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Secret Santa Thank You Thread


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Yeah, I'd thought about that too.  I figure I'll wait til toward the end of each flash sale or daily deal before buying anything from it for myself, so that my santa can have plenty of time to get something from it if they want.  On the flip side I'll try and buy my thing for my target as early as possible.

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:o Looks like he wasn't done, just got Ironclad Tactics as well. Thanks again, man!


Also, looks like Steam gifting might be a bit buggy right now. At first, the message I got made it look like he had gifted me Dungeon of the Endless a second time. I closed that window and went to my inventory and only then I saw Ironclad Tactics, with a note that expressed confusion that I hadn't received it alongside Dungeon of the Endless.

Edited by FLD
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Yesshua was another early shooter. This is the second year in a row he's been my Santa. :V Gifted me:






Dark Souls was an especially good gift. Because of how much I regretted importing Demon's Souls before it was localized, I decided I'd only ever get Dark Souls if someone gifted it to me. So you're the best, Yesshua! Thanks, chum.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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 This is the second year in a row he's been my Santa.


I was wondering if that had happened to anyone. I don't have a good way of ensuring it doesn't happen, except by manually checking each one. If I knew a lick of programming I could do it I am sure (or maybe even a tricked out Excel spreadsheet would work).


I know you're not complaining but it is something that had crossed my mind. Good gifting for the second year Yesshua!

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FLD/Fred made a good point that waiting for too long might help you save a few bucks but it puts the giftee in the tough spot of not knowing what he/she can buy in fears his/her secret santa gets him/her that.







him/you people

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FLD/Fred made a good point that waiting for too long might help you save a few bucks but it puts the giftee in the tough spot of not knowing what he/she can buy in fears his/her secret santa gets him/her that.

Then again, Ethan also made a good point about just waiting until the end of a deal before buying. If there's 15mins left and you still haven't received it as a gift, chances are you're not going to.

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