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Nintendo is fucked


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Doesn't mean it'll be their sole focus. If they're truly looking into "foreign trends" and the in's and out's of the phone/tablet market, it might be to gain perspective on why kids flock to those devices in this generation. Though honestly in my experience kids get stuck with cheap (and I mean BAD cheap) Android tablets because parents or grandparents want a multipurpose device to entertain the child. On the other hand, I've seen the kids who get an iPhone as a hand-me-down from the parents who have upgraded to the newer version.


So yeah, I'm doubtful making a bigger push to children is going to solve much. Doesn't hurt to increase the advertising, but I swear I've seen more child focused 3DS and Wii U advertising than adult. Maybe I'm not watching the right channels, but whatever: I have a Wii U.


EDIT: Oops-a-word ("help" to "hurt")

Edited by Atomsk88
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Well, theyre porting DS games to the Wii U. Thats something at least. No GBA, 64 or Gamecube though. Weird.


In an alternate universe theyd port all that stuff and make them crossbuy with the 3DS.


While DS games are cool, its not gonna help. To be honest, I dont know what they would have to do to make the Wii U sell. They cant drop the system and make another after such short time, they cant lower the price further, and honestly, I dont think ANY game would make it sell. I think people have too much faith in Mario Kart, Zelda and Smash Bros. Theyre all going to be bandaids on a deadly wound.

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Everything the WSJ is reporting seems like piecemeal bullshit that won't solve the fundamental problem for the Wii U: casual gamers find more and better entertainment services and games on their phones and tablets.


The fitness product is probably the right move for Nintendo. But it's a step away from making traditional Nintendo games beloved by the vocal Nintendo diehards. I wonder how they'll react to this.

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So I guess my suspicion on Nintendo's denial wording was correct, they are intending to make a mobile app. There doesn't seem to be any specific info on what it'll be for though, just what Nintendo hope it will do.


Their shares have fallen even further since the presentation so it's pretty clear that no one is buying what they're selling. It just sounds so damned half-assed, half-baked or late. Hooray they'll announce NFC stuff at E3, nearly two years since the console came out with NFC capabilities. They're going to make use of the Gamepad more..because why was this not a specific internal policy already? Oh and hey Fitness games, with Wii Fit being one of the top selling games on Wii, despite the requirement of extra hardware that's normally a death knell, and Wii Sports and Sports Resort being pretty popular too, you'd think they'd have had a fair bit of a focus on that come this gen as well. Oh and the aforementioned app that'll convert people over to Nintendo devices. Somehow. Oh and you can download NDS games on your Wii U, but you can't download NDS games for the 3DS, and they still haven't released the GBA and N64 games yet either. I'm to understand China never got a mention either, which could be spot Nintendo could really excel in.


I don't actually want to be pretty harsh on Nintendo, they've knocked out some cracking games Miyamoto is a cultural icon and Nintendo have a pretty important part in video gaming history. But like all history


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At least it isn't all terrible news. For the life of me I wish I could tell Iwata that the fitness fad on consoles is dying; I don't think you're going to see any promise there.


But as I think about, I begin thinking of Iwata being a part of the problem now. I didn't agree with it at first, but there's not enough evidence here for a full recovery. He's taking a rather large pay cut though, so good on him there. So there are proper methods, especially the user account, but this all feels like the "Wii Vitality Sensor" all over. NFC is cool, maybe we could get some kind of card game that uses both physical and virtual cards for online competitive play. I doubt Skylanders: Pokemon is the best course of action.


You could say they're looking down the right path, but the skeptics are starting to be proven when it was said Nintendo would do things their way.


Looking forward to Quick Boot, if that ever comes around soon.

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One of the problems Nintendo faces is that its fanbase is vocal and small, so Nintendo hears endless good things about itself when it looks for opinions, but that feedback does not match up to sales enough to sustain a budget home console at a premium price point in the current very competitive marketplace. Nintendo is just now realizing that they have to look for new customers somewhere, so it is inevitable their new direction will alienate current fans.


This inures to my benefit because I enjoy seeing fanboys come to grips with the harsh reality that they have grossly overestimated the worth of their fandom to their favorite company or brand. I also enjoy seeing the delusional brought to sudden, cruel clarity. I enjoy the reactions of Nintendo fanboys in the same way I enjoyed seeing Y2K panickers deal with an uneventful January 1, 2000, or the followers of Harold Camping deal with the fact the world went on as it always had after May 21, 2011.

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My birthday is May 21, and seeing those billboards made me wish the world had ended. I felt that if it did, that would make me some kind of divine entity.


Anyhow, I was hoping (although I knew it wouldn't happen) that Nintendo would announce they would bring their games multiplatform. If I could play Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Metroid, or any other Nintendo game from their back catalog that I've never played on my PS3 via the PSN I would be so happy.

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Has Nintendo actually announced anything?  Oh, I know they've made announceMENTS, but have they announced any actual strategy that isn't just a bunch of empty corporate nonsense speak?  I read everything Iwata has said in the past few days and I still have no idea what the fuck they're planning to do.

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No, they haven't announced anything concrete.  I think more than anything they're just trying to convince investors that they do realize they have a problem and they are taking steps to correct it, even if they aren't ready to say publicly what exactly those steps are.

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They have announced that casuals rule and fans of classic Nintendo games rule and that they will switch gears to making games along the lines of Nintendogs, Cookign Mama, and every terrible third party fitness game ever. As an added bonus, you will be able to check out the new games through adverapps on your phone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

11% of ubis sales are still from 2 cheap to make wii games. I bet they're gutted they can't continue that on the Wii U. I wonder how those sort of games (just dance) will do on the new consoles - or if a new genre will come to the fore? They need something that's bankable, that's for sure

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I'm guessing Just Dance is relatively quick and cheap to make, and sells well, so it must be a good source of income to help fund the production of games like watch_dogs and the division, which eat up a lot of money for a long time before any chance of recouping costs.


That article Goh posted shows it sells well on Wii, I was just wondering how it does on the PS3 and 360, since the Wii audience seems like its natural home and now PS4 and XO are out and Wii U's not going to make anyone any money, what is this genre's future? Publishers must like the comfort of a game series or genre that is consistently profitable to help smooth out their bottom lines, and there have always been one, before dance games it was mini game collections.


If this isn't the new gen's cheap and cheerful genre, what will be? Can a publisher that makes big expensive games survive without one of these, or will they reduce further the number of new IPs they can take a chance creating?

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