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Mr. GOH!

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I just think it's stupid it's so top heavy. And overall it's just too large, they say it's built for under 7's and the lack of hinge would show that, but the buttons and everything else is still not overly kiddie friendly. Also the name is modern-Nintendo terrible. Even Nvidia have better naming schemes.


Also you guys joke but I've got Thursday on G+.

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It's certainly not a bad price for a handheld console (pretty fucking great, actually), and if it were an adult getting it then the odds of it breaking aren't that high.  It's also certainly well within the range of what a parent might get for their kid.  I was talking, in response to TN calling it disposable, more about how a parent might treat it if their kid broke theirs and wanted a replacement.  I don't see a whole lot of parents going "Oh, you broke your $130 handheld little Johnny?  That's okay, we'll go get you a new one right away."

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There's nothing to suggest that 3D is bad for kids' eyes, anymore than sitting too close to the 2D TV is (hint: it's not).  It's just an extension of the whole "ooh, TV and games are bad for you!" outlook.

I only say that because, at least on my 3DS box, it has "3D Mode Ages 7+" on the bottom-right corner. I'm not sure if that has been retracted now because, as you say, it now is not true. Just that it's why a lot of folks online have been using the "under 7" phrase, either for justification or mocking the concept of a non-3D 3DS.


As for the "breakable" attribute, I've seen the hinges of a DS or 3DS as the first thing to go. However, the screens aren't usually the ones that break mainly because of the clam shell design. Now that they're always exposed, it has essentially the same vulnerablility as flat surface Game Boys: the screen. So the way I see it, there's a lot of give and take between the advantages of both handhelds, but the price is the strongest bullet point for any parent and low income student.

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I think Reggie flat-out said that the 2DS is for six or seven year old kids. I think the issue is that, although no one has shown that the 3DS actually harms smaller children, no one has proven that it won't harm smaller kids. The 7+ thing is ass-covering in case some kid plays the 3DS and subsequently has vision issues and the parents think it would be fun to sue Nintendo.


On the other hand, Nintendo does not seem to care that Pokemon irreparably harms kids by habituating them to shitty and repetivite video games. /trolololololo

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There's nothing to suggest that 3D is bad for kids' eyes, anymore than sitting too close to the 2D TV is (hint: it's not).  It's just an extension of the whole "ooh, TV and games are bad for you!" outlook.

I only say that because, at least on my 3DS box, it has "3D Mode Ages 7+" on the bottom-right corner. I'm not sure if that has been retracted now because, as you say, it now is not true. Just that it's why a lot of folks online have been using the "under 7" phrase, either for justification or mocking the concept of a non-3D 3DS.


AFAIK it still says that, but it was ever only their to cover their ass, not based on any actual evidence that it's bad for kids.

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It's certainly very 'baby's first handheld' and the removal of 3D will assuage the concerns some parents have about letting their children use such devices but I agree about the design. Given most small children have small hands, why all the inputs way up high? I can't imagine it's going to be a very heavy device in general so I wouldn't imagine there'd be a risk of it being top heavy by having them all confined to the bottom half. 


It's definitely not something I'd pick up but then I'm not the target demographic. 

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There's some comparison shots to an XL and an iPhone 5. So it's a lot smaller than it looks and it feels light and solid. They also so it is really comfortable in big and small hands, and the controls are great. So it seems it will give a great impression when you actually get your hands on it.

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Meant to post this a few days ago, though around then the board was acting slow so I put it off.


IGN Unboxing 2DS


If you don't care for the site, it still puts some perspective on the proportions of the device. Honestly, I'm kinda liking the large shoulder buttons and I'm actually a bit jealous that the White-Red 2DS is a Europe exclusive. I mean, I still have my original 3DS and probably wouldn't get another unless there was a great trade-in deal or it broke, but the 2DS doesn't seem that bad with the exception of never using 3D. I'm not bound by that feature, but it's nice to have the option.

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