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  • 2 months later...

Would anyone else prefer the next Nintendo handheld without 3D and with only one screen?
I think theyve gone as far as theyre going to go with these 2 gimmicks.

Most people arent going to miss the 3D effect and I doubt anyone specifically buys Nintendo handhelds because they have 2 screens. Most games dont even take advantage of the second screen in any meaningful way anymore. They barely did during the original DS period.


Just get rid of 3D and a second screen and have one awesome high def screen.

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Actually, I like the dual screen set-up. It's made the Wii U a joy to use and used correctly it can make menus, inventory, maps etc. far better implemented. One high end screen, that's what the Vita tried and it wasn't exactly popular. My favourite system by a long way, the Vita, but it's expensive to develop for and lacks the simple pick-up-and-play charm a less advanced handheld has.

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Yeah, the one screen was not the Vita's problem.  Honestly I think it's biggest problem was the stuff they tried to cram into it, like the rear touch sensor, that drove up the hardware price without really adding any benefit.  Even the front screen doesn't really need to be touch, as convenient as it might be for menus.

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Im not a fan of the backtouch, but the front touch is awesome on the Vita. It makes a lot of things easier and honestly, its a good way to replace buttons that the Dualshock had but the Vita lacks.


And I actually like having a map or inventory on a second screen, but overall its just not worth it. Whatever drives that cost up, Id just rather have a better screen and smaller handheld. The 3DS has a terrible screen that shouldn't even be made anymore. The screen and resolution is something youd expect from a no name brand portable dvd player.

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If people embraced the Vita it would in theory be a perfect handheld... but without more sales people will declare it "dead", developers will pull back support and it's screwed, despite having a higher install base than the PS4 currently. It could easily be salvaged, if only Sony tried.

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I guess I'll get EarthBound and probably never play it.


*Edit* - Oh wait, this isn't for the rank you reached last year, I see.


*Edit 2* - No, these are supposed to be for last year.  I'm really confused now, cause I could have sworn I was gold...

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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minis march again is supposed to be good if you like puzzle games. I keep meaning to buy it.


I'm getting pretty bored of the selection in the EU stars catalogue. It needs an major injection of new stuff. Accessories for the DS, Wii/DS points cards - can you even use those anymore? . I really hope none of my points are coming up to their expiry dates as I would definitely be wasting them just to use them up at the moment.

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I forgot to register my new 3DS so I stayed at Gold status. NES Remix would have been my choice if I had Platinum, but I only have myself to blame for forgetting to add a little more coins. Guess I'll save it up for this new year as I don't think I'll be getting any new system.


I still have my very first video game, Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, so while it's special to me, I don't think I need it on 3DS. Never played Wario Land 2, so that might be what I get, though I'm not particularly ecstatic. Zelda II is the black sheep of the Zelda franchise and it has always been difficult for me to get through. I technically own it with the GCN collection, but I could have it on Wii U to try and muscle through it now.


Who am I kidding, I wouldn't have the patience now.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

The Premium service is ending on the last day of this year. I know Nintendo always said it was limited time only but I kind of thought they were covering their back and it would go on until the next console came out. I'd still need to spend about £20 it get my next voucher, which is not very likely at all to happen. seems like a waste of the £30 I've spent since my last voucher even though it was free money they were giving out.


Anyway, just a reminder to check if you have any free vouchers due or are just a short hop away from one. check here.

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