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Rogue Legacy

Waldorf and Statler

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This is the Super Meatboy/Dark Souls of Castlevania Symphony of the Night.


If anybody else here has it I'd love to discuss what you consider the proper way to build the tree/spend money. Right now I'm playing to the point where with a paladin/shinobi/barbarian king I can do decently well in the first area without getting my ass kicked until I reach all the gold in it but man oh man if the fucking boss still takes away like 40 damage per hit even when I'm like 3 levels away from him [giant eye].


The blood armor combo I'm wearing is nice due to taking 6 health per hit, the downside is that each piece takes away 30 health. Which is a shame because this is probably the most useful set I can afford as downgrading to the knight equivalent won't make the hits per enemy any lower it would just make my life bigger.

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Shot gunning out all my thoughts since I'm tired...

I just branched out and started to focus on the upgrades such as health, defense and offense. I didn't bother with the blood armors since I like my health and you really need every point. You should try out the forest, it is the next logical area for you to go to. Do it for the possibility of getting a better sword or even better armor. With that said, the first boss has a pattern and I think you can beat the boss without getting hit. Double jump and the flying runes really help with the boss.


Again, level means NOTHING. Being a dwarf is good since you can get into tunnels and shit. Look out for blacken out floors and such.


Edit: Protip: As a Lich King or Lick Queen, do not spam Y (special move). I reduced myself to 1 HP... and the class can be powerful (can permanently increase HP with each kill).

Edited by MaliciousH
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Yeah started a new family. Basically put a lot of points into health and strength, and now the only mistake I made is that I put points into the spellthief thinking it would take me to the shinobi upgrade but it didn't and the spellthief is a bit too specific for my playstyle [aka spells which i never use].


So now I've unlocked the lich and in the future I should be able to upgrade the shinobi and lich class [which are the two my buddy recommended anyways]. I finally beat the first boss and funny enough I did so with a Barbarian and his gigantic amount of life alongside a knight chestplate. The trick was probably not wearing the blood armor. Man that was a mistake. Not only is it heavy, the health sucking is only useful if you have character that does't get hit often and kills fast, which for me tends to be the shinobi or paladin. Anything else is basically useless.


I still don't like the assassin class since I'd have to basically make a playthrough where I spend money on critical hit and damage. Fuck that. I'm happy with the Shinobi/Lich/Paladin/Barbarian classes. They all have their uses. Shame when I have to choose between others though.

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Spell Thief might be pretty useful for the second boss if you get the a spell that can penetrate multiple enemies and hit multiple times. Each kill will net him more MP to continually deal out the damage. You'll see what I mean when you die in its room. UNLESS you can beat the boss to submission quickly. My barbarian almost managed it but yeah, ded.


While the shinobi and the lich are great classes, I find that the Archmage is the best. Spell cycle? Hell yeah. May not be able to take hits much but he can sure deal it while remaining safe.

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I've found that those classes that are based off MP are not my style specifically because you'd need to have OCD to charge up MP easily, or be a spellthief. But archmages are the ones with the cool special magic powers.  I was considering being one when they had the time stopping powers but then I saw it was also spell-cycle.

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I don't find player control to be even remotely tight. Jumping and dodging is all very exaggerated and imprecise. Not very usable in closed spaces. That and the down+attack skill won't activate for me half the time. I'm not using a controller, but I never have for games that people have insisted I need one for.


It is addicting in its own way. Certainly a fun game when it isn't infuriating. I'll probably grab it when it goes on sale.


Still, not suited to bullet hell elements at all.

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That's debatable as with a controller I've been doing just fine. The dodging/dash maneuver isn't meant to make you invulnerable it's to avoid damage if possible and go further than with a regular jump. Jumping is context sensitive, dashing isn't. As for dodging the key of the game is to attack and move back. A lot of the game is entering a room, killing nearby enemies and if there's a shitload of them going back into the door so they spawn back to their starting location.

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The down strike and the flying mechanics are frustrating. While I can activate it 100% of the time, it is too short in duration. Just a bit too early you'll be hugging the enemy.  Not to say that I can't hop on the enemies. The flying rune got me hurt and dead a few times. Might be due to how on my settings but I'm trying to fly forward but it sends me on a downward glide towards spiked floors.


Movement as a whole is fine though and yes, it is a bullet hell at times. "Don't get hit" rooms with eyes dawg.

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You can just grind out the first dungeon. Most special chests and all hidden chests will puke out runes. If you're lucky, you'll get stats boosts. The flying rune gives you 0.5 second of flight. As always, it stack (I think). Put it with double jump for a fine tuned landing adjustments. Though, don't think about down striking while flying. It doesn't work.

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Haha will do, I've been gridning over and over again but can now relatively safely enter the forest area without getting any more ass fucked than I would in the starting dungeon.


Also since I've started the game I've reloaded my family like 4 times for 2 reasons:


1. Starting dungeon with first knight. Depending how easy it is/how much money I can make it helps out immensely in future runs as I can get useful stats and runes from the get-go. If I suck in the first dungeon I tend to suck in the other castle reloads so it's kind of an omen.


2. I've now learned how I want to make my tree and have avoided classes I dont' use like the miner, the archmage and the spellthief.

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So I was fighting the second boss with a hokage. I fought it till we were on our last sliver of health and with the the little skulls closing in, it was down to an all or nothing charge.


I died and it won.


BUT! I just got the death avoidance trait that gave me 1% chance of reviving. It kicked in and thus I slew him as I rose back from the dead, with me out deading a fucking flying skull.



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You don't know where that gif came from? Jesus. I can't believe I'm gonna out-moe you for once.


It's from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.


It was a guilty pleasure. Alongside every other cheesy high school comedy/romance I've seen.



Back on topic though: I'm thinking this game is specifically designed for monsters to be beaten once you lock an old dungeon with whichever creature you wanna fight already open, unless you rush to whichever area you wanna go. I say this simply because chicken doesn't give you nearly enough life back per hit unless you're playing as a paladin or a barbarian king. Vampirism is out of the question unless it's a rune. Though it might be worth it with lich king.

Edited by Waldorf And Statler
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