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Shin Megami Tensei


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How on earth does this not have a topic yet? Anyway, this thread is all about Shin Megami Tensei, all entries in the series. I'm personally a Persona fan, so that's my main focus, but Digital Devil Saga fans and whatnot are welcome here as well.


Just started Persona 3 Portable- I own FES, but I could never make it through it for some reason. I loved it, but I just couldn't get off the ground. The PSP is the change I needed- having it on the go, I find I'm playing it all the time, and I freaking LOVE it.

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I luuuurve me some SMT.


Only came onboard once P3 first released, but then I became obsessed.


I absolutely LOVED Digital Devil Saga - the story was so fresh and unique, and about 80% of the voice acting for the localized version was really impressive.


I've been crossing my fingers waiting for an HD SMT, and it looks like Catherine is the first step, even if it's not a 'true' SMT game as some have lectured me.


But I don't care.


I wants it.

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Bag I am currently playing through Nocturne. FUCK THAT GAME SO HARD GODDAMN.


I just fought hell biker.


Persona 4 has become my favorite game, head above shoulders above 3 imo in just about every way. But they're both excellent. I will replay FES next semester as well as start the answer...


4, I have gotten to the day with the true ending but stopped because I need some major grinding to do to beat Margaret who at current one shots me. But since I started my second playthrough literally right after I finished my first, after like 176 hours or whatever it is, I needed a short break. I will get back to it this winter break, I think. And then most likely replay a third time, in which I WILL MOTHERFUCKING GET all 20 social links (this second time I got 16 or so of them) and all 100 percent of the Persona compendium.


My replay of 3 will shoot for all 20 of the arcanas, too, but not compendium because I don't like the game THAT much.


I listen to songs from both games every day. Oh my god.


Pursuing my true soul is never ever skipped.

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I'm afraid I'll never beat 4.


I was playing obsessively, trying to get all the rainy day components, maybe about 70% of the way through and my PS3 died, taking all my save data with it, and some sixty hours or more.


Sad day. Sad damn day.


Same with Digital Devil Saga.


I was on the last boss of the second game and *blip*


Farking Sony, PS3s aren't supposed to break.



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Great thread! I'm a big fan of both Persona 3 & 4. I started out with FES but STILL haven't finished the damn thing, so decided to leave it for what it is. I've recently purchased Persona 4, got started on that, but again.. I can't bring myself to constantly play it. It will have to wait until I have some time off. These series just suck up so much time, but they are worth it!


Also, can't wait for Catherine. :bun-amore:

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Don't I know. Thing is, storywise I forgot almost everything that happened so I would have no clue as to what's going on if I start playing again. I didn't get very far with Persona 4, so I might just start over entirely. As for P3, no way in hell I'm starting over. I'm almost at the top of Tartarus and I have to play The Answer as well... Meh.

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I've only ever played Lucifers Call. Yet to compete it though. I'm not sure how far I was into it but it was around the time I moved out to uni, so not had much chance to complete it. One day I shall!.

It was very pretty and I liked the battle system, the pokemon like elements. I didn't follow the story too well. I guess if I'd played DMC I'd maybe be impressed with Dante's appearance in the game but meh to him.

Shame there's not much like it on current gen systems.

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I really, really, really want a P4P. I can't even decide who I would go after , dating-wise, if I chose a female protagonist. This probably wouldn't be an option, but it'd be cool to date Teddie. He's bear-y adorable. bun-supah.gif


Last week, I was raging about not being able to find my Devil Summoner 2 disk. bun-emo.gif

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I am waiting for my P2P to come out so I can return to my VKei mode with Eikichi.


You mean watch a former fatty as he picks on a hawt 4-N chick? Give me Maya and her loser friend any day of the week. Hell, Innocent Sin should've just been about Lisa.


For the recent-gen rundown:


Digital Devil Saga is hard like SMT3, except you only have 3 characters rather than 4, and the difficulty is unbalanced. Some areas are simple, some will rape your face. You can, however, use a neat little trick to grind at a certain point in the game, and even that won't prepare you for the ricockulous final dungeon, which is a tower with holes in the floor and teleporters everywhere (and it's at least twice the size of Obelisk Tower from SMT3). Still a good game despite that infuriating dungeon and a couple of brutal bosses, which you should be used to from SMT3.


Digital Devil Saga 2 fixes a lot of the problems from the first and has a more well-rounded difficulty. It also feels like a shorter game because of streamlined dungeon design, as opposed to the huge labyrinthine dungeons of the first game.


SMT3 is a fucking fantastic game and you should all play it unless you are pussies who require a "Retry" function if you die in battle in order to play RPGs.


Persona 3 has a better game aspect than Persona 4.


Persona 4 has a better everything else than Persona 3.


I also hope they fix the social links in Mass Effect 3.

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Bag I am currently playing through Nocturne. FUCK THAT GAME SO HARD GODDAMN.


I just fought hell biker.

I don't remember how far that is but I bet you'll have fun once you get to the pixie park. Oh man did I bitch like crazy in the IRC because of that place. That game made me save every single time I passed by a save point even if I saved 5 min ago.

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I really, really, really want a P4P. I can't even decide who I would go after , dating-wise, if I chose a female protagonist. This probably wouldn't be an option, but it'd be cool to date Teddie. He's bear-y adorable. bun-supah.gif


Last week, I was raging about not being able to find my Devil Summoner 2 disk. bun-emo.gif


They said P4P would never happen :(


Plus the girls are way better than the boys in the game anyway, I'd still want to romance Yukiko/Chie above everyone else.

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Bags I have been playing this game (Nocturne) hardcore. Often there are times in dungeons where I would have no more SP no healing items no sp items and i would truck the fuck along despite not being even halfway through just because i figured it would be less suffering than travelling back into town and then going through the dungeon AGAINNN.


@minty: better game aspect? wut. how can you possibly beat actually having control over party members?!! the strategy aspect goes through the roof in comparison, 3 is just like 'lemme do this and then hope for dumb luck'


From what little I played of DDS, if you've played Nocturne it should be child's play in comparison.


Dean, is that the only SMT game you've played? Booooo. That's the game you go to at like, the end when you know you like the series and are willing to take it in the ass to keep playing the series. :P I'd make a comparison but I just woke up so it slips my mind.

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I bought P3 and P4 on ebay for like 80 bucks a year and a half ago, played P3 for about 40 hours and then just stopped...


Really want to finish it, but whenever I finish something and have to pick something new to play, it never occurs to me to pick up from where I left off :(


Also, I seem to recall being stuck on a boss in Tartarus. And if I remember correctly, I read up some strategies on how to beat it only to find out it had no obvious weakness and my only option was to grind for hours :'(

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They said P4P would never happen :(


Plus the girls are way better than the boys in the game anyway, I'd still want to romance Yukiko/Chie above everyone else.


They did? Boooooooo! I love RPGs on handheld, it takes timesink games and makes them perfect. I played the HELL out of both PSP Disgaeas. And P3P ain't leavin' my UMD slot for the next two months at least, I'm sure.


I haven't seen that much of Persona 4 (I know I should), but from what little I've seen I would want to romance Yosuke. Or better yet, Evil Yosuke.

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Digital Devil Saga is harder because of unbalanced difficulty and the necessity of grinding to have a well-rounded enough skill set to be competitive, given that bosses will REQUIRE you to have very specific skills to not be on the fruitless defensive the entire fight.


Also Persona 3 is awesome for having party members that act on their own. OR DO YOU NOT TRUST YOUR OWN FRIENDS BREEEDAAAAAAAAA

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