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Final Fantasy XIV


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They should of revealed it by updating XIV by slowly/steadily turning the game world into what was shown in the trailer. Any players left would be wondering what the fuck is going on. Whoever left the game might become curious enough to poke back in and see the hell world. All the while with a narrative going on throughout the game world leading up to the final clash where the players can beat the incoming enemies but there just too much. Whoever is left will be pushed back until the narrator says they have no choice but to be thrown into a time portal. Whoever died will get locked out from playing but they can spectate and will have an idea what will happen.


With that, it'll be the second time (?) in a Final Fantasy game where the heroes/heroines failed to save the world. Initially.


Of course Square sucks now (Or forever) at being creative. So eh.

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Actually what you said they should be doing is what they have been doing, from what I understand. A buddy of mine has been playing with his wife for some months now (both of them tried it when it first came out and left in disgust), and they've been saying a lot of good things about the game, as well as the changes that have gradually been introduced, and the ones to come. It seems like SE have been very close to the community as far as taking and reacting to feedback, and announcing their roadmap details in advance. According to him the players over there are really pleased with how things are unfolding, and while the world change itself is going to be abrupt, I understand that it's tied into the current setting/plot(s) neatly, and is being built up to in a fashion. That's all second-hand, but I trust the guy's assessment.


I'm pretty excited, personally. If anything just to see the outcome of this drawn-out debacle. But I can't lie, I'm excited for the game too. I'll be on day-1.

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  • 10 months later...

So I got my FFXIV beta codes for PS3 and was hoping to play some this weekend but the PSN code won't download.




We have confirmed an issue wherein North American PlayStation 3 users outside of the United States are unable to redeem their PlayStation 3 promotion code to download the FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Beta software. 

We are working to address the issue, but our current estimates show that the fix will not be in place before the end of the first weekend of testing. We are confident that the issue will be resolved before the next test is scheduled to begin. In the meantime, if you wish to participate in the test this weekend, you can use your Beta Test code to play on the PC version as well. This will not affect your ability to play on the PS3 version once the issue has been resolved.
Once the issue has been resolved, we’ll be sure to post a follow-up announcement.
We sincerely apologize about this and appreciate your understanding in the matter.

Son of a!!!!

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Aw, that stinks. I'm in right now on PC, and was contemplating downloading the PS3 version just to check out how it runs, and possibly offer some feedback. I might still give it a try later, though something tells me that if I fire up the PS3 that I'm gonna wind up tearing up The Last of Us >.>



If you go to the Playstation Store right now, you'll see beta signups for it right there, too. Not sure if it's any more stable or not...

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I'll be honest, I'm interested in XIV. We all know what a god damn train wreck the initial launch is but it seems to have turned around. I was a bit too poor and had shit internet to get into XI so... yeah.


Also, XII is not bad. I can't help but feel a hint of MMO feel to it with the action bar. The Gambit system is pretty damn good. Its less micromanaging from me, like healing.


I couldn't keep the lights on in the dungeon so I fought waves and waves of dead stuff and eventually had to double back to the starting area. I then proceeded to find out that the door I opened had a save point. Now, I'm on a floaty city that I shall call Laputa. Now question time... I have a feeling that I may be skipping a whole bunch of side quests by not talking to every NPC that can talk. So am I? I also feel like I'm severely underestimating the loot and shops. Also the unlocking of stuff.

Edited by MaliciousH
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It's the first MMO I've played on a console, and it holds up pretty well (not surprising given when I beta'd the PC launch a year+ ago it played less like a PC game). Only major niggle is you're gonna want a keyboard for the chat. You actually have more hot bar shortcuts than you do on PC (16, R2 n L2 for modifiers, then d-pad n action buttons for specific spell/action, compared to the 10-12 on PC MMOs). The beta feels somewhat lacking in quests and direction though, there can be voids between levels where you're waiting to hit 5/10/15 to open new ones, so needing to fish about the area looking for new spots to level up in, joining random fights n FATEs(Random battle things multiple people can join in, I feel GW2 does them a bit better).

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  On 6/17/2013 at 12:16 PM, Deanb said:

It's having to wander around without aim until you come across some village with quests for you to do, they don't exactly point you much in a path as most MMOs I've done tend to.


As far as hotbar goes, could be missing some, but most do 1 through to 0/+


Yeah, that's what I was going to say. When I started my first (of three) character in the last leg of the beta, I encountered a similar point. It's just a matter of finding the rest though, in other sanctuaries/towns/whatevers. The web of quest seems neatly laid out to let one solo their way through to a certain level, and with gear to match it.  My chars were around 15 when I left them in phase II, and that still seemed to be the case.


I'm not sure what to make of the game overall yet. Part of me is still smitten by the world itself, since I was (kinda am, again) a huge FFXI junkie. I'll really need to get farther in the game to pass judgment though. While I appreciate some soloability, I haven't encountered anything yet that made me seek a partner. While there were some moments where I was able to just use the people fighting in the vicinity to my advantage, I'm interested in the big boss fights where roles must be played to a T to insure victory. 


The interface can be intimidating at times. Dean, you mind sharing the method for resizing windows such as the chat (without going into the settings) without using a mouse? I'm managing to do just about everything on PC with only KB and controller, but there are a few things I've been forced to mouse my way out of, and it's bugging me.


Re: FFXIII combat

It's at its juiciest when you're doing the hunts, and taking on the really tough mobs. While there is a good deal of the game through which one doesn't need to work hard to win battles, there is definitely a portion of the game that makes one paradigm shift like a mf'er just to stay afloat. Not just healing and attacking either... I had great fun preparing for various battles, and altering my strategy to accommodate.I absolutely loved the combat, what can I say...

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  • 2 months later...

Nah. maybe eventually, but not anytime soon.


Took part in the phase 2 and 4 betas. Seems to be a very solid MMO and surprisingly well optimized for controller support. Had fun, but I'm still gathering my thoughts on it.


Also never played the original game, so I don't know how better off it was from the original launch version.

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My move was poorly timed, it appears. Otherwise I'd be spending some time in the MMO...sucks.


Any considerations to what your starting class will be? I was thinking of going a Black Mage route, but I'm not too fond of its starting city. Might end up starting out as White Mage and going Black later...

Edited by UnstableArk
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