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The raid itself is level 26, but it's ridiculously hard.  But it's also designed to give great loot even if you don't make it through the whole thing, with chests and stuff hidden throughout.


As far as levels, I'm 27, Strangelove is 28, Atomsk88 is 26, metalcaveman is 26, and we've got numerous other members at lower 20's, plus I know a few guys who aren't from here who are at or above 26.

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This goddamn game. I want to do the high level stuff, and I've done a buttload of strikes but I'm still stuck at level twenty-fucking-two.


Is it trolling me? I have to do Dust Palace so many times. Do the Strike playlists only contain three maps? I seem to go through Dust Palace, Winter's Run and The Nexus more than anything else.


And now it's rewarding me with Hunter armour.



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I got most of my legendary armour from drops, just bought 1 piece and that was because it refused to drop after a long time (Armada Type 3 boots). :P


Play patrol missions, that's where I got most of my legendary engrams. :P



Edit: Or, wait until the next patch. :P

Edited by MetalCaveman
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To buy legendary and exotic armor, that's how you level.


You know, I've not actually bought any armour or weaponry yet. It's all low level stuff so far, but I'm inching my way towards levelling up as a FWC member (same with the Queen stuff), I guess I'll buy some of that? 

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I am here to officially begin scheduling a Vault of Glass run.  Who's in?


My (super tentative) proposed time would be this Friday starting at like 6:00 PM GMT (1:00 PM Eastern), but feel free to suggest other times.


It doesn't have to be done in one run, but I feel like if we disperse then it's unlikely we would be able to get it back together.

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I am here to officially begin scheduling a Vault of Glass run.  Who's in?


My (super tentative) proposed time would be this Friday starting at like 6:00 PM GMT (1:00 PM Eastern), but feel free to suggest other times.


It doesn't have to be done in one run, but I feel like if we disperse then it's unlikely we would be able to get it back together.


I've had the last 10 nights off from work, and you decide to do this on my 2nd night back. Whyyyyy Ethan, Whyyy!


I'm free most of the day until Thursday at 4:00GMT, and then at any point Monday - Thursday next week. 


Can't do Tuesday afternoon or evening. 

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I am here to officially begin scheduling a Vault of Glass run.  Who's in?


My (super tentative) proposed time would be this Friday starting at like 6:00 PM GMT (1:00 PM Eastern), but feel free to suggest other times.


It doesn't have to be done in one run, but I feel like if we disperse then it's unlikely we would be able to get it back together.



1:00 PM Central  (2:00 PM Eastern) would be better for me. :P

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Alright, so the goal is to start early afternoon US time, late evening UK time, on Friday.  So far we've got myself, metalcaveman, and Hot Heart confirmed.  staySICK is working on getting up to level 26 in time.  I can probably wrangle at least one other level 28 to bring along, so we need 1 or 2 more depending on if staySICK can do it.  Can anybody else bring another?

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I'm really keen, but next week is deffo better for me. Like Monday or Tuesday. The other half is on lates so I'll be by myself in the house until 11pm or so, at which time I SHALL BED


Here all week. This weekend Imma mostly be playing Shadow of Mordor, and will deffo not have time to reach L26 or more in that time.

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