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What rare or valuable games do you own?

Mister Jack

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This is just something I'm curious about.  Does anyone here own any rare or valuable games, be they vintage or modern?  Is there anything in your collection that you would like to boast about?  If you own vintage consoles or hardware, that counts too.  Really, anything that would get an inflated resale price on ebay can probably go here, excluding new consoles.

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Well, I had an N64 and 10 games. I checked on eBay and all the games were worth about £10 each. I gave them to a friend at work. Later that week he came and told me that one of the games I gave him, Conker's Bad Fur Day is worth over £100 on its own. I don't know how I missed that. He asked if I wanted it back which was nice of him. I said he could keep it if he wanted to play it. He's kept it and I believe it's to play it. He's going off to uni soon so if he ever sells it now I'm happy for him to have the money.


One thing though is I used to open games as soon as I got them, even though many of them I've still never played. I now only open then when I actually play them on the off chance one I never get round to goes up in price.

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  On 9/10/2013 at 2:02 PM, TheFlyingGerbil said:

Later that week he came and told me that one of the games I gave him, Conker's Bad Fur Day is worth over £100 on its own.

Holy shit, that's one of the 64 games I have. I just checked and the cart by itself (which is all I have) is worth like $50-60.  I never would have called that.

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I own the following, all of them with their original boxes and documents:


Valkyrie Profile (PS1, $85)

Mega Man 5 (Game Boy, $435)

Ocarina of Time Gold Cartridge (N64, $70)

Kirby's Dream Land 3 (SNES, $120)

Kirby Super Star (SNES, $130)

Edited by Mister Jack
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I've sold most if not all of my rare games in favor of space and . . . money. Used to have a hoard of NIS America collector's editions whose runs were severely limited and ended up selling for $150+ a piece. Now I have . . . uh . . . I'll take a look.


Suikoden black label edition and a sealed Atelier Annie: Alchemist of Sera Island Limited Edition Premium Figure Set of which only like 550 were printed.


Wow . . . that's it.


Oh, wait. I inherited my wife's N64 and games (which she'd have to be forced to part with). Several rare ones there, and all with original boxes and manuals.

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I imagine my PS2 copies of Zone of the Enders and MGS2 Substance would be the most valuable. Both bought used but in great condition. Other than that, I have a few DS games that I think are a bit hard to find these days like Dragon Quest IV and the Ace Attorney games, but I don't think they're too valuable.

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