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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Mister Jack

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  • 3 weeks later...


I guess they're Church of Universal Truth? (one of the main baddies in the new comic release of GotG. They're connected with Magus too, which is the bad version of Adam Warlock...which the lass in gold is his sort of "sister").


Also damn it's gonna be pretty.


Weird trailer editing for the "except her" bit though.

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Goldblum as Grandmaster (one of Benico Del Toros buddies). Expect a lot of info on this film to creep out in the next week or so, maybe even a teaser? (though I imagine most of it will be reserved for GotG 2)



Some more photos for oogling. Given we have Hulk in this I've a slight feeling that first shot of Thor is actually him as a gladiator on...forget the real name but Planet Hulk. Colourful as fuck though, especially compared to some of the grimness of Dark World.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone watched Iron Fist? Is it any good? I never bothered with Luke Cage as it seemed fairly straightforward fist fighty stuff and this seems about the same. Daredevil has his secret identity and catholic guilt and Jessica Jones (which I've sorta started rewatching, and I'd say is the stronger of them so far) has the whole PTSD stuff going on.

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Anyone watched Iron Fist? Is it any good? I never bothered with Luke Cage as it seemed fairly straightforward fist fighty stuff and this seems about the same. Daredevil has his secret identity and catholic guilt and Jessica Jones (which I've sorta started rewatching, and I'd say is the stronger of them so far) has the whole PTSD stuff going on.

Not seen it myself, but I've not heard anything good about it. General consensus on the places I frequent is that its actively bad.


So yeah, I think you can skip this one.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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I've watched most of Iron Fist.

I like it, it's good. Definitely not deserving of the hate it's getting. It doesn't reach the highs of Daredevil or Luke Cage but it doesn't reach the lows either, it's pretty consistent. I like it because Danny is so naive, it's a nice change of pace from Matt Murdoch and Jessica Jones. 

You'll definitely want to watch it before The Defenders as it appears The Defenders will be battling The Hand and Iron Fist has a lot to do with that. 

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Premise seems to be that Vulture is a salvage dude, but since the salvage around New York is ex-Chitauri stuff Tony Stark is stepping in for the salvaging stuff to keep it off the streets kinda putting Vulture out of business and is the "big guy stepping on the little guy".


Also Scarlet Spider!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who is the spoiler-tastic character? Unless you, for some reason, turned off Thor the Darkworld a few minutes before the end you'd know that Loki was alive and well. Hela is a core component of the film. We've known Hulk will be in this for ages. Goldblum was a big announce too and will be unknown to most "general" audiences except those that go "oh he's dressed and make-uped a bit like Benico Del Toros guy in GotG". Doctor Strange is meant to be in this too, though he hasn't shown up in the trailer (I'm to understand the Doctor Strange sting is set mid-film).

Only person we don't know of in the film so far is who Sam Niell will be, and it's possible he could be voicing Beta Ray Bill(that's just my personal theory/wish). But otherwise I imagine he'll be someone special given he's currently not listed as who he'll be. 

And I think the GotG vibe, apart from being director in question, is down to this being the final bridge between cosmic marvel and regular avengers earth bound stuff since after this is Black Panther (earth based) and then Infinity War (which we know from the first scene shot is at the very least Quill, Stark and Parker). We've got GotG 2 at the end of the month and that could do something to bring them to earth, be it in the plot or a stinger, but I feel we'll likely see a team up of sorts start in Ragnarok. Thor Dark World was the film that had the GotG lead-in stinger so I'd say it's possible.

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Ethan, the character I thought was a spoiler is already in Dean's post, so...

14 hours ago, deanbmmv said:

We've known Hulk will be in this for ages.

Well then I've been living under a Ragna-rock because I wasn't aware Hulk was ever announced. As far as this movie, I've known everything else such as Goldblum being cast as Grandmaster.

As far as anything in-universe there hasn't been any hint to his current whereabouts as far as I've seen. It would have been a great surprise, but I suspect they wanted Hulk in the trailer to drum up hype for the film. At least with all the coverage featuring Hulk over most anything else in the trailer, that's how I see it.

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Hulk will be in most or all the major trailers. Ruffalo has openly talked about being in the movie for over a year. I wasn't following it closely and I've known he would be in it since January 2016 when Ruffalo started talking about it and his involvement. From what he's said, one can infer that the Hulk reveal happens fairly early on, too.

For what little it's worth, I've read that the teaser trailer consists mostly of stuff from the first half or even third of the movie. The shots of Hela in her full headdress and Valkyrie charging at her and then falling from the Sky seem awfully like scenes that would accompany exposition about Hela's background rather than 'live' shots of action.

The most spoiler-tastic character reveal in the teaser is Skurge, I think. Had no idea he would be in it. There are also rumblings that the teaser does not reveal some of the major players in the movie at all.


Surtur and the various Ragnarok beasts (fenrir, the midgard serpent and another one I can't recall), at least, and perhaps even Thanos. 



Edited by Mr. GOH!
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Skurge is Karl Urban. I think he was like the second announced after Hemsworth. Feels so long ago. Urban seems pretty damn hyped for it too.

But yeah Ruffalo been announced for a while. I'd say big question is how he got there but Grandmaster has a habit of grabbing folks to make them fight. This has been described as a "buddy road trip movie" with Thor and Hulk.

We also don't know if Hela is "Death" in a Thanosy way but there's good money on that being the case. 

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I don't think so. I'm to understand in this he's one of the Grandmasters bodyguards. I'm not entirely sure if he'll even be Asgardian.

Also thinking on "people that've been cast but we don't know who" I've just been reminded that Sly Stallone is in GotG2 and we don't know who as and that's 2 weeks from now. IMDB lists as blank, and Wiki says "member of Nova Corp" but I can't see him just being some rando-ish Nova corp member a la Peter Serafinowicz (he should aim to become as famous as Arnie so Google adds his surname to their auto-correct dictionary).

I think Spider-man might end up the weaker MCU film released this year(though like Pixar a weak MCU film is still better than most), despite the hype when he showed up in Civil War. Which I guess if you'd said to someone coming out of Dark World about this years line-up and one of the big films is a Thor too.

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Stallone has been revealed as 



Who I vaguely remember from reading the 2008 Guardians is from the/a future and sort of pops in and out and tries to attack them because of reasons for things fucking up in the future. In the comics him and "Vance Astro", from of the original Guardians with Yondu are sort of the reason they pick their team name as "guardians of the galaxy". I remember their being some sub-plot around Captain America/Vance Astro thing too but I doubt they'll bring that in (they've already kinda scrubbed out the original guardians from MCU by having Yondu as a space pirate).

I would guess this means he's the main big-bad of this. Though whether he's from the future or not I guess we'll find out in a couple weeks.



"I'm here to talk to you about the Expendables initiative"


edit: There's also five post-credit scenes.


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