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Nintendo is fucked


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Dear Nintendo,
Please have a gameplay trailer of the next Legend of Zelda console game tomorrow. If the game isn't slated to come out till 2015, feel free to release Twilight Princess HD this year. Please understand that Hyrule Warriors isn't something the vast majority of western audiences care about. We like the idea of you partnering with another developer, keep doing this but please look beyond Japan's borders. 

A surprise announcement of something like Metroid would be a heck of a thing, especially if Retro is behind it. In fact, please give Retro, your best studio, something to develop other than side scrolling sequels to platforming franchises from the 90s.

Also stop having your press conferences/Nintendo directs Tuesday mornings, every goddamn year I have a meeting. 

Your pal,


PS Fire Iwata.

PPS Don't focus too much on Smash.

PPPS Fire Reggie.

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I feel like Reggie gets a lot of misplaced blame.  He's not stupid, he's got to know deep down that a lot of the stuff he has to shill is total shit, but Nintendo of America isn't much more than a bunch of glorified salesmen for Nintendo of Japan.  It's not like Sony where both regions worked together on making the PS4.

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Maybe Iwata's "illness" is the prelude to him stepping down without the embarrassment of a sacking.


Oh and good luck with the minimal Smash content - that is all they seem to want/have to talk about :(




Please have a gameplay trailer of the next Legend of Zelda console game tomorrow. If the game isn't slated to come out till 2015, feel free to release Twilight Princess HD this year


I think at best it will be concept art, and as an alternative to TP HD, I would be happy with Majora's Mask kicking of their N64 Vitual Console service.

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see that's just stupid.  Even if I wasn't a Wii U owner I'd find that annoying.  Lending itself to the catch 22 of it'll sell when there's software for it, and developers will make software for it when it sells.


also, I just don't really buy that the Zombie U franchise can't be brought to another system, but on the other hand that may not be a bad thing, because zombie over saturation.

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Because essentially it comes off as a self-fulling prophecy. If other third parties have adopted this thought, the "why bother" mentality, to third party support, then of course their game would do poorly from lack of an install base, a base that is lacking in part because of the lack of third party support.


So I'm imagining the Wii U is now some glorified middle school dance where third parties are awkwardly standing on one half of the gym whereas consumers are patiently waiting on the other half for one of those developers to ask them dance. I would never deny Nintendo's shaky relationship with third parties, but it's not a solid excuse either IMO.

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Nintendo's job is to make the Wii U a valuable platform. Why should Ubi shoulder so much of the cost if Nintendo isn't doing much to promote and sell the platform? Ubi is already making money on more promising and developer-friendly platforms anyway; it's more efficient to develop and market for those than to sink money into Wii U titles that will end up only forming back catalog if the Wii U ever takes off. It would be throwing good money after bad.

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Sure, and yeah I totally agree still on Nintendo's duty to third parties.


But it's still a self-fulling prophecy in my mind's eye to hold out on a complete software title until others put forth their projects. If we're talking about developing something fresh right now, I'm with you. Of course, maybe if the software isn't suppose to be something memorable or revolutionary, then I can see why a company would hold off and rely on other companies to increase the install base.

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I was hoping for more Twilight Princess but this is great too. Best yet is it's open world, Skyward Sword was the worst example of the closed off areas in Zelda, I like the idea of just roaming Hyrule and exploring the world. Hopefully they'll sit down and play games like Red Dead Redemption and Skyrim to see how proper over worlds should work.

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It sounds like it was a constraint of the systems that they couldn't make big open worlds in 3D before, rather than a design decision so they probably didn't have any choice. They mentioned the same thing with wind waker when they made the HD update - they couldn't even load the empty seas never mind a populated world for that. Maybe it's something to do with Nintendo always scrimping on RAM or just that they don't really have much experience in large scale 3D worlds. 3D zelda is so different from any or their other franchises from a technical perspective. You've seen the areas get bigger and less corridory as they've gone on though.


I will admit that when they showed the open Hyrule field, I did audibly "wow". I know I'm probably reading too much into the very small amount they showed but if it turns out to be a my first witcher/skyrim I will be very happy indeed. Zelda needs more side quests - especially in a large world like that and hopefully not just fighting monsters, as I actually really love fetch quests. And at least it looks like they've genuinely changed tack and come up with something new. Before now the only thing you've really had to see more of is how the art style looks but now we can really look forward to finding more information about how the actual game will play.


edit: here's the Zelda section of the presentation for anyone that didn't watch it.


Edited by TheFlyingGerbil
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Gonna throw this out there.


Nintendo sells refurbished Wii U 32GB Deluxe bundles (Nintendo Land) for $200.


Looking at r/Games on Reddit and people have some good cost saving ideas for games. Primarily how you can price match Mario Kart 8 at Target with Amazon's current $48.80, do a pre-order to receive a $15 credit to any game over $40, do the free game promotion, receive credit because you have a Digital Deluxe capable Wii U.

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So did they ever say if you can use the GameCube controllers for more than just Smash? 

I don't believe anything was said, but I have to imagine they would work the same as a Classic Controller. After all, there's the Mayflash GCN controller adapter that allows you to plug in one with a Wiimote that seems to work excellently. I guess it would come down to if games can recognize a GCN controller through USB with the official adapter.


The only thing I've read is that the adapter will be available for the Super Smash Bros. Wii U release. It will be both sold separately for $20 and in a bundle with the game and a new GCN controller for $100. (A new GCN controller will be $30 as well.)

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Why would anyone buy a GCN controller?  The only reason I see to get the adapter is for people like me who already have 4 GCN controllers and 0 Pro Controllers and don't want to spend $200 to get 4 Pro Controllers.  If you're buying a new controller anyway you should buy the modern one.

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