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Recommendation Thread


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I noticed there wasn't a recommendation thread for games that people recommend others buy. So I thought I'd start one for anyone looking to add to their collection.


I personally play almost any genre of games, and can play Wii, PS2, PS3, PSP, Xbox 360, Dreamcast, and PC. I'm also always looking to add new systems to my collection as well.


So yeah recommend away, or ask for recommendations. Figured this could be a useful topic for some!

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I'll have to check out Dissidia 012 and Crisis Core then! Also with Dissidia 012 do I need to play the first before it to understand the story? Or are the stories unconnected?

Actually, Dissidia 012 is a prequel but after you beat the game you unlock the original game, effectively making the original Dissidia unnecessary! Don't expect it to be Square Enix Smash Bros or something, the fighting system is complicated but once you wrap your head around it, it's fantastic. 

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I'll have to check out Dissidia 012 and Crisis Core then! Also with Dissidia 012 do I need to play the first before it to understand the story? Or are the stories unconnected?

Actually, Dissidia 012 is a prequel but after you beat the game you unlock the original game, effectively making the original Dissidia unnecessary! Don't expect it to be Square Enix Smash Bros or something, the fighting system is complicated but once you wrap your head around it, it's fantastic. 


That I didn't know. You just saved me some money because I was planning on getting both if I had to play Dissidia first. Thanks! ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Oh, right. I knew I vaguely remembered a thread like this. I'm using it backwards, though. Looking for recommendations rather than making one. I was gonna make this a status update but it got kinda wordy. So, I'm looking to pick up a handheld on black friday and would really appreciate the input of those of you that already own them.

Personally, I kinda want the Vita more, purely out of personal preference. But the 3DS seems to have a higher number of interesting games right now, including a bunch of DS games I never got around to getting as well as a small stack I kept when I sold my DS (I just couldn't bring myself to sell the Ace Attorney games). Then again, I also have a few PSP games I got off PSN that I never got around to playing either. Ultimately, I want both systems. So this is more of a "which one should I get now" kinda deal. 


The deals I've found, assuming they don't sell out in seconds and I can actually grab one, are:


The 3DS XL for 150$. No bundle or anything, so I'd have to get a game separately. If I can't get a deal on Vita at all, I'll probably instabuy this simply because of how much cheaper it is.


Vita for 180$. I think I'll have to grab the Walking Dead bundle here, which I don't really care for since I already played it on PC and have no interest in replaying it. I really wish they still had that bundle that came with a free year of PS+. Or just one with no game and a bigger memory card. Anyway, EBGames.ca is giving a free copy of Uncharted: Golden Abyss along with it. Seems like a good deal but I was going to get PS+ anyway, specifically because of Uncharted and Gravity Rush both being in the instant games collection. So I don't know anymore...


The 3DS seems like the better deal but I keep going back and forth on which one I should get. Got until tomorrow midnight to make up my mind as that's when the deals go live and I suspect they're going to sell out fairly quickly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My nephew asked for a 'Car sim' for Christmas. I assume he played Forza or Gran Turismo at a friends place; but I got this information from my mom who got it from my sister and there's too many degrees of separation between us to find out exactly what he wants. I grabbed him a racing wheel and I was gonna pick him up a racing game on steam when the winter sale starts. Problem is, my sisters computer is pretty shitty. I don't have exact specs, but I need an idea for a decent racing game that will run on pretty much anything.

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