legend




Cult Classics


Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls

Child of Eden


Tokyo Jungle

Sound Shapes

M&M: Clash of Heroes




The Last Guy

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