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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Mister Jack

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  On 7/30/2014 at 5:29 AM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:

I like Deadpool and even just recently finished the entire run of Cable & Deadpool... and that wasn't very good. It's too much later years Deadpool and not nearly as clever or fun as it could be.


I liked Cable & Deadpool, though not nearly as much as the earlier run of DP's series.  He works better when he's written by Joe Kelly and Gail Simone.  It's just unfortunate that everyone has kind of latched on his WHOOP WHOOP I AM SO WACKY AND 4TH WALL BREAKING.

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Oh god I didn't actually believe Cowboy. But...wow for that end credits.


Anywho, it's like half midnight over here, I've just gotten in and have work in the morning, so I guess I'll spill my brains out tomorrow. But yeah, go fucking see it. It's not  really got much bad I can think off on the top of my head. Just a minor picky bit my more comic-book-ey friend has with it


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I'd say my highlight was Drax. I'd read the interviews and it seemed he quite enjoyed doing the film (which I always like, most films I think turn out pretty well are the ones where the actors have enjoyed themselves), but he was for the most part an unknown actor and ex-wrestler. But he's pretty damn cool, some of the best lines (of which there are many great lines).


Nathan Fillions role is pretty good too


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It wasn't afraid to be a comic book movie. I think it's definitely the most "not a DC film" of the whole lot of MCU so far.



edit: Turns out I had already seen the actor who plays Drax only a few months back in Riddick.

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If you guys know anything about me, you know I love three things: Making fun of Nintendo, PlayStation, and Cosmic Marvel. So obviously, I went into this movie with high expectations for the Guardians of the Galaxy .....and it delivered. 

Ok so, first of all, I probably laughed more in those two hours than I have to any comedy film in years. Great lines not only from Peter Quill and Rocket, but from Groot and Drax as well.

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Groot though, Groot stole the show. 


This movie also does set up what should be a Nova (Richard Rider) solo film. Allow me to explain, via nearly 40 year old comic book spoilers:



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In summary:


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Updated TCP Rankings:


1) Guardians of the Galaxy

2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier

3) The Avengers

4) Iron Man 3

5) Thor 

6) Captain America

7) Thor: The Dark World

8) Iron Man

big drop off

9) Incredible Hulk

giant drop off

10) Iron Man 2




Psst... if anyone knows where GotG post credits scene is online, I'd love to see. I had to pee so I left at the end. :'(

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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  On 8/3/2014 at 4:38 AM, The Cowboy Poet said:



Updated TCP Rankings:


1) Guardians of the Galaxy

2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier

3) The Avengers

4) Iron Man 3

5) Thor 

6) Captain America

7) Thor: The Dark World

8) Iron Man

big drop off

9) Incredible Hulk

giant drop off

10) Iron Man 2




Psst... if anyone knows where GotG post credits scene is online, I'd love to see. I had to pee so I left at the end. :'(




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  On 8/3/2014 at 4:38 AM, The Cowboy Poet said:

Psst... if anyone knows where GotG post credits scene is online, I'd love to see. I had to pee so I left at the end. :'(


Hmm, assuming you've not already read what it is, it sounds like you've somewhat seen what it involves.



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Guess I should re-do my order since I'll switch a couple round and add in GotG.


1. The Avengers

2. Guardians of the Galaxy

3. Captain America 2

4. Thor 2

5. Iron Man

6. Thor

7. Iron Man 3

8. Captain America

37. Iron Man 2 (accounting for all schedule Marvel films up to 2028)


Unseen: The Incredible Hulk.

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Yeah, I know what it involves, I spoiled it on the last page, but usually video ends up online.


I'm glad we can all agree Iron Man 2 is the worst. What a terrible movie! Though, in hindsight, The Winter Soldier was so good, it's connections to Iron Man 2 (mostly the senator, but it also established Black Widow and to a lesser extent Nick Fury), kind of make Iron Man 2 a slightly better film. But then I remember Micky Rourke and the "It Takes Two" party scene....

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On the Nathan Fillion front, now I knew what to look for, while the voice is distorted his screams of pain are as familiar as the time he had an ear cut off.


Also I'm racking my brain and can't think of a time I've watched a film twice before now. So yeah on my MCU list GotG is at the top. Second time was with my dad. "Blue guy with the arrow and frizzy haired cop were in Days of Thunder". I replied with "The tree was Vin Diesel" (he's a Fast n Furious fan). I wonder how many will pick up on it being Vin.


Gonna be interesting to see what this does for Phase 3. It's doing very well in cinemas at the moment given it's a pretty unknown property. Could sway Marvel to delve deeper into thier unknown characters and storylines.

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Didn't see Guardians of the Galaxy last night, but it'll be sometime in the next few days.


If anything, my "ranking" list will probably be like Ethan's list, but I still say Iron Man 2 is an average superhero film. There's been far worse superhero films for me to hate on it, though it's hard to watch it with the problems it does exhibit. Otherwise, you guys need to watch The Incredible Hulk. It's entertaining and I thought Edward Norton did a good job.

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  On 8/4/2014 at 4:28 AM, Alex Heat said:

I'm with Atomsk, I don't get how Incredible Hulk rates so low.


For me at least, from what I remember it was okay, it's just that most of the rest of the MCU is so good it can't stand up.  Like Atomsk said, even Iron Man 2 is okay as far as non-marvel superhero movies go, it's just being compared against a bunch that are a lot better.

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This is the order in which I enjoyed the movies, from most to least:


Guardians of the Galaxy


Captain America 2

Iron Man

Captain America

Iron Man 3

Incredible Hulk

Thor 2


Iron Man 2


 In terms of which ones are the best, the order is the same except the top three, which would then be, in descending order:


Captain America 2


Guardians of the Galaxy



I could be persuaded to put GotG even lower, maybe around 5th or 6th after Captain America 1 and Iron Man. It was incredibly fun and joyful, but the writing, and some of the acting, was just enough off (and could have been easily improved), that I can't say it's the overall best movie. I like its attitude and the characters and the production design, but the other elements hold it back.

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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yup. y'all still crazy.  Iron Man 2 was leagues better than Iron Man 3, which was a huge disappointment.  Superhero movie turned buddy cop then the last few minutes "oh yea, this is an Iron Man movie.  HAVE ALL THE SUITS."


and I actually liked NortonHulk, but yeah, I can see where it pales in comparison to the other MCU films, but not a totally big dropoff as others mentioned.

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I have yet to see GotG, waiting for Saturday to see it with a few people (the wait is killing me), but I didn't think Iron Man 2 was all that bad. I really liked the action sequences, and the story wasn't the best put together, I still consider it better than a lot of other movies that have come out in the same super hero genre by some other studios.


I just think that Marvel nailed down the formula to making successful movies and the answer is: Making GOOD movies. Its not enough to buy a property and say "See! We can do it too!" (I'm looking at you Sony!), you have to actually take the time to craft a story and develop characters and give the audience something they really want... A good movie.

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