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I'd say the odds are very small that it will be NX exclusive.  Like, ~5%.  Odds are ~75% that it will be cross-gen.


*Edit - If it does turn out to be NX exclusive I will cry.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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how long usually is it between an announcement of a console and its release? If NX is revealed next E3 is a Oct/Nov 2016 release unrealistic?  As if the NX is going to be in 2017  it seems unimaginable we won't get Zelda on Wii U winter 2016


Edit: In Nintendo's recently announced quarterly results, their supplementary info lists Zelda as a Wii U title with a release date TBD. To my mind that would mean at least that it is coming to both consoles if not exclusively to Wii U, else they would have just put "upcoming Zelda title, release TBD", surely? Mind you I've been burned before with Japanese companies out right lying as apparently it's expected over there not (borderline) fraudulent as it is here?

Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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I doubt Zelda U will move exclusively to the NX, since Nintendo was fairly adamant during E3 that it was still a Wii U game... if it wasn't going to come to Wii U they would have been a little more coy about it... "we have nothing to announce at this time", or something, ya know. It will definitely be cross-gen like Twilight Princess, assuming the NX is a normal gaming system and not a moderately powered portable with TV connection abilities. Though, I can guarantee you if it does come to both systems, the Wii U version will be impossible to find, again, like Twilight Princess Game Cube. 

TFG: Well, for PS4/XB1 they were both announced the spring before they came out. Nintendo announced the Wii U at E3 2011, showed it off again at E3 2012 before it was released that winter. But the rumours are all pointing that the NX could go into manufacturing soon, so we're probably looking at a 2016 release, which would line up nicely with Zelda.

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For all the people that complain about the release rate of virtual console games I just read this on facebook:




Fun fact: when Rare Replay comes out tomorrow, there will be more N64 games on Xbox One than the Wii U Virtual Console.


so... you may be right, lol.

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Any nintendo users in the EU, if you log in to your club nintendo account on their website it will ask you to link your NNID (they are semi connected already, so don't think, "I already did that") it will give you 750 stars. That's a decent chunk more than you get from games, which don't have stars any more so this may be your last chance to get enough stars to make a purchase from the catalogue.

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  • 1 month later...



New CEO named. Is a sort of "safe bet" kind of guy. He, as described by WSJ, is a bit of a "number-cruncher". He's Reggie's predecessor and had worked on bringing Pokemon to US. I doubt he'll be around for super long, probably a few years at most to maybe have stability as NX is brought in.


Miyamoto is now "Creative Fellow" and Genyo Takeda is "Hardware fellow" to sort of crutch Kimishima.

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True, it's clearly illegal to click on a Google search result. I think The WSJ may actually be violating the DMCA by circumventing its own measures to protect its IP. 


Yes, we all know Rupert Murdoch is concerned with legality.   ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really don't know why I was even half hoping Nintendo would have their new account system set today after the old one closed yesterday. Wonder when it will actually arrive. Mostly out of curiosity as to what it will offer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

so... My last post was even further off the mark than I feared. While they'd made very clear the replacement would arrive before the end of the year, "My Nintendo" will in fact be arriving March 2016. Sounds pretty similar to the old system so I'm guessing most of what's happened is behind the scenes tech stuff to unify separate systems and link in the smartphone stuff in.


What's annoying me is there are several games I would have bought by now in the eShop, but have put off as I was waiting for them to count toward the new system and now I just have that much longer to wait I can't think why they cut off the old system when the new one was quite clearly nowhere near ready.

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  • 1 month later...

See, I would find these more convincing if they had any sources at all (even if it was just "anonymous official at Foxconn"), but instead they just saying things like "it's expected to enter production quarter 2 2016."  Expected by whom?  On what basis?


Though I'll admit my conviction that it won't be a 2016 release is waning.

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  • 2 months later...

You can now go to accounts.nintendo.com to set up your Nintendo Account. All you need to do is Log in with your NNID and enter the code they email you. You can then go to miitomo.com to pre register your interest. you will earn platinum points for preregistration on miitomo, so it's worth doing even if you're not sure you want the app. Platinum points are the ones you exchange for digital goods and in future physical goods, rather than gold which are used for discounts. All a bit confusing but I'm sure it will be seem simpler when it's all up and running.

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