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Killzone: Shadow Fall


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I can't be the only person totally hyped for this and getting this on launch along with the PS4, surely? I found Killzone 2's online to be the best of this current generation and cannot wait to get my hands online with the new Warzones. And the promise of free DLC maps is pretty boss.


I'd like to set up a PXOD clan though obviously if it's going to be just me, it might be a tad pointless. 

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I don't play multi.


To be fair, I did enjoy KZ2's campaign, but KZ3 just didn't feel fun to me.  I didn't even finish it.


I typically don't play multi either but the way it's structured dealt with a lot of my complaints about multiplayer and made it a lot more dynamic. I loved how it would change modes mid-match.  That and a focus on classes and a level structure where you had to play as a simple class before unlocking more advanced ones made it really enjoyable.

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Agreed on the comments on KZ2 multi. The varied classes and seemless switching between modes during the match actually made the team based combat fun. I really hope we see more of the same in Shadow Fall. I've no doubt I'll be over like a fat kid on cakes.


Hopefully be seeing a few of you guys online in that case. 

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Great. It's a little wider and rounder. Touchpad was useful for the few games that used it as they didn't even attempt to do anything complex with it. Triggers feel better so I don't think people will need to buy Real Triggers this time around. Also it was cool to press "Options" instead of "Start" as the naming makes way more sense. Rumble felt the same. I didn't get creative and think to try and share something from the floor though. Someone else I'm sure tried.

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From what I gathered, we might even get a Helghan ally/partner of sorts.


It's a weird plot element, to have your literal enemy living on your home planet who a little over 30 years ago tried to seize. Though considering our "protagonists" of Killzone 3 almost killed everyone on Helghan, it makes Vekta the war criminals this time around. The truth of the matter though has always been that the leadership of Helghan has been the evil ones, not the citizens. Probably not all of them, but they had the firm mindset that they needed their people to be strong which breed contempt towards the people of Vekta.

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