TheMightyEthan Posted April 25, 2016 Report Share Posted April 25, 2016 Lots of German names got their pronunciation changed upon coming to the US though. I had assumed it was like "phage". Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted April 25, 2016 Report Share Posted April 25, 2016 Set photos show Nathan Fillion will be in, or at least cameo again, GotG 2 as Simon Williams aka Wonderman (in the comic his mind is what Vision's is based off though that's about my main extent of knowledge on him). Also shows that at least some of it will be on earth, though as article notes if it's past or present day is unknown but I'd say with him being in a faux Tony Stark biopic it'd be sometime after Quill was abducted from earth. Could be ending stuff, having them arrive on earth or something, and the Fillion stuff being small easter egg/cameo things...which'd tie in somewhat nicely with Infinity Wars (though I believe current theory is they won't pop in until Pt 2...though really there's nothing to go on for that one) 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CorgiShinobi Posted April 27, 2016 Report Share Posted April 27, 2016 I haven't been keeping up with previews, but then I learned there was one with three more seconds of Spider-Man. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hot Heart Posted April 28, 2016 Report Share Posted April 28, 2016 Oh, you guys have a countdown. That's cute. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted April 28, 2016 Report Share Posted April 28, 2016 Fuck, must be hard for Iron Man to get around having to dodge all those magazine titles. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted April 29, 2016 Report Share Posted April 29, 2016 Netflix have announced a standalone Punisher series. I liked him in Daredevil but I think he was sort of wrapped up. Gonna be a lot of shows if they keep spinning folks off, already got Luke Cage n Iron Fist coming up too. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted April 29, 2016 Report Share Posted April 29, 2016 This is quite neat. It was pretty good sign for Winter Soldier that they had to notable nitpick to pick on it, which shows the Russo brothers probably aren't going with faux flattery in saying the "honest trailer proofed" it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCP Posted April 29, 2016 Report Share Posted April 29, 2016 Yo, you European's better RESPECT North America and not post any spoilers OR I'LL FUCKING END YOU. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted April 29, 2016 Report Share Posted April 29, 2016 I posted all mine in a spoiler tag in the Good Movie thread waiting for other folks to see it so we can have a good old natter about that thing that happens to Iron Man. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCP Posted May 1, 2016 Report Share Posted May 1, 2016 Dean how were the post credit scene(s)??? But don't tell me what they were!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted May 1, 2016 Report Share Posted May 1, 2016 I don't know, I couldn't find out if there was any and at the end all the lights went up and people started shuffling out (and I was end of row so be a dick move to sit there staunchly for 5 minutes on off chance). However I am aware there is one, and it's meant to be okay, though for many somewhat confusing. edit: So I've been mulling on the Spider-Man-Iron Man relationship and Reveal hidden contents It's really fucking creepy. Like I'm really hoping with RDJ cast for Homecoming that part of it will be Parker going off the hook with Stark cos: - He's surveilled Spider-man enough to figure out who he is. - He's then turned up at his home n social engineered his way in n flirting with his aunt - gets him to join in his little war, a 15 year old boy cajoled into joining a fight against hardened Avengers (and exposed now to the legal system behind Sakovia Accord) - In his spying he's apparently gotten the body measurements in order to have made him a new tight fitting suit*. And then all this and he gets injured Stark just leaves him in a destroyed airport to somehow make his way home. *This makes you wonder if in his spying means he has a crate at home labelled "Jessica Jones" n "Luke Cage". Heck given that I'm at a point in AoS where folks are speculating Skye being Cap to Hulk level of power, certainly "Avengers level" wouldn't surprise me if she's in there somewhere. He's obviously been mulling over other supers for The Avengers (though obviously externally we know this is more as a way to introduced the recently licensed Spider-Man). And if you watch the follow up video for the above Russo brothers stuff they reference and then "no comment" on mulling over large cast of characters including TV lot for Infinity War. I do not envy them. This will have been hard, though they pulled it off. To be the cap on a decades worth of movies leading to Thanos, and the juggle so many existing characters too. And for the forum crowd: Aunt May: Peter can you take the trash out? Peter: yeah like the boy in the three million dollar suit will take the trash out. Come on! Oh I wonder if this means the upcoming Netflix shows will reference (heck might even briefly feature) Spider-Man. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hot Heart Posted May 1, 2016 Report Share Posted May 1, 2016 Funnily enough, I think the film actually has three, "Come on..." gags at various points. Struggling to recall the exact ones now, but the first instance comes... Reveal hidden contents when Cap wants Bucky to avoid casualties but he throws a guy over the edge of the stairwell and Cap catches him then berates him. While I loved it, I don't think the film is without problems... Reveal hidden contents Like in the comic book, Tony Stark slightly veers into irrational territory, but nowhere near as badly. It is sort of anticlimactic in that you see the real, convincing, balanced conflict and then you get an intentionally "manufactured" one that is completely revealed to him and then he still goes with it. It jars with the fact that T'Challa overcomes his thirst for revenge, which is deliberately juxtaposed against it. ... which also feels bizarre in that they wrote it so the villain had to reveal his plan just to get them to chase him to Siberia. And also, he makes all this headway with tracking HYDRA, etc. and he's just a Sokovian guy. He talks about "experience and patience", but AoU was very recent. Martin Freeman didn't really have a role, felt more like he was there just to link to future stuff with Black Panther. Weird bringing back General Ross and then introducing another guy with the surname Ross. That's like a screenwriting faux-pas. I think the Spidey stuff is kinda weird, as you say, Dean, but it also emphasises how far Tony has fallen which made me dislike him more. As I said, it feels a little clunky (which is probably a product of nailing the Sony deal at some point, and trying to insert it into the film real quick) but it has that sort of parallel with the comics where he gets desperate and starts utilising supervillains. Only this feels far more organic and understandable. The hyper-surveillance of Tony would make for interesting future stuff though, definitely. If you think how he stopped making weapons tech because it was dangerous but then slowly drifted into more subtle, insidious uses is very topical. Even the analysing of Cap's fighting pattern was sneaky. As for the credits scenes. The mid-credit one is alright, just a sort of wrap-up and... preview? Reveal hidden contents Bucky voluntarily goes into cryostasis as he feels it's best for everyone. It's revealed that he and Steve are in some high-tech Wakandan facility, now allies with Black Panther. Steve and T-Challa look out the window and it pans along so you get to see the beautifual jungle-like landscape and a giant panther statue. Given they're the ones with all the vibranium, replacement shield for Cap then maybe? Although, it would be more significant when Tony hands it back to him in Infinity War, right? The post-credits scenes is funny. Reveal hidden contents It's Peter sat on the bed in his room, fiddling with one of his fancy, high-tech webshooters when it sets off a red projector beam. He then has to hide it from Aunt May, who brings in an ice-pack for his black eye and asks about who gave that to him. He tells her he got into a fight with a guy she wouldn't know. A boy named "Steve, from Brooklyn" and that his friend was "really big. Huge!" Once left in peace, he sees the projector is beaming a spidey-symbol onto the ceiling as some sort of fancy Iron-Man style UI and there's a flashing notification. Then it goes to a James Bond-style black screen with the words "Spider-Man will return." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted May 1, 2016 Report Share Posted May 1, 2016 Oh, i saw the mid credits one then, and that was great. It's the err red light thing seems confusing, it's a lesser known comic thing. So a thought on the relationship with the comic arc: Reveal hidden contents so in the comic it's Baron Zemo who heads the registered supervillain team tasked with hunting down Cap n tge secret avengers; the Thunderbolts. In this film he doesn't do that buutttt.... The guy in charge of the Sokovian Accords? Secretary Thadeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Given its now just single films until 2019 (i think. Just top of my head) i doubt we'll get much closure on this until Infinity War. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted May 6, 2016 Report Share Posted May 6, 2016 So been thinking on what happens with War Machine Reveal hidden contents So he's the one that ultimately makes the call for the shot that takes him out. But he only really survives because he is in his armour which I guess stopped him just going "splat". Falcon had no such benefits if he was knocked out in the same way. Also it's really great how it's framed in the trailer to look like it's something Bucky has done. I'm tempted to see about rewatching this Tuesday (half-price tickets on Tuesday). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCP Posted May 6, 2016 Report Share Posted May 6, 2016 What! Dean! Spoiler please. Now I know something happens to War Machine. I really wanted to leave work early to see this today, since both me and my wife have overtime, but she refuses, apparently she has "work" to do. I was tempted to yell "I WANT A DIVORCE" 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted May 6, 2016 Report Share Posted May 6, 2016 It's in all the trailers that "something" happens to him. Figured the trailer content is safe area to discuss. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. GOH! Posted May 6, 2016 Report Share Posted May 6, 2016 SPOILER ALERT: What happens to War Machine is that he gets screen time in Civil War. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCP Posted May 6, 2016 Report Share Posted May 6, 2016 ......Oh FUCK THERE'S THREE BLACK AVENGERS.... RIP WAR MACHINE. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danielpholt Posted May 7, 2016 Report Share Posted May 7, 2016 On 5/6/2016 at 3:14 PM, deanb said: So been thinking on what happens with War Machine Reveal hidden contents So he's the one that ultimately makes the call for the shot that takes him out. But he only really survives because he is in his armour which I guess stopped him just going "splat". Falcon had no such benefits if he was knocked out in the same way. Also it's really great how it's framed in the trailer to look like it's something Bucky has done. I'm tempted to see about rewatching this Tuesday (half-price tickets on Tuesday). Half Priced tickets? Where are you seeing films to get half priced tickets? Best we can do is Odeon Limitless or Vue's Super Tuesday at 1/3 off. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted May 7, 2016 Report Share Posted May 7, 2016 Our local cinema is an Empire. I think there's only a few of those around. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted May 7, 2016 Report Share Posted May 7, 2016 @Dean, re Spider-Man: Reveal hidden contents As far as the suit goes, I figured he just had it manufactured really fast, like how he had his Iron Man suits done. He probably already had a basic design and then scanned Peter to get an exact fit. As far as the surveillance stuff goes, they touched on that in Winter Soldier, and it would be plausible that Tony had access to the tech. How else did they find out about the attempt to steal the disease at the beginning of this movie? re War Machine: Reveal hidden contents He called for Vision to "turn him into a glider". If Vision had just taken out the thrusters (which is was War Machine was asking for) then Falcon could have glided to the ground safely. IIRC it was also established in Winter Soldier that his pack has an emergency chute. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted May 7, 2016 Report Share Posted May 7, 2016 @Ethan Reveal hidden contents On the surveillance thing I imagine that Agent's of Shield is likely to cover that one somewhere down the line, there's been a chunk of crossover between that and the movies (including most recent in my watching getting Struckers location for the start of AoU and bringing in the helicarrier for the end of AoU). Tony is currently just "consulting" at the moment I don't think he's supplying missions to the team. Vision missed though is sort of my point, while the aim was to just take out the thrusters if he was off a bit he'd have probably really fucked up Falcons day (instead he missed and messed up Warmachines day but that's what you get for trying to issue commands to one of the six Infinity Stones). But yeah, I think boiling him in water and then dropping a load of chicken on him was a terrible way for Uncle Ben to go. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMightyEthan Posted May 8, 2016 Report Share Posted May 8, 2016 Reveal hidden contents I meant Stark would have access to the tech as in potentially having assisted in its development, not Shield giving him access. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCP Posted May 8, 2016 Report Share Posted May 8, 2016 If you had come up to me, before this movie, and said "Hey, TCP, if you can make ANYTHING happen in Civil War, what would you want to see". I wouldn't have hesitated FOR A SECOND Reveal hidden contents I would have said Giant Man. AND BOY WAS IT AWESOME. It was so awesome. The moment he mentioned he has an idea he's only done once I almost stood up in my chair. And when Spidey was swinging around him, I thought to myself "you need to AT-AT him!" AND THEN SPIDER-MAN BROUGHT UP EMPIRE. AWESOME! That was everything I've wanted out of a Marvel film since the first Avengers film. Black Panther showing up and being Black Panther? Check. Sharon Carter confirmed? Check. Ant-Man with the Avengers? You better believe check. Hawkeye being fucking lit? Yep. THE DEAN FROM COMMUNITY BASICALLY BEING THE DEAN FROM COMMUNITY?! YEAH!!! SPIDER-MAN!?! HELL YES. Spider-Man, where do I even start? They nailed it. I am so excited for Homecoming. Also, anyone notice homecoming was one of the Winter Soldier words? Anyways, after years of crappy Sam Raimi films, a decent Amazing Spider-Man movie and then a crappy sequel, it was a delight, A FUCKING DELIGHT, to see film actually behaving like Spider-Man alongside Iron Man, Cap, etc. I love how focused he was on impressing Tony. Also, words I never thought I'd say: I would bang Aunt May. After the airport scene it definitely went down a notch, they should have tried to save the giant brawl till the end of the film, but that's not to say the stuff at the end wasn't great. Also I'm a little uncomfortable with the idea that the rest of the Steve's Avengers are wanted criminals now, especially poor Scott Lang, but looking at the release schedule we probably won't see any of them till Infinity War in two years. So yeah, I really, really liked it. Though it should have been titled Avenger's Civil War, it was as much about Tony as it was about Steve. Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Ant-Man were all highlights. I'm looking forward to move Avengers films and more team ups with them in the future. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deanb Posted May 8, 2016 Report Share Posted May 8, 2016 On 5/8/2016 at 12:35 AM, TheMightyEthan said: Reveal hidden contents I meant Stark would have access to the tech as in potentially having assisted in its development, not Shield giving him access. Reveal hidden contents Oh yeah Stark will have his own stuff, just saying with the beginning of Civil War I think AoS is likely more involved in that than Stark. @TCP Reveal hidden contents Secret Avengers. They end up wanted criminals in the comics too. Tony abuses they fact they're still avenging to stage a fire and ambush them leading to the death of Goliath by a semi-rouge Ragnarok. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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