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Rayman: Legends


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Like I was saying in the Purchased Games thread, there's no reason that the Vita couldn't have this content, so I'm assuming they just ran out of time, hopefully these levels will be patched in.

Also, I vaguely recall reading about Vita exclusive levels when they announced the thing, I'd have to do some digging. 

For the record, it looks and plays great on the Vita and I can't imagine using PS3/360 for those Murphy levels.

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from ubi's site for the vita version:


Exclusive Content: 

5 touch maps and 2 heroes: Ray of Persia and Glob Cell


obviously it doesn't say what's missing.




don't forget you can use the touch screen goodness on the wii u version. wii u...






wii u....

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I imagine I'll be getting a Wii U soon because the games I'm finding interesting are stacking up. I played Origins on the PS3, but Legends look like a definite Wii U title. The team behind porting the game to other consoles seems to have done their job, it just means that all the touchscreen stuff is predetermined and configured to a button.

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