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You took my comment and replied separately to parts that were intended to be together...


The "not believing this is their plan" part was specifically about running the service at a loss. Of course this is a big deal for them regardless. What I was saying is running it at a loss would turn it into so much more than that. At a very low price point, it's more than just consumer good will, it's one hell of a killer app/system seller. Hell, it doesn't even have to be at a loss necessarily. They could price it just so they break even.

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I've now just realised there's like a whole other page to this thread. Anywho I wasn't replying to just you or I'd use quotes and not replying to the half a dozen or so replies between my last comment yesterday and my catch-up today.


And it isn't a system seller, that's why it can't be sold at a loss. A loss leader is intended to sell something else. Such as a loss on a PS4 console to sell the games that come at a profit. Playstation Now isn't tied to anything that would make a profit on top, it's the service itself.

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True but, honestly, I wouldn't want to play this thing on a phone. These will be console games meant to be played with a controller. And I could be mistaken but I think it'll only be on Bravia TVs, which is a Sony brand.


So it sounds to me like you need some form of Sony hardware to get the most out of this. Maybe system seller was the wrong way to put it. I meant more like a strong incentive to choose Sony over the competition.


edit: and now that I think of it, Sony's in the phone market as well, no? Have they said whether it'll be available on any kind of phone or specific brands? If they haven't, then I wouldn't be surprised if again it was only on Sony phones.

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I haven't read anything about phones or tablets yet, but yeah, it's a safe bet it could be Sony phones. However, for TV it sounds like it's going to come to Sony Bravias first and then later be available for other TVs. At least, that was the impression I got.

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From the PS Blog post Cowboy quoted in his first post:



Eventually the service will expand beyond PlayStation platforms and Sony devices, allowing you to stream PlayStation games across a broad range of Internet-connected devices


Lest we forget that this 


and it's siblings and cousins



Are all internet connected devices. (Incidentally many PS1 games aren't built for the later analog controller so play fine enough on touch screens. At least the Playstation 1 games worth playing). Sony Ericsson market share isn't that great (neither are their current phones) so putting in the effort to make an Xperia-only app would be a bit pointless on that front since you'd limit the audience to your multi-million dollar investment. The Xperia Play has shown that exclusive Playstation games aren't enough to push a system.


Also I was under the impression the market for SmartTVs is much higher in the US too than UK as well?

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Is the first one the nVidia Shield? And the second one looks like a phone peripheral kinda thing? Those would work but they look like they'd be a pain to constantly carry around with you. The Vita would be a much better platform for that, I think. Anyway, like I initially said, I don't honestly believe they would go down that road. I was just trying to say that it wouldn't necessarily be a terrible approach for them to use the service as a selling point for their hardware. I fully expect them to monetize it for all its worth.

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Sony said today that for every platform other than PS4 and Vita you'll have to use a DS3 to play the games. On PS4 you can use the DS4 and on Vita you can use its controls, but TVs and phones and everything will require a DS3, no touch or other controllers.

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Yeah the first is the Nvidia Shield and the second is a Moga, there's a few things like it on the market. And they'd be no bigger than putting a Vita in your bag.


The DS3 requirement is pretty stupid. For one they're bigger and less portable than specialised phone controllers and for two that really limits the amount of platforms it'll work on from their initial "internet connected devices" since it now becomes "internet connected devices with bluetooth units that are compatible with DS3, oh and drivers too which we've never actually supplied". Of course there's always the entirely free emulators with zero requirements for a singular specific model of controller. Which I stupidly assumed they might be taking aim against but I guess not.

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Yeah the first is the Nvidia Shield and the second is a Moga, there's a few things like it on the market. And they'd be no bigger than putting a Vita in your bag.

I don't know, the Vita is pretty flat and has its own buttons and sticks. Carrying an actual extra controller around for a touch device isn't something I'd personally be inclined to do. Shit, I don't even carry a wireless mouse for my laptop.


hmmmm. Add Persona 5 to the list and you've got yourself a subscriber Sony.

I wouldn't expect new releases like that, tbh. At least not as part of a streaming subscription. It wouldn't make financial sense. Why pay 60$ when you can just sub for a month and play the entire thing? The only way this would work would be individual purchases like Onlive did. And we all know how well that went for them.

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There are slimline options (and that's just the Moga, as mentioned there's other devices like it). I can't imagine them taking up any more room than having a laptop charger or other handheld in your bag. Of course it's all a bit moot since the DS3 is your only option now and they have a noticeable absence of phone holder.

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Anyone get an email about it today? I got mine. They should be sending me a voucher...soon.

The email made it sound like the beta is PS3 only, which sucks. I really wanted to see this on PS4.


I don't see how it makes a difference. One of the big points about streaming is that it's the same no matter the device. You could stream something at the PS4 level to a PS3.

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