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Shadow of Mordor

Mister Jack

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I kinda liked the game. 


edit: anywho trailer just went up


Also GOH if you dislike what they did to the lore in the first one, a second One Ring isn't going to please you.


Also I guess it covers how it loses his powers, Celibrimbor gets split from him. And then you'll need to build up your power base again. Also Balrog and Ringwraith boss fights in this one I guess. Also Sauron has a body (though him being a big flaming eyeball is only a movie thing, but design wise it's obviously pulling from the movies)

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Yeah, but the literal flaming eye was incredibly stupid.  Like, it was fine when it was just what Frodo was seeing when he wore the ring, but once it became clear that it was actually like that in Mordor, and not just a metaphoric representation, it was stupid.

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I forgot about the Sauron boss fight. So dumb.


I think they could have set Shadows of Mordor in the Second Age, or, if they wanted tons of different baddies, the First Age. It would be cool to play as an elf fighting against Morgoth's hordes, and it would also make sense to have balrogs in the mix, as well as different types of dragons. 

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Wow, the mutilation of Tolkien lore continues. I'm with Goh, there's just so much more you can do with the First or Second Age and it has more leeway in terms of artistic liberties. Plus, you get to duke it out with Morgoth's armies which makes Sauron's adventures bottom bitch level.

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Shadow of Mordor was an alright Arkham's Creed type game but when I finally played it I really felt like most people saw something in it that I didn't. Not getting this one until a significant discount but all I'm really hoping for is for the Nemesis system to be fleshed out and become something more interesting. Having combat encounters constantly be interrupted by assholes coming at me with their fucking cutscenes is not "emergent storytelling", it's just fucking annoying.

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Whole lotta nerd talk goin' on in here. 





Remember when Mordor came out and everyone was like "wow I can't wait for other devs to copy this idea into different franchises". What the hell happened to that? I want this in Ass Creed. 

EDIT: I was talking about the nemesis system, if that wasn't clear.

Edited by Mr. TCP!
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I've not played the game, but someone on twitter suggested Mafia III would have done well with it.


And yeah, folks are like "but it takes a while to develop a game", and yeah 3 years later these are on their second and everyone else is nowhere to be seen with anything similar. Like...what about say Ghost Recon Wildlands maybe having it?

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While we need more details, the "environmental" Nemesis system they are touting now sounds a lot like how bases reacted to you in MGSV. So if anything, Monolith got ideas from the outside. And on the outside, if anybody should take it up a Nemesis-like system, it's Bethesda for Fallout/Elder Scrolls and Rockstar for GTA/RDR2. Especially Bethesda since their game worlds are pretty dead when you really look at them.

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