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Nintendo is fucked


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Yeah I don't get it either.

If Nintendo wanted to do something like this that would actually get me excited, maybe announce Link (Wind Waker) for Mario Kart. That would be new an interesting. Put a Zelda course in it and maybe a Zelda item... that would be different. I mean, not new IP different, but better than announcing Roselina for Smash Bros.

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  • 2 months later...
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People always come up with what they think will save a company and usually it'll be stuff that THEY would like.

What I personally want is for them to release all their previous catalogues on the Virtual Console. NES, SNES, 64, Gamecube, etc.

But thats not going to save them.

And honestly, I have no idea what will. I think they've done everything they could. 

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Nintendo needs to ditch the Wii U and concentrate on making games for other consoles.  Mario Bros on PS4?  Hell yeah that would sell!  Then, make exclusive sequels for the 3DS.  People will buy the 3DS for the handheld, but they should give up on the Wii U.


Then, focus on integrating phone into the next generation of handheld.  Or making more games for phones. 


Unless they come up with something that outshines both the PS4 and Xbone, it's a future of consistent loss, like they experienced in the late 80's after the video game market went bust.

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Thats not going to happen any time soon. Its not so much that theyre close to going out of business, its that the Wii U isnt selling at all and the 3DS is selling a lot less than it used to. Itll be a long time before they go 3rd party, if they ever do.


With their history, I think its time they left the home console business. I know everyone has a different opinion, but I still think the Wii was a fad, thats why it was a success. Not because it was a great system. Sorry, Nintendo fans. And it looks like Nintendo is never going to get that big again. Lightning isnt striking twice.

If you take out the Wii U, Nintendo has been 2nd or even 3rd place since the N64 days. Their last big success in the home console market was the SNES. That was a long time ago. Mario and Zelda isnt carrying them anymore, even on the 3DS. I personally love Mario and Ive owned a Wii and Wii U and loved those Mario games. But it was never my main system. Playstation has always been my main system, and others the 360. They just cant survive on their own, not anymore.

Im not sure about the 3DS either. Not sure what would get people to buy more since it already also has Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart and Pokemon. The big sellers. 


Maybe people are just tired of Nintendo. I cant remember the last time they did anything surprising or shocking. Even the Wii U gamepad is just really a bigass DS. Its always used for a map or a menu. Everything they do is just Nintendo being Nintendo. I admit their games have consistent quality, but its getting to the point where people are becoming indifferent to it.

Edited by Strangelove
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I don't think they should concentrate on becoming number one but on becoming profitable in third place. To do that they need to get back to making profitable hardware. People complain about the kinect pushing prices up but the wiiU pad has meant the console itself is not up to scratch and dearer than it should be plus I still haven't seem any uses that justifies the compromises brought about. I also think their decision to stick with powerPC architecture was a disaster as it just puts one more reason for third party developers not to make ports which really hurts it's chances in a one console household.


Also I don't know how they run their company but from the outside it seems to be massively inefficient. They can't afford on any level to have games coming out a year or more after everyone is expecting them. I know everyone complains about merciless publishers crushing the souls of developers, which to that extreme is bad, but it seems like, on both the hardware and software front Nintendo is running itself as an indie developer, doing exactly what it wants to in a time frame it wants to with no regard the business side of things. Stop thinking "that's cool we should do that" and put their business hat on. It feels like Nintendo is the last gaming company, rather than a business that makes games, and in this market that is not going to cut it. Having said that the Wii and DS made a truck load of money - more than enough to keep Nintendo afloat until their fad console so I really don't see them leaving the hardware market. In fact I think they'd be least likely of the three (MS being most likely - at least to sell xbox off not just shut it down. I could see if they had a change of management them streamlining quite drastically and concentrating on selling business sevices with just core products of windows and office left on the consumer side)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I just got Mario Kart 64 with some of my coins, but it's useless because you can't play it without a Wii Classic Controller, which I don't have.  That's stupid, there's no reason it shouldn't be playable with a Wiimote + nunchuck.

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Club Nintendo Coins expire after two Club Nintendo years, a.k.a. July 1 - June 30.


It has been that way since I can remember joining Club Nintendo, circa December 2008. If you go into your account, they even detail your entire club activity. Once I was only 20 Coins away from Platinum status. If anything, if you can obtain an Elite Status, you'll get a reward. Otherwise, yeah there's not much in the rewards category now.


Still, I just added a bunch of Coins this month, so I don't have to worry about this June 30.  :D

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Oh I get that, if anything they seem more cynical and anti-customer, but it just seems like they do it in stupid ways that amount to nothing more than shooting themselves in the foot for no reason.  Like the take-downs of gameplay videos on Youtube: what could they possibly think they have to gain from that?

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