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Shadow of Mordor

Mister Jack

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  On 1/24/2014 at 2:13 AM, Mister Jack said:

My god, how shameless do you have to be to rip something off so blatantly?



That said, it looks interesting enough to merit a try.  I am nothing if not lenient like that.

Edited by Alex Heat
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Yeah there's "this game bares a fair bit of similarity to our game", which is your regular work day in the games industry, only 8 games in the world etc. But to accuse another studio from another publisher of theft of code is a pretty series accusation to make and you'd be wanting to have something to back you up. Especially since it would seem we're all seeing the same videos he is, and not the source code.

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Apparently he's not really accusing anyone of anything, he's just curious how it got there, he doesnt care if it's stolen or borrowed or whatever.

I also kind of believe him. He says he worked 2 years on AC2. God knows people in the game industry have to deal with repetitive bullshit all day.


Im not sure if Ubisoft cares though. They just might.

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It doesn't matter if he cares or if he has any malice, it's still an accusation, and a serious one. If people start believing they stole the code, whether it's true or not, it could have a huge effect on their reputation and future prospects.

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Once I read that they were being accused of using ACII code in the game, I couldn't help noticing that a lot of the animations look way too familiar.


Anyhow, it seems like a shame to use Assassins Creed as your model to make a LotR game, although they tried Action RPG's and haven't done so well...


It looks good and entertaining, and as a fan of AC I may try it out, but I'm going to wait a while after release to try it.

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Could be covering his ass. Just saying. Not like it was a conversation in an official capacity.


Some journalist (and the gaming community thereafter) looking to make something out of nothing doesn't immediately make the tweet malicious. He could have very well been kidding with his friends.


Doesn't matter whether you think he's a shitty comedian or not.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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  • 8 months later...

Well, guys, looks like this game is one of those rare masterpieces that consists of a perfectly-executed mashup of other games' ideas capped off with a brilliant and novel game mechanic. The result is far better than the sum of its parts. The great character design of the orcs helps a ton, too.


Sadly, my current GPU can only run the graphics settings on low, which makes the gameworld look like a  PS3 game from 2009. I'm going to do my best to hold off on playing much more until my GTX 970 arrives; I hear it will run the game on ultra settings (aside from the nutbar ultra textures that require 6GB VRAM) at 1080p and that the game looks gorgeous on those settings.

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Me too, Dean. But it's far, far better than you would think. It is an Important Game in terms of game system design because the Nemesis System really enriches the open-world gameplay in a way no other open world system has, at least in a AAA game. That the game is also solid as hell in all other aspects of its design, from traversal to combat, makes it a pleasure to play. I haven't played enough to determine how good the story is, but it's decent, if a bit uninspired, so far.

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Comparison of high vs ultra textures:  http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2014-eyes-on-with-pc-shadow-of-mordors-6gb-textures


Result: they're basically indistinguishable.  Medium is blurrier, but not just a whole lot.  PS4 is equivalent to high.

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How evident are the procedural/systemic aspects of the Nemesis system? Ie will you go to different places/have different emergent objectives depending on the orc leaders?


I like to think each playthrough will be very different and unique, but chances are in reality it'll be 98% the same experience.

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