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Mr. GOH!

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and still no second analog...


anyways, I kind of like it. Seems more like a tablet, shape anyways. Plus, the 3D sucks anyways. Should have also removed both cameras and reduced the price even more. Ive personally never used them. Honestly, the only camera I use is the one on my phone. 3DS, Vita, Kindle....nah.

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Well, there's the response.  It's really important for Nintendo handhelds to be the cheapest on the market, because a lot of their money comes in from games that are hits with kids.  So they had a problem.  This holiday season they have a big new Pokemon game coming and a big new Monster Hunter game coming.  These games have the potential to dominate Japanese and American schoolyards capturing kiddie's hearts and minds.  But that doesn't happen if parents are buying their children different hardware, like the newly $200 playstation Vita.


With this Nintendo clearly takes back the best value at $130 and I believe they made it sturdier too?  I read that at least, and if so that's another bonus for the younger kid crowd.

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I don't think this was in response to the 199 Vita. If this is coming out in October, obviously this has been in planning for a long time and has been in manufacturing for awhile as well. Nintendo is many things, but quick reacting they are not. I think this is a system for kids, even more so than the regular 3DS. At this point I think the 3DS and the Vita are going for two completely different crowds. 

It's ugly as sin but I guess if I had a kid I'd be more likely to buy this than the more expensive, eye wrecking, regular 3DS.

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Agreed. Sort of felt the same thing with the N64 near the end (ignoring that Rare produced Conker game), they realized they can't compete against the Metal Gear Solids and Final Fantasy games on PS1, so they went super kid focused. At least that's how it seemed to me in 1999 when I was a bad ass 12 year old who was way too cool for Pokemon Snap.

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Well the kids market is always gonna be something Nintendo invests a lot in.  Their IP are super well suited to that crowd, the competition to make quality kids games tends to be pretty weak, and Nintendo's honestly just really GOOD at this.  They've got marketing to 6-12 year olds down to a science.

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I don't really read gaming sites, so I'd like to know if there were any rumours floating around about this?


Even though it is ugly as sin, I actually think it looks quite comfy to hold with plenty of space to grip with the buttons being near the top and all the weight is in your hands rather than levering out the top of it.

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The more I look at this thing the more obvious it is that it's not meant for us. This is meant for 4 to 6 year olds who like to play with mom's ipad but their chunky little hot dog fingers aren't delicate enough to play with a 3ds without breaking it, especially the hinge.


If an adult wants a cheaper 3ds though, then I guess nothing is stopping them from going for this. I was almost pissed about buying a 3ds XL recently when I saw the headline for the cheaper 2DS since I don't care about 3D, but I got over it when I actually saw the thing. I'm happy to stick with my XL.

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I was initially thrown off by the new handheld, but then I realized where Nintendo was driving at.


It is meant for younger children, mostly because of its design and functionality. You could still give a child younger than seven years-old a 3DS, but there's still the possibility that the child isn't going to care about the health of his developing eyes and switch the 3D on. Given the new Pokemon generation is around the corner, Nintendo probably wanted to expand the market while maintaining that the 3DS has an age barrier.


The very look and proportions of the 2DS seems right for young children. Of course, the device itself has to be justifiably cheaper because it has noticeably cut production cost, and technically only has one screen. Not to mention parents would be more drawn to the cheaper handheld for their younger child. If anyone older wanted the 2DS as well, there's no harm in it. It might seem silly, but all you've really lost is a clam shell and 3D effects.

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There's even some evidence that stereoscopic 3D displays can be used in the treatment of lazy eyes in children.


I get the "for kids" angle though since:


- 2D display is cheaper and most kids I've seen using 3DS don't use 3D properly.

- I'd imagine that a number of DS breakages come from kids trying to bend the screen back too far (the number of times I've seen my nephews and nieces open DS's in a way that makes me draw a sharp intake of breath...) a non-bendy device means that kids won't be breaking DS's at the hinges (I'm sure they'll find other ways).

- Less moving parts would (I assume) make this cheaper to manufacture than a clamshell 3DS.


So yeah, cheaper, more durable, this is essentially a 2nd 3DS so that the grownups can keep theirs pristine while the kids can play on the games.

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