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Game of the Generation - Nomination Thread


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The generation is almost over. We've played Bioshock, we've played Mass Effect 2, and we've played Grand Theft Auto V. This generation has seen a wild ride, full of downloadable games, online multiplayer, and meaningless achievements. Most importantly, there's been a ton of great games. Now we must decide which game is the best.


Here are the rules:
-You can nominate 3 games

-Due to handheld generations not always lining up with console generations, let's leave this just home consoles

-PS3, 360, and Wii games only! 
-Make sure they're individual games, not collections, it could be a game from a collection, but not the collection itself

-Dean will work his computer voodoo magic, stuff no mortal could understand and do brackets from the games that get the most nominations. Not sure how many games will reach the brackets, I guess that'll depend on how many different titles get nominated

-You have some arbitrary amount of time to nominate your games, so don't procrastinate!


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Id be more comfortable with a top 5 or top 10, but its only 3 and if I think about it too much Ill never nail it down, but off the top of my head - 


The Last of Us - just for plain out being the best overall experience in the last 10 years in gaming

Dead Space 2 - didnt do anything new, but what it did it did the best, mostly being a fun tps horror game

Fallout 3 - first "real" open world game I loved. If I dont count the old GTAs, cus I dont.

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The Last of Us - The feels!

Mirror's Edge - Most underrated game of a generation. Anyone who did not jump on this at launch is pretty much responsible for the constant dirge of CoD, Battlefield, Gears etc etc etc shooty man games.

Dead Space 2 (even though I liked 3 more, 2 is generally accepted as the peak and I want the series in there).


This list was brought to you mostly by my employer, though I did drop Mass Effect 2 for TLoU.

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Would be easier to come up with 5 but since we're limited to 3, I'll have to make some very decisive cuts.


XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Dark Souls


First two are pretty easy. Not sure about the third one, though. I hesitated to put it there as there are other titles I feel are equally as deserving of that spot. I reserve the right to change that one.


But see what you made me do, Cowboy?! Limited to 3, I had to ignore TLoU, Mirror's Edge and so many others! I hope you're happy!

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Wii Sports

Assassin's Creed 2


I think the case for these is pretty obvious.  Minecraft and Wii Sports inspired entirely new schools of thought about game design.  Assassin's Creed 2 was the moment the most successful new IP of the generation became something special.

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Consoles only... hmm. Man, this generation is making me reaching back towards almost 10 years... while being a busy student...


Call of Duty 4 - This game spawned the arcade-y FPS, warped Battlefield and I love it while it lasted. Too me it still the only one that had the right feel without being too arcade-y.

Red Dead Redemption - While I never beat it (Hell, I never got to Mexico) but it is magical. For good reason people stil lhold out hope for a PC port.

Earth Defense Force 2017 - As a game, you really can't get better than this. So enjoyable.


I may or may not change my nominations. I feel like I'm missing some RPGs. It also doesn't help I switched to PC gaming midway in the generation.

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Portal is a great choice.


Also, CoD is arcadey? It's way less arcadey than stuff that came before. Quake, Unreal Tournament, Tribes, etc. If anything CoD4 ended the age of the arcade shooter started the supremacy of "realistic" shooters.

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  On 10/11/2013 at 7:03 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Portal is a great choice. Also, CoD is arcadey? It's way less arcadey than stuff that came before. Quake, Unreal Tournament, Tribes, etc. If anything CoD4 ended the age of the arcade shooter started the supremacy of "realistic" shooters.


I think it's more arcadey in the sense of how gamified everything is.

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