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Game of the Generation - Nomination Thread


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Nothing is going to stop grenade spam besides server admin enforcement. COD4 was nice that it is very sit down and play (As FDS said, its gamey). It also got a nice balance between realism and game-y touches. I'm currently Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm, which I would class as something like COD4 (I can sit down and play one match or two, something I feel Arma II/III cannot say), just much more realistic. 


I also seriously got to play The Last of Us. It seems that as far as story driven games goes, it is really hard to beat.

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COD 4 - Turned a series around after COD 1 and 2 on consoles was nothing special (great on PC though), and COD3 was quite meh. Start of a series that chained world-record launches all the way until GTA V broke the combo. Time'll tell if Ghosts reclaims the crown (I bet it won't).


GTA IV - Had this chat with Ethan and Gregg on Twitter, it's the game that made famous the "heap universal praise on a game before deciding it's shit 6 months later just because you played it to death and now you're bored" mentality. Quite a few big games this year got roasted by that, and I'd say there's plenty more where that came from. If that level of apathy doesn't really define a generation, I don't know what does.


XCOM Enemy Unknown - A turn-based action strategy game on consoles that WORKS?!?!?! STOP THE PRESSES! Fantastic return for a once-iconic franchise, and glad to see it well received, both on consoles and PC. Shows there's plenty of places for core strategy games on consoles, and that they're not just PC endeavors.

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Much like Jay I'm throwing out games I think define the generation than ones that are necessarily my favourites:


Wii Sports - Pretty sure the most played game of the generation, and one of the most defining games in the "motion controller" category of games that have been a defining part of the generation.


Uncharted - One of the earlier "cinematic" games on the generation. Which I'd say is another big trend we're seeing with the aping of film in various games, right down to this week seeing a film quite proudly sporting "Ellen Page | Willem Dafoe" on the cover and posters.


Skyrim - For showing what a huge leap can be made from the start to the end of the generation while still generally remaining the same, for showing that the anti-UGC policies of console manufacturers are balls, and that PS3 gamers are generally easily ignored.



Special mentions:

I'd like to throw in Minecraft because I think it's quite the defining games given it's not only a super successful game, super successful indie game, but also one of the major spawns of "let's plays". But it'd be for the PC version and rules n all. I also would have loved to put in Portal 2 for "firing off the big trend this generation with cross platform multiplayer and co-op" but we all know that went nowhere. And I avoided adding in COD 4 cos it's been nominated enough already so I'd slip in another title. Oh and Mass Effect 3 for creating palpable disappointment and anger for a studio that could beforehand do no wrong.

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My list below has more to do with how they affected me.

Mass Effect(1) - I replayed this game the most this generation. I know many criticize the gameplay mechanics...and feel ME2 is the "better" game, but I could not more vehemelty disagree. I think I've argued with hundreds of people over the years about this. So, many found memories with this game. Had just started college when this game came out. I am STILL fucking disappointed with ME2 and 3. The grand "Space Soap Opera" feels seem to disappear. The Openess, voidness, of space was gone. Yeah, yeah, those Mako missions may be "boring"...but they really made you feel ALONE...INNNNNSPPPPPPAAACCCCE! ;)

Dragon Age: Origins - Same thing could be said here as far as gameplay goes...but, boy was I addicted to this sumabitch too. My current wife and I played this game together back when we were "living in sin"(She played on PC. She is more the "master race" fan. Mostly because she can't handle thumbsticks. Probably why all PC fanboys hate consoles. They just ain't got the skillz. Yeah...pff Master Race? Ha!

Batman Arkham Asylum - Proved that Superhero games CAN not only fun, but polished as fuck. 

I would nominate TLoU, but haven't finished it. Or really started it. Only at the beginning. The wife got it for my b-day. So, I have a feeling I'll come back and delete Batman, but maybe not. I have a Ultra-Bias-Hard-on for the Bats. 

Now, let's all hope for an open-world X-Men Rpg next generation!!!

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Hey, they had Baldurs Gate, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Neverwinter behind them and Mass Effect and Dragon Age had gone well. And then..Dragon Age II took the sheen off and Mass Effect 3 just blowing it all up.


I've always felt as if Jade Empire marked the beginning of them going downhill.




Dragon Age: Origins - Same thing could be said here as far as gameplay goes


I hope you aren't implying that the gameplay in DA2 was better, because it's fact that such an opinion is wrong!

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Hey, they had Baldurs Gate, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Neverwinter behind them and Mass Effect and Dragon Age had gone well. And then..Dragon Age II took the sheen off and Mass Effect 3 just blowing it all up.


I've always felt as if Jade Empire marked the beginning of them going downhill.




Dragon Age: Origins - Same thing could be said here as far as gameplay goes


I hope you aren't implying that the gameplay in DA2 was better, because it's fact that such an opinion is wrong!


Well...I know a lot of people felt the gameplay in DA2 and ME2 were improved. And...good for them? But for me? Fuck no. I like my "archaic" "old-School" game play. I STILL haven't finished DA 2...I at least mustered through ME2/3. 



Also, while I kinda enjoyed Jade Empire. I can look back and agree with that sentiment.

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Picking just three is tough! Definitely going to be missing some bigguns. Anyway, here goes...


Mass Effect 2

Out of the series, I felt it had the right balance of RPG elements mixed with action game stuff. That suicide mission, before you know the variables, is an amazingly tense experience the first time you play it. ME1 was great as well, but I find it a chore to replay (and some of the music makes me depressed...), and ME2 exclusively has some of my favourite characters along for the ride. ME3 really souped up the combat (though actually simplified the power/barrier relations), and the multiplayer was really fun, but it just didn't have the same atmosphere as the first two (inescapably so) and did so many things wrong.


Batman: Arkham City

The perfect action game. A tight mix of brilliantly designed combat, stealth and a plethora of mini-puzzles...and Batman. Builds on the first game beautifully.


Halo 3

Sure. the campaign is a little crap towards the end, and the Flood is the worst thing ever in this game, but at the time it was a revelation. I was playing with three other friends, roaming these huge battlefields, some in a warthog, others in hornets. At the time, for me, it really was 'next-gen' bliss. On top of that, I fell in love with the multiplayer mode, which had never really happened with an FPS (or any games really) before. And theatre mode was fantastic, and I spent many hours in there, capturing cool and humorous clips. I could probably have picked the later Halos had I played them with friends or if perhaps the multiplayer didn't suck (looking at you, Reach) but 3 gets the memories.


Honorable mentions:

Rock Band 3/The Beatles: Rock Band, GTA IV and V, Uncharted 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, The Last of Us, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Just Cause 2, Gears of War

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I'm gonna change my nominations.  I apologize for whatever inconvenience this causes.  Assassin's Creed 2 is out, Call of Duty 4 is in.  Sure AC 2 is the moment that AC became what it was always meant to be and turned into a special kind of experience... but CoD 4 changed the industry.  Straight up.

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