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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Mister Jack

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Neither Black Widow nor Hawkeye have super powers. They're just really skilled.


I believe Black Widow is supposed to age slower than normal (can't remember why) but we I'm not sure if that's part of the film canon, since that was all Cold War stuff. Though I'd love to see Marvel go, "Scarlett Johansson's character is REALLY SEVENTY YEARS OLD".


I hope it's not related to Extremis or whatever. The Ultimate universe built everything around the super soldier serum...which was actually kinda interesting, but I couldn't see something like that working here. They seem to have developed everything around the tesseract, so that could have something to do with it.


Plus, considering where the cinematic universe seems to be heading, I'd take a guess it'll be related to cosmic thingamies. That's the technical term.

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She ages slower than normal due to being Russian Captain America with the super soldier serum. Which in the marvel movie universe they've already said Hulk is a a case of it's redevelopment going wrong so Black Widow also been a recipient of a SSS equivalent doesn't seem too far fetched than just "she's pretty skilled".


They could work Scarlet Witch's powers into being Cosmic Cube related, similar powers and such. But might not stretch far for Quicksilver. it's a fair while off, we'll see. I'm reckoning they're going to just be all "because" with upcoming powers. Especially as they've got Doctor Strange to include in there somewhere. As Empire noted they already turned Asgardian "magic" into quantum science, so then turning around and going "oh well actually this guy is magic" might be a bit off key. Though...Guardians of the Galaxy implies they're not playing to one tune.

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It doesn't seem too farfetched, no, but so far there are no real hints that they're going with that approach. It's not as if they need to retcon things to have Black Widow around for a long time like the comics. All we know is that she started being trained really young and has a very red ledger. They've not neglected to explain her superpowers because they haven't necessarily given her any.

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Right. End of Captain America 2 answers the question of Wanda and Petrof:


"The Twins" are Hydra experiments using Loki's staff (the "Loki Pokey Stick" as my housemate has decided to call it). "Now is the age of miracles".



Black Widow's past isn't covered (though hinted at) and it's strongly implied that


She's only ever been a target of Winter Solider, so they've never worked together as comics have in her past.



Also for not much been bothered to watch Captain America 2 I'd say it's actually pretty good. Action was kept going and it actually fills in a lot of plot holes from past films and for future films

Well we've all seen the trailers to know SHIELD will be taking a back seat for a long while

stuff is going to change a little bit. And while there's a really obvious twist in the film you can see 9 realms away, there's a rather nice twist that they've kept hidden well (though maybe if I was to be following everything I'd know it was coming).

Edited by Deanb
To clarify; this is Captain America Winter Soldier.
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Ha!  (really super ridiculously minor Lego Marvel Super Heroes spoilers):



This game may not be canon itself, but it's based on the movie verse.  In case it's not clear he's talking about Hawkeye and Black Widow.


*Edit* - I realize this is insanely flimsy evidence, it just amused me that we were just talking about this and then I get to this cutscene in the game.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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Sorry re-reading this might not come across right. The reason I queried about being a joke wasn't cos I'd previously answered it but the question of "tell me what's at the end but don't spoil it" seemed somewhat contradictory. Though you did clarify with what upcoming film.


Though yeah, the finale of Captain America doesn't have Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver suddenly just pop up with zilch development and save the day.

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Sooo, Captain America 2...


Seems like Hydra is a very important part of the MCU, and I only just remembered there was talk of Baron Strucker being in Avengers 2, so that ties it all in together with the Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch stuff.


Nice to see how they've woven in some elements of the bigger Marvel universe, not just with Falcon, Batroc, Pierce and a brief mention of 'Stephen Strange' but also with Sharon Carter appearing too (knew it would be her!). I do wonder what relation to Peggy they'll go with though; assuming that they do. Probably the niece thing, even if she seems a bit young... I suppose great niece would still work (still kinda creepy though, right?)


And some searching explains the significance of the particularly evil SHIELDRA henchman turned Mr. 'Burns'. He will become Crossbones.


Post-credits scene of Bucky looking at the bit about him in the Captain America exhibit was a waste of time since you could already figure out what was going on from what was in the actual film...


...ummm, what's going to be happening with Agents of SHIELD now? Will it become Hydra Hunters (perhaps Head Hunters!)? :P



And since I've recently caught all the released MCU films, except Incredible Hulk, I can do my order now, yaaaay.


1. The Avengers

2. Thor 2

3. Captain America 2

4. Iron Man

5. Thor

6. Iron Man 3

7. Captain America

8. Iron Man 2

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Yeah the TV show is going to go a bit weird. How they going to approach it without spoiling Captain America 2 will be interesting to see (if I still watched the show).


I like how it filled in a bit of the "why isn't Shield swooping in to the save the day" for Iron Man 3 some folks had issues with. Cos Hydra wanted the president dead. The Stephen Strange name drop was nice.


Oh and for Crossbones, right from the start despite him being on their side I had a niggle in the back of my mind about not liking him. Bit of an IMDB search on way home (cos housemate was annoyed with why she recognised him too) and turns out he's the turncoat lawyer in Prison Break. Typecasting! :P



Also if that's Ethan's ordering I'd strongly recommend he watch Captain America 2 if he has the original so high.

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