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Rogue Legacy

Waldorf and Statler

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Well, I did so and I'm not sure that helped, but I remembered that games run better on my laptop in windowed view.


Still, I hate practically wasting a character because sometimes a new layout is ridiculously challenging right away. You barely get any health, so it's basically a marathon run to get close and maybe consider letting the Architect lock the castle.

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If I can recommend something I'll say this: don't get all the classes. See the ones you like and focus on getting the upgraded versions of those, then use the rest of the tree to get strength, health and armor upgrades as these are super fucking key.



From what I gather the best classes for the majority of people are: knight/paladin, barbarian/barbarian king, lich/lich king and... whatever/hokage [the ninja].


All of those have either a lot of health, are balanced,or a lot of damage. Mages, miners and assasssins I wouldn't suggest probably those might take more skill. I can't use them properly.

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This game can piss me off fierce sometimes. Entering a room and instantly enemies are attacking with their spray projectiles. My last hero/child got killed by a "McRib," a skeleton that spams a dozen bones in an arc toward you. As soon as I got into the room, two of them aimed at me.


Though, what gets me the most is when I only get 480-499 gold and all the gear and upgrades are 500+. It's like I'm at a stalemate at Lv. 43, having defeated two bosses, but unable to get enough gold to make any impact other than grinding.

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Well, I think what I might have to do is play through the castle each time rather than heading off to the next difficult area. Eventually enemies start becoming one to two hit kills. I'd hate to restart after all the stuff I've unlocked, but the hindsight of what areas/skills the manor unlocks when you spend money would be helpful.


I swear, unlocking the Miner class was a mistake.

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yep. He becomes useful maybe once you've upped armor and health and can obtain more money with him in the areas you blaze through with the other classes.


But that's once you can at least go through two of the areas, if not three, easily. I might end up unlocking him in a few since right now I'm waiting for better armor and weapons.

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I defeated the third boss last night, but for the life of me I still don't think I'll be able to tackle the "Realm of Darkness" part of the castle. Like, I've been unlocking a lot of Runes, but as far as I see it, I've been good on Runes for most of the game.


I wish I was unlocking more Blueprints because better gear gear would probably be better help than upping a few stats after each death.

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This game is on sale right now...I'm tempted, and yet the steam veteran in me is telling me to hold out in hopes of a flash sale.


Never seen a game be cheaper on a flash sale when it's on a daily deal. I intend to buy this game too, and was thinking (earlier) that I have like 35 hours to decide.


Lifehacker says if it's one of the dailies, buy it. Only regular discounts where it's not on daily/flash is a no buy.



Edit: OOOH sorry. I didn't see the date of your post! It's on daily now.


Edit 2: WTH. It's not. I could have sworn it was. Or it was on flash and I missed it. 

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I got the game when it was $11.99 on Steam. I feel like it was worth it, though...


The fourth boss is absolutely ridiculous. There's a strong element of chance to it, and I've probably wasted 20 children on it. I've come close about four times, and each little slime piece is hard to hit because of the spikes covering the ground. Flame Shield worked great, but I still had seven little slimes and the Archmage is still weak health. It took three hits and he was dead.


It's those stupid "Gravitors" as well. The green cloaked guys that will summon rock pillars. You really have to take out one at a time when they appear. I had a few attempts where I had five out at once and it was impossible with all the jumping high leveled slimes and summoned pillars.

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Finally defeated the fourth boss. It was terrible, and I nearly "rage quit" when I died only needing one more hit. About three children later and I got lucky again and best this horrible boss with it's high standard of luck. It's one of those "waity" kind of bosses where you need to wait for a while to strike maybe two times at most. In total, I probably wasted nearly 30 children.


Now I'm on the final boss, and I've gotten close to defeating him. I think I have to accept I'll need to grind a bit more to get better gear and stats. There are two forms, and the first isn't bad when you're using a class you're good with. My advice has always been that if you're stuck with a less than optimal class, just go on a treasure raid until you end up dead.

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There were some white knights bitching how it was insensitive that was considered a negative trait when they obviously haven't played the game and don't realize that there are negative, positive and neutral traits. This one is a neutral trait. I think it's a nice message that whether the hero is gay or not it doesn't change anything in his skills or battle prowess.

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