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Game of the Generation - Nomination Thread


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I would keep RDR on the list. Its a phenomenal game and I haven't really been emotionally blown away with a game much like that one... Although I haven't played all the way through Mass Effect 1 let alone 2 and 3, nor have I played Last of Us yet, and I have barely started Witcher 2.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Damn, this is tough... It kills me to throw so many games out of the running. One of these is a no-brainer though, so I'll get going.


The Last of Us - One of the GOAT, really. TLoU revealed a potential for the future of gaming that gives me goosebumps, and not just because of the (narrative) genre. Whether one believes games are art or just artful, TLoU achieved an interactive experience that is on par with the best of static ones. 


Super Stardust HD - This one earns the spot just based one the amount of hours I must have poured into it. I've played a bunch of dual-stick shooters this gen, but none of them brought me back at all, let alone time and time again, the way SSDHD does. I've never felt so comfortable being thoroughly surrounded by dangerous debris and gunfire.


Rock Band - Even if some people consider it to be a fad of sorts (albeit a long one), I think that it's not only arguably the most unique experience introduced to the medium during this generation, but valuable outside of gaming, as it turned legions of people on to new music that they might not have ever heard of otherwise. The fact that it turned a lot of them into musicians doesn't hurt for its reputation either. It enjoyed unparalleled DLC support, and mostly sensible and welcome improvements as the series progressed, too. A worthy addition to this list.


Honorable mention:

If not for my moral dilemma(s) regarding it, Dungeon Defenders might have held the spot that SSDHD has. The Skate series came close to making the cut as well. Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and GTA (either of them, really), Uncharted are all worthy of nominations. Journey, Nier, Civilization Revolution, Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, (the first) Bioshock, MLB The Show... I need to stop. There are so many great ones. Most probably "better" than SSDHD... I'm starting to regret that nomination... Gonna hurry and post.



I'm working under the assumption that the lack of follow-up indicates that a tally hasn't happened... 

Edited by FredEffinChopin
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Rock Band - Even if some people consider it to be a fad of sorts (albeit a long one), I think that it's not only arguably the most unique experience introduced to the medium during this generation, but valuable outside of gaming, as it turned legions of people on to new music that they might not have ever heard of otherwise. The fact that it turned a lot of them into musicians doesn't hurt for its reputation either. It enjoyed unparalleled DLC support, and mostly sensible and welcome improvements as the series progressed, too. A worthy addition to this list.


The game was this close to making my picks, so I'm glad someone nominated it. It really is unlike anything else out there. Seriously, I must've spent £100+ on DLC (and may pick up more still...)

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  • 3 months later...

Red Dead Redemption


Mass Effect

Probably the first 360 game I bought after I 'returned to gaming', whilst I don't think its as good a game as ME2, it had much more fun with it. 


The Witcher 2

Loved this game, so much that I've played it through to completion twice inside 15 months. Can't wait for the 3rd game in the series, and I'm waiting on the rest of the books to receive a translation. A good one preferably.

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