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Nintendo is fucked


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I thought it was like an 80% increase in Wii U sales compared to the previous quarter, but  quadrupled compared to the same quarter last year. 3DS sales dropped by 40-odd percent this quarter compared to the same quarter last year.


The idea that Super Smash Brothers will do significantly better than Mario Kart 8 is delusional. I expect the SSB bump to be roughly the same as the MK8 bump and that the Wii U will do a little better this holiday season than last year.


But it won't be enough.


Nintendo is fucked. 

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The idea that Super Smash Brothers will do significantly better than Mario Kart 8 is delusional.




But no, on a serious note, it's hard to say what exact impact Smash Bros. Wii U will have given that after Mario Kart 8 and Nintendo's showcase for games the next couple months, people have been sporadically jumping aboard. Smash Bros. is a still a significant factor, but any sudden increase would be from those who absolutely held out until this holiday season to get Smash Bros. and were hoping to get previous games on the cheap. I'm more concerned about Smash Bros. 3DS because given its delay to October, it might have dissuaded who knows how many gamers from getting the portable game when the undeniable powerhouse title is now only two months apart rather than the previous five month gap.


Nintendo Advocate, OUT!


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Smash Bros last gen sold 12 million copies. Mario Kart Wii sold 35 million. Meaning Mario Kart Wii sold almost 3x as many copies!!! So yeah, SSB might be a significant factor, but if Mario Kart 8 can't pull the Wii U out of it's tailspin, I don't see how Smash Bros can. Never mind the fact that two months before it comes to Wii U, it's coming out in a platform that people actually own. Since there's no cross-buy or anything, I don't see people wanting to buy the same game twice. 

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Yeah, a better strategy for Nintendo would have been to release it on Wii U first to boost sales, and then 3DS a few months later.  As it is the 3DS version is going to cannibalize sales of the Wii U version, meaning it also cannibalizes any incentive to get a Wii U.  They should have done the same thing with MK8.

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They'd have been smarter to focus on developing the console version first and not even announce the 3DS game, then do a separate 3DS game with the same team once the Wii U version ships.

Course, on the other hand, the 3DS's line up is looking VERY thin this year, so they probably need the 3DS version out ASAP as well. Not a good situation to be in.

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These are all arguments about arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


Nintendo fucked itself when it launched the underpowered and under-supported Wii U after a confusing and altogether weak marketing campaign. Nintendo fatally overvalued the benefit of releasing a year before the PS4 and Xbone. 

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Bayonetta 2? Wouldn't even have the game if Nintendo wouldn't have been the publisher.


And I swear, if any of you have a Wii U and don't own The Wonderful 101, get it now. No, you think you can just blow off this post now and go back to eating pasta and/or watching sports, or maybe ordering some weird junk off Amazon. You know you need to get The Wonderful 101 because while you're not sure why, the knowledge you hold within yourself tells you it's a part of you.

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